
At this point, she had two options - she could either wait for torash to find the time to actually teach her alchemy (which seemed unlikely with amber around), or try to figure it out on her own.

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Navigating in a Changed World - Enforcers and the ZPD

"alchemy, as in, turning metal into gold?" someone asked, and it was obvious that many officers present had similar questions. "alchemy's base is the transmutation of matter, the turning of one thing into another."

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Aion's Rebirth - Exes, Chapter 7

I'd already seen queen calien in my rounds and she was surprisingly polite, simply stopping me to give me a key to the alchemy labs, as nara had mentioned.

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A Long Journey Home, A spark is lit

He had been wary of alchemy and of magic in general since that incident five years ago, and even though he had used it out of necessity in the war, those had been single spells, sealed within spell crystals.

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The Alchemist's Assistant Part 2.

The wolf turned from his window and sat at his alchemy desk, where darrius' shoulder bag lay opened, and several documents and pieces of blank paper lay. the runes on the bag were simple at best, and easy enough to crack.

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The Alchemist's Assistant.

Why would a master of the arcane and alchemy live so far away from anything and anyone was beyond him. he had questioned the other passengers, but they either avoided the question or couldn't give a reasonable answer.

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alchemy was even worse: she was good at it and found the concept interesting, but most of the practical applications were far too rudimentary to hold her interests. all she wanted was something more enriching, more complicated.

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Kitchen Prep

Another thing i have taken up since the transformation happened is alchemy specifically potion making and i made these two potions myself for one reason.

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Character Bio's

Gender: male powers: dream walking, alchemy, necromancy, and black magic.

Bred by Mares - part 1

Shavira was a third year's alchemy student in the magical university of rackal city, the center for everything magic related in the kingdom. she devoted all her time to her studies, and was one of the best students in her year.

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