The Case of the Psychic Predator Part 1

A white-furred mouse with a dainty pair of glasses and a tight, if somewhat patchy, suit walked into his office. "aw, quentin, are you still feeling that nervous?" "it's...hard to get used to this suit." "well, it fits you nicely.

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patchy white fur splattered with bright autumn colors, tall ears, short snout, the tips of fangs glinting just over his lips. i took a step back as he stooped under one of the arches and entered the room.

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Your patchy neckbeard you used to shave (until you wished it goes away) grew back out in an instant. plus, you could see hair poking out of your chest collar... you were getting hairier all over... you cried in disbelief.

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Heart of the Forest ~ Chapter 5

The claws, thick and blunted at the end, pressed into the earth; the fur was straggly and matted, growing in so many different directions, thin and patchy in places.

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Rabbit Heart Pt. 1 - Ch. 3

His fur had been glossy and well-oiled when he arrived, but time away from water had turned the dark brown fur into a faded, patchy brown-gray, dry and brittle. his small eyes shifted from his meager meal and met mine.

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Molo was overwhelmed by involuntary feelings and jitters, giving rass patchy insights into their mood whenever random chance allowed a connection between them.

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Wonders of the Sea Patrol

Terri was a white female otter and perry a patchy brown male... they weren't lovers, they just liked screwing the hell out of each other (and her) for 'fun'. amy was out here for a temporary 'reprieve'.

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Master May I?

The patchy words left his lips as he panted, his eyes half closing as he smiled almost dopily, the powerful arms of the feline wrapping around his waist.

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Jaydis Jones Character History

The patchiness of the fur on her face, her mismatched eyes, even the lump in her pants she'd noticed people staring at, though she never took it so seriously until somebody finally decided to pipe up.

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Beli'Eve' - Chapter 17

His mustache was thingy and patchy, but he held it with pride. his yellow teeth clamped down around a toothpick and he twisted it around as he eyed the 14 year-old walk towards him. "vicky and roy, it's so nice to see you.

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At a halt

The day was bright and the sun was high in the sky, patchy clouds covering some of the blue in the sky, and the smell of bloom was in the air.

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