Little Things B

Ran down the thighs and legs, arthritis freezing the joints in place. up the back, the tail flopping uselessly as vertebra cracked and pushed up through the skin. hunched the shoulders, made the arms go limp, fingers cracking.

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Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot Teil 06

Die von arthritis gezeichneten hände wurden wieder schlank und kräftig, die gelenke, die bei jeder bewegung zuvor schmerzhaft geknirscht hatten gewannen die geschmeidigkeit zurück, die sie bereits jahre zuvor verloren hatten.

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If he could speak (non rape version)

The other reason was, he had arthritis and being light minimized the pain. ivan saw the battles and thought they were funny. they were too ritualistic to be practical. eye patch saw him and challenged ivan.

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Night's Good Night

His husband kept warning him about developing everything from tendonitis to arthritis, and although he didn't think that too likely at his tender age, he really didn't want to take the chance.

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The Torch

You're going to aggravate my arthritis by making me sign so much." "bah, occupational hazard when you're captain electron." "when we're captain electron," rob corrected.

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If he could speak Full verson

The other reason was, he had arthritis and being light minimized the pain. ivan saw the battles and thought they were funny. they were too ritualistic to be practical. eye patch saw him and challenged ivan.

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"Overdrive" - Chapter 4

What had originally felt like every bone in his body having been broken, now just felt like bad arthritis, and this boosted his confidence. a temporary thing, then, and he could deal with temporary.

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Applejack and Big Mac enter the Sibling Incest Contest (because 25 bits is a lot of money)

Somepony needed to turn the crank on the camera, but granny smith's arthritis was too advanced for her to do anything like that, and she wasn't about to go all the way into town to get one of her friends to do it for her.

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The Vessel is not a joke

His hooves had arthritis that crippled his grip unless he took enough pain killers. he was flying high tonight though. the hall was packed to see him perform.

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Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 1

"this makes my life so much easier... hmm, yes, about your arthritis, sabre..." "am i overexerting myself again?"

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The Room

"arthritis is crippling me. bad hearts run in the family, as does big bellies. but i didn't let you seduce me so i could tell you my heath problems.." the skunk was pushed up a little more and he felt the pointed head rubbing his opening..

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His particular line of raccoon genemorphs had a history of severe arthritis. perhaps his slim, nimble hands were starting to hurt him. losing the ability to easily express himself with his many forms of art was something he feared.

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