The luckiest teen in the entire world.

They tasted faintly of citrus and sugar, the most wonderful thing he had ever tasted. his tongue gently brushed up against the middle of her two lips, entering very slightly into the cavity further within.

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Chapter VII: Stairway to highchair

There were hints of oranges and probably other citrus fruits, leaving a pleasant aftertaste after he did so. trying his best to not look too eager, he opened his muzzle for the next spoonful.

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WD: Dean's Day Out

Said chad as he drank his soda pop whereas dean nodded and drank his citrus-flavoured cola. "i'm betting you're hungry, 'cus i know i am." said chad as he got off the chair.

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1 - Fateful Encounter

Frosty watches his small load disappear into the drain before catching his breath and picking up mishka's shampoo, letting himself blush some as he opens the cap and takes a smell, inhaling the citrus scent, spurting some into his paw so he can get on with

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Self Indulgence 1

He wanted to drink the rest while he shopped and it was just polite to the employees not to leave big puddles of jizz all over the citrus.

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The Black Shepherd - Chapter 18

An utterly endless darkness which reeked of citrus spray and was kept from the rest of the world by an electronic lock. stepping forward, new colors emerged to tyson's adjusting eyes. vanilla-painted walls.

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Making a Perfect Match - Chapter 2

It was nothing too special or unique but enough to make janice blush at the sight of her.â another thing there was a collar around her neck with a silver area for something but not sure of what yet.â she could also smell the scent of various citrus

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Pawsburg CYOA - Powerless 2b

Every single one of the candles letting off a sort of soft citrus scent, and her active choice not to wear a bra when they had gotten up this morning.

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Pokearth, Chapter 4

With what little psychic energy i had left, i made him look over towards a citrus berry bush. he gently carried me over and helped me eat. before i dropped into sleep's waiting arms, i drew a name from his mind, and quietly said, 'thank you.'

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Meet the Studs: The Tiger who Blinds like the Sun

.); thick tail that slinks through the air like an anaconda through riverwater and draws the eye towards a powerful, citrus-splashed bubblebutt; and a mountanous chest and rippling stomach radiating a warm yelloyish hue instead of brushed in snow-white

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Unintended Intruder - 02

After stretching away some of her aches, she discovered tiny citrus droplets around the box on the table, which had closed itself somehow. "wasn't i supposed to check this thing out?"

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Six Stretches and Hold the Designated Pose for Ten Seconds.

Acidic like citrus but no sweetness to follow which often sat on my tongue and nose for days no matter what i did to clean it off. his arousal screamed at my senses, drowning out everything else.

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