Price of Life: Chapter IX (Final)

Something virgil failed to bring up about the nazis is during the nuremburg trials, nazi leaders pleaded innocent on the grounds that they were "just following orders" during the holocaust. they hung from the neck for that. it was no excuse.

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Binary Genetics, Chapter 1

Why would a nazi.." hall's words drifted to silence as keller handed several black and white photographs across the table showing humans in various stages of transformation to equines. "zange was very fond of his horse," keller stated.

Black Project Files Chapter 20: Roswell Part 6

Someone at an intercom said "what are you doing in the quarantine zone and who is the brod in the nazi outfit?"

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In Their Place (HH)

And i think i do remember them making fun of the nazis." "well that's a bit of what they were talking and i...i said that my mother would've never let me watch something like that because of the nazis and because of great-aunt...whatever her name was."

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For Who the Bell Rings ch1

Fucking nazis. sure they had some good ideas, but these ones were bad nazis. !

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The Brother's War

He had hoped to rid the world's evil from the likes of the nazis, fascist and imperialist. a year after the war broke out, the lee brothers were enlisted into the army.

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Love in the Reich: Chapter 2

It was a nazi occupied town, one crawling with german soldiers and officers. "oh elric, vhat have you done?" to be continued...

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The Sable Islands

Sadly, he hadn't the time to perform any studies with said children due to prior responsibilities with analyzing the results of mengele's experiments and other nazi hoodwink.

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TOKYO ZONE Episode 2 M.A.D Mission

As the others jumped down to join tafu, they also started using their weapons on the nazi aliens. tafu saw one of the aliens taking the human into a white van the aliens were using.

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Tenida Tin the Silver Fox an Of Iron & Fur Background

**an Of Iron and Fur bio** **Tenida Tin the Silver Fox** **-by-** **Orias Steel** **Species** : Silver Fox **Age** : 23 **Height** : 4'8" **Build** : Hourglass figure with a very toned and tight body. **Description** : Tenida Tin is a short...

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Carnate Island Part 4

Latter when jessie left damitri tries to turn on a flair and when he gets it on he sees the ghost of the man in the nazi uniform. this time he doesn't look like he is beaten up and shot unlike when damitri saw him at the first time.

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Hate and Faith Part 1

This will be a glorious day, the return of the nazi political party!" adler raised his hand. _"sieg heil!"_ the crowd all stood and did likewise. _"sieg heil!"_ they returned.

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