Forest Keep 6

\* carlina asked miserably, \*i thought you had found a nice wealthy drake and instead i find a ...a... monkey sitting on your lakeside\*. cill suddenly felt a surge of defiance rise up in her.

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Chapter Ten: Familiar Surroundings

As darrius and i reached the lakeside, the moon had begun to rise and it reflected magnificently off the lake, creating a wondrous sight. i set silver down on the soft grass surrounding the clear water.

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Tale of Tails Chapter 1

As they lay in wait for big paul to bite the two boys slowly drifted to sleep in the warm sun next to the cool lakeside. bastion's world was drifting away slowly swallowed by the darkness of sleep.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 10

The powerful ancient fear power of the siren (well, it kept tempting avila to go inside the darkness) had won its prize, as avila had stepped to the lakeside, and dark hands had grasped her

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Bunny Love: Chapter 12

The finally saw her sitting on the lakeside gazebo swing, and they decided to introduce themselves. rose: hi there! sayama: who's that?! oh, hi... rose: i'm rose, and this is my mate, blake.

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Untouchable: Chapter 9 Wants and Wishes

It was an old craftsman home on the lakeside of the hill, oliver's and sean's places were on the sound side of the hill. "so you're really fine with giving me a ride and picking me up later?" xander said.

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Primal Urges

He helped his mate to the lakeside cabin where she laid down on the bed. the beast crawled onto the bed with her, making the bed creak with his weight. she curled up next to him and buried her face into his chest fur.

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As Natural As You Could Be

He walked into the nearby forest, leaving the lakeside behind.

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Fanfiction - MLP: Tranquiline's Trial by Fire (chapter 1)

In a cave within a cliff near an abandoned lakeside settlement whose inhabitants have long-since moved on to other places, the nest of an ancient species, known today as fire moths, lived undisturbed for countless years.

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Naughty Paws - By The Full Moon

The sounds of nature once again filled their ears and the warm summer breeze brought their minds back to the moonlit lakeside, careless of how much time had passed in each others arms.

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Flamechild - Standalone Erotic Story

The cubs laid together nude on the lakeside, not wanting to ever leave their own oasis and return home to the real world. that day lasted forever.

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The Dragon and the Prince: The Kidnap

It was not long before they got the lakeside, and mal was right, the sight was unreal. aldi let out another 'wow' and mal chuckled, "hehe told you so." aldi playfully nudged the dragon, "yeah you did."

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