Hypno Weekend I

Drool was already flowing from his mouth as the infectious mantra oozed from his lips.

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Deprogramming the Ram

Again the mantra in his head repeated "i want to be little, i want to be helpless, i want to wear diapers, i love diapers, and i want to wear them forever".

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Soul Searching (Ch. 8)

His mantra was met with her own breathless pleas as she stroked and soothed as much as she could. he was hurting!

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Full training

Joshua got concerned with those words, but he did not say a thing, the mantra he learned last week floated inside his mind.

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Resurrection Pt1

The shack was brightly lit from the inside with flickering lights, and i could hear mantras being chanted, the magical power almost tangible in the air.

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The Bear Hole

The music just like for leonard had started as an uncomfortable noise, but as he had started drinking the alcohol the noise had changed into a sort of mantra for him to listen to. "bears are fat, bears are bad, bears are gay, and bears love beer."

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The Furry Dead Chapter VI - The Forest Warden

His justifications, the mantra, were the only thing really keeping him from losing focus on his work and running home.

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The Maelstrom

Until the day i tire of the repeated mantra, "it'll all work out." thank you for reading! all comments and criticisms are welcome.

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Cursed Cavern

He didn't notice as his mantra changed. "must serve highathon, must obey highathon must please highathon." s'inc said on an endless loop all other thoughts pushed aside. "i thought i heard an intruder."

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House Call [Patron Reward]

As she repeated that mantra, slow and even, she pushed more of her airy weight into rahka's body, pushing and massaging them deeper into the bed.

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Transformed Struggles- 4

Instead i find even though i no longer need to say the little mantra as much, i still have to keep thinking about which leg comes next.

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