chapter two

Variations group only rp group of 5 must play both good and bad sides ( color coding post works normal formal good red color bad guy and so on ) each player must make good character and a bad character this equal up to 10 characters human


The Great XXXmas Feast - A Confection Affection Tale (Illustrated by Sepi)

I didn't poissson anything, but i \_did\_ dose the colour-coded cream puffs with pre-prepared potions. why else would i need to personalize them?" as the truth sunk in, alex found that she didn't quite care.

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Prisoners of War – Like People

"it's just blotches of color," he said, "i can't tell without knowing the color code you are using for maps." the general chuckled. "don't they teach you how to read enemy maps? for gathering intelligence."

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A Christmas Memory

Charlotte used the gingerbread mouse to make dolls, because there weren't enough girl mice, while i opted for the star-shaped cutter -- christmas was a holiday for space enthusiasts, it seemed -- and color-coded them to the different colored stars in the universe

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Curse of the Shieldfall: The Tower of Thaniel

Idly wondering if his spells were colour-coded, ari had almost caught up with him when he forced them down, aiming at the ground ahead, and a great, silent flash of light erupted from the ground, momentarily blinding ari and causing her to stop.

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Frustrated Slave

The others are color-coded to each lock with a little jewel. good system. the best." "this one?" the wolf said, selecting a tiny golden key with delicate teeth. he bent to dangle it in front of asher's face.

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Truths Behind Dares

He could see the virtual mixing board on the screen, the tracks color-coded and appropriately marked: guitar, bass, drums, piano, voice. and even others that he was sure that damien had spent an inordinate amount of time to get just right.

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Chapter 3: Back to school

His code of dress was often a smart casual, with baggy jeans in almost any weather and a t-shirt often over the top of his tee he would wear a open shirt flowing over it often matching his tee, he was pretty good at color coding so this wasn't really

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Academia - Part 5

All the other gifts just get a black ribbon, because there just aren't enough of any one type to make color coding convenient." "so everyone's either an elemental, a healer, or something else you can't tell just from their ribbon?"

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Sweet Cherri Pie

That got the other cletuses to shift awkwardly on their color-coded socked feet. none of them, not even cletus prime, was certain that they could stay in character when faced with a crying boyfriend.

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" "because im red and red comes first in the color code " "yeah right , the real reason " "to tell you the truth i don't know , i just made it up right there...sorry " "its fine , so i guess your the leader?

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The Jade Empire: Ch2

The groups all seemed to have their own attendants, all wearing color coded robes and outfits of paler shades than those they attended. some wore metal collars, though most did not.

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