Things are different from Earth

Everyone knows koalas don't have tails." doctor kelly quickly taps some things into the tablet computer she's holding. she nods to herself. the doctor pokes a finger into wayne's koala body.

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The Fruit Fly

She rubbed her eyes and ran her hands over her ears, trying to banish the memory of the koala's cock swelling and shooting into the squirrel's eager mouth. she squeaked softly and finally started the car.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 74 - The strings that hold me up

He knew i wanted to win that koala... i've always wanted a gigantic plushie but my shooting skills are absolutely dreadful... nevertheless, that doesn't stop me from trying...

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Well That Escalated Quickly...

On that the last member of the group, a gray-brown koala said "ylenia can't throw! she ain't good enough and is also waaay too shy to throw with everyone here watching!"

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One Shade of Gray

"you know, i knew a koala once. remind me to tell you the story some time. she grinned from ear to ear. "i'd love to hear it...later!" he carried her up the stairs to their bedroom. he was feeling better by the minute.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 38

Greeted a female koala as soon as they entered the door. she smacked a newspaper against the side of the desk she was situated at. lyza flinched at the noise.

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Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 10

Degrado was a giant brawny koala, wearing a crimson baseball cap backwards, a matching crimson t-shirt and blue shorts.

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Prey Master Chapter 2.

The koala waved him off, yawing once more. "nighty night, little nicky." he growled at the name and that caused the koala to giggle before heading upstairs.

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You Break it You Bought It

She asked turning to glare at the koala.(nothing specific in notes. this will be her third broken arm. is she out cold or just wobbly?)"

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