Ball-Shaped Objects - Greetings

"no prrroblem," hinrich let his tongue slip into the patterns on that anglo-saxon cousin language, "do you have a prrroblem with the machine?"

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The Pet-Sitter - Part 3

It was not like saxon in the slightest... that mastiff couldn't get enough of jessica's affection but this guy just seemed to be more content and comfortable then ever before.

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The End is Nigh

This story was written for Serling as part of my themed Patreon request day for September. This month's theme was "the Eclipse". This story contains M/F sex between consenting adults! **The End is Nigh** _Wessex, Brittania. AD 703_ The...

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The Union I: Decline

As colonel saxon described, the people's reaction has stemmed from the fact that we have not as yet delivered what we promised" radjek continued, his voice polite though his eyes gave away completely the contempt he was feeling towards the white wolf sat before

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Logan's Run - Part 1

His girlfriend was a tigress by the name of wendy saxon, the head of the cheerleaders and the most popular girl in school. they were a match made in the strange and asinine nature of high school politics, though kurt couldn't complain too much.

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Talking Gerbils

He spoke a most ungentlemanly word in his native mandarin, then recited it's equivalents in french, spanish, russian and, as it turned out, anglo saxon. he looked more timidly at the second statement and gasped. "where did you get all this!"

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Absent Minded Conversations

The lupo said, reverting to his native italian before continuing in the anglo-saxon language. "i might have a job in milan lined up." the sudden information must have confused the talkative feline, since he took his time to react to it. "well okay."

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All Bets are off

The last job that had been assigned to him was to punish, tommy saxon, the owner of a bookmaker's office at attica avenue who had denied to pay his protection money for a while now.

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8 - ATOI&F - White Night Fantasy

Hakon looked at the heavily-built saxon, confusion evident on his face. alfrior laughed softly as he gestured with his hands, seeming to measure the man against the previous grandeur of her womb.

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Pet and Babysitter - Part 4

Everyone had been sure it was some kind of stress, after-all norman's behaviour had been a bit chaotic and over the past year she'd learnt that poor saxon had been unwell and it had worried her greatly.

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You Do Dumb Things When...

Suddenly congress was no longer a group of mostly white anglo-saxon males, but rather had become menageries of peacocks, horses, pigs, ferrets and even actual wasps, albeit still several feet tall. race no longer seemed to exist.

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The title is an anglo-saxon/old-english word meaning "memories/ to remember" which is what they do in this chapter.if you're wondering what the son's name means: leofric = "beloved power", tofi = "born to rule" and cenwulfson means "son of cenwulf".

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