Viridian Tournament... the entry (part 4)

hooray! the pokémon marathon continues, next on channel yiff. the next episode is sure to be exciting.

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Kerr 3: Bath time.

"hooray," he mutters. "i knew he'd like it," the puma states, wrapping her arms around his neck and rubbing her muzzle against the back of his head. "shall we go to bed and celebrate?"

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Dawn of a New Age: Damnation

Also, hooray for doing this in 3 hours. * * * i awoke again to the same burning sensation from when the rune had been inscribed on me. i recognized my own home immediately, darkly curious as to why i wasn't still on display.

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Abatwa -- Oasis

All the abatwa's shouted a loud "hooray!" buzzing around her, they each cuddled their own area of her head and shoulders. "fantastic!"

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Rubbutt (weird latex TF)

hooray! he shut off the car and headed into the lobby, nodding at the security guard, bonnie, who promptly spit out her coffee. had he done something wrong? oh, right. he tossed the remains of his breakfast into the lobby garbage bin. "sorry!"

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[Cure] Jungle Cell

* * * afterthoughts this was fun to write and hooray for spreading the infection! i wonder just what else lurks living in the zone.

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Wrong Place, Right Time

I think humans call it a final hooray?" trent chuckled. "last hurrah." "ah, yes! thank you." she grinned and it made him practically melt. "one more night out before i go back to the same old grind that is my job."

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An Unknown Under Tale - Chapter 2

hooray! \*cheering erupts\*** **however it is also true that i was a very bad wolf and didn't post anything last weekend like i was supposed to... \*booing erupts\*** **alright, settle down.

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Learning to Love the Void

Anyways, he just showed up, so i'm gonna be a good host, and if that winds up with me dead today, hooray :3 aubrey: have fun, snuff slut. \<3

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Dragon Down

"hooray!!!!!!" cheers and thunderous applause sounded all throughout the village and everyone chanted shahvee's name as her stomach began the task of digesting the monstrous amount of protein.

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Always Bring Along Your Little Sister - Part 8

"hooray," said perry, still uninterested in playing the game. "eric, truth or dare?" "dare," said eric, who was gaining more interest in this than perry. perry thought long and hard about a dare he could ask his friend to perform.

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Time Out Ch. 4

hooray tips and feedback are appreciated, i edit by myself so if anyone would like to help me proofread before posting i would greatly appreciate it :) thanks for reading!

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