What Lies Below

Urban spelunking was a dangerous enough sport. Dead ends, collapsed tunnels, restricted areas, and flooded halls were just some of the issues one could face. There was no telling what dangers the unprepared could face, but that only seemed to increase...

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Never Lie to a Wizard

Never Lie to a Wizard By Vikky Cutter A story trade for Hypr Hypr walked slowly into the magic shop, looking around and feeling rather nervous. He had seen the place tucked in the mall for months, selling different spells for anyone who...

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The Circle of Lies - Introduction

Sorrow bequeathed the Pridelands upon a rainy afternoon. Thick torrents of rain washed upon the dry grassy lands, saturating the baked earth, causing it to become extremely muddy. Lightning clashed upon the darkened sky, thunder roared like an angry...

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What Lies Beneath

This story was written for Gamerfox as their patreon flash fiction for October. It contains F/Solo and other sexual acts between multiple consenting adults, as well as magically related voyeurism. :3 **What Lies Beneath** Nina didn't know how...

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Do You Still Love Me 9

"Here we are..." Travis heaved as he placed the last of Duke's clothes on the living room couch. Duke stood awkwardly in the ferret's living room. The apartment building wasn't very far from the downtown area of the city. It was a good distance from...

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Do You Still Love Me 7

Casually strolling through the park with a bucket, Duke tried his best not to bring any attention to himself. There was something that he needed to get and the less eyes on him while he got it the better. It was a nice day out, very few clouds and a...

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Teaser: Taking One for the Team

He listed off the breeds at the dog park. Dalmatian, Husky, St. Bernard. _Too old. Too nerdy. Too mannish._ Basset Hound, Pug, Pomeranian. _Is that a guy? Just yuck on the Pug. Now here's something._ Craig took another look at the Pomeranian. A...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 6

As the first rays of light kissed the ground, Shaman blinked repeatedly as she stirred awake. Turning to Silver, she was surprised to find him already up, watching the same scene off in the distance. "Mmm, you're up?" She asked softly, nudging his...

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The Difference Between Boys and Girls...

Growing up, I'd always assumed that I was a boy. After all, that's what my mom told me, and she always knew what she was talking about. Ever since I could remember, she'd always talked about how much she'd wanted a boy, and how proud she was of me. ...

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be kind to your lovers ch 1-This was my life

A simple story of how to fall in love. They see more in eachother than what anyone else can, and yet jealous hearts try to steal eachother away and apart. But they triumph and stay closer than the atoms that make up matter. Their bond is stronger than...

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Until Death - Beyond those hollowed words

Chapt 3: Beyond those hollowed words "You want go out to eat?" Tex said to me as we walked back into the house from our walk "Chinese? I know how much you love that spicy Lo-mein they got by the Market." "Ugh, I can't eat that for a least a week. We...

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Cast Away

I was strong, but now I'm not The cold wars, I have fought These endless roads, I will trot. I'm stuck in the world of my own thought, Where chaos reigns and light falls. Where Utu dies and so do laws. The dream that I once sought, ... Gone....

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