A Little Less Counselor, A Little More Concubine 9
A little less counselor, a little more concubine 9 for fyacin\_tia by draconicon on restriction as he was, fyacin was not a pleased lion.
A Little Less Counselor, A Little More Concubine 7
Have the smith fit him for his restrictions." "as you wish, oh emperor." the dogs pulled him to his feet, and he was immediately turned and marched away.
Cousin Amber- Introduction
And they are just as much restricted from going out, though for a slightly different reason. the only exception to all of this would be amethyst, the youngest member of their team and still only a teenager.
Victini's Love chapter 17
"excuse me, how long will this restriction be in place?" he asked. "as i've said this restriction will be in place for as long as necessary," she huffed, annoyed at the repeated question.
The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 7
As we both know your maleness has long been restricted from being played in a masochist way." "because i imposed that restriction kara, but now it's different." "exactly why am confused my wolf."
Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 34
Victor asked just as an "access restricted" message came up. "the whole fucking system's locked." he pointed his gun at the bridge crew. "which one of you idiots did this?"
Chapter 4
The next order of business: water restrictions. mr. durant starts things off."i propose we increase the restrictions of water on those who don't need it the most," mr. durant points aggressively towards trevor.
Fear Pitch Black: Vexing
I wonder if there are any good books in this library," she noticed that the restricted section is always in the magic security lock up.
A restricted orgasm but all the more pleasurable nonetheless. the dragons shivered against each other as they came. their hips pressed snuggly together as cum dripped from under the bottom dragon's tail.
Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 8
"p-prince garret," vanara stammered out loud, either truly nervous or faking it well, "th-that area is restricted, they'll-!" "nothing is restricted to a prince, mutt!"
Blade Tail- First Arena Match
He had given himself that restriction, after all. "now, you see here, things would have gone much better for you if you had only accepted my deal."
Lost and Found
There was one sector of space however that was restricted for a completely different reason, one that was far more mysterious than the usual space anomalies.