The adventures of Lisa the vixen. Lisa where are you

Just to think i wanted to fly the space shuttle a while back, this craft is a million times better." "lisa, how are you doing?" asked carlson. an anthro male cougar looking at the anthro vixen. "i am doing fine sir."

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The adventures of Lisa the vixen. The begining

Normally the ship will be at a high earth orbit, but the u s has the space shuttle discovery at a high orbit repairing a satellite for the british government. to a sci-fi fan the ship looks like the enterprise c from star trek.

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Incubation, Chapter 1

At a lenght of roughly 120 meters and a width of 30, it was both hundreds of times faster than the space shuttle as well as much more cost effective. there were accomodations for 50 crewmen, and andy was going to be one of them.

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Amber's 69 First Dates - The Art Room

._ _mom's armored panties helped for a while, but then i_ _left them at the book barn, and mom's lotion \*shudder\*_ _helped for a little bit, but it wasn't formulated for teenagers,_ _so when i went off, i went off like the fucking space shuttle._ _that

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Touchdown! (OLD)

The moon hung high overhead, obscured by a smokescreen of hazy summer clouds, and in absence of the sun, stadium lighting lit the carefully manicured field so bright, it probably made a nice little reference mark if you were looking at earth from a space shuttle

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The voyage chapter 6

"then he told me of the space shuttle his country used using thousands of heat resistant tiles." joan thought to herself as the firestorm dissipated. the rodent moved the controls putting the stealth ship in a dive.

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TMC-01 The Mighty Courageans

Borrowing magicko from the construction site, charles took him off to a hangar to the north and within was a fine galactic patrol space shuttle. "you are not to mention this to any of the other team members. understand?" magicko nodded his head.

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The Rematch

'that killer whale always looked like the living opposite of the freaking space shuttle,' klaus thought. "yeah i thought that you and i might like to play a little game." the dinosaur boomed.

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A Change for the Better

Then maybe a space shuttle. then i'd be all set. hehe... five o'clock a.m., and the sun was slowly starting to rise. the limo ride from washington d.c. airport to the white house was short and quiet.

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Chapter Nine - With Everything Eternal and Forever Lasting

It was similar to a space shuttle command, but being ten times larger and filling at least a very large amphitheater. "what did you need?"

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My Departure From Earth

There's a significant difference between the interior of an airplane, the interior of a space shuttle, and the interior of the axel. and in short, the axel is nothing like either or.

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Good Morning, Sunshine!

A veteran space shuttle commander, he and sanders had been the obvious choices to send on the first lunar landing of the new millennium and the first lunar base construction mission.

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