Rest Stop

"we doing the confessional road trip?" the wolf tapped the steering wheel. "zach elluria, muskrat. we were messin' around with my dad's booze and i asked him to take his pants off. put my mouth on his dick but he didn't come, 'course.

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Filth Ch. 02 [Story / Rat]

_and the confessional!_ she fumed. _a small box where you're hidden away. you can't see the shame and anger in the pastor's eyes like that. and the penance? some prayers and a promise to do better?

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Kissed his lover on the forehead, gave john a look like a sinner at confessional. then rolled over again. felt a kiss on his hole so sweet it made tears come to his eyes.. still worried about him - even after that rant.

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Catching a Predator

Nobody knew precisely what had happened to terry, and certainly nobody knew about his connection to father bricklin's sudden transformation into a tidal wave of cum inside a church confessional... but everyone knew the utterly bizarre and frankly horrifying

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Catholic Bitch: Cathouse for Dogs

She'd go to confessional and tend to her pups, and trust in god to enact his own will.

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Like A Flood

Faros whispered, more quietly than ever, like a mouse in a confessional. he licked the back of her neck where his teeth had just been. she shivered. "when you're mine, it will break him." a spark inside her flared up.

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Ivory Greentext

The colonial era \>just before winter so need to bag something \>something bags you instead \>get jumped by albino werewolf \>she, very much a she at this distance, is hunting for something else \>what happens next you wouldn't dare repeat even in a confessional

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Louder Kinds of Quiet

Emotions pooling and spilling out of him in fervent, confessional whispers and gentle, smacking kisses. and she took it all. and reciprocated.

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Confessions of a Bro # 41 - "How I Fuck'd Your Mother"

More confessions and bro blogs can be found here [] synopsis: when an old confessional buddy of mine contacts me with another story, i jump to the opportunity to listen in on what vulgar escapade he has gotten

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Darkness and Starlight 26 - The MasterGamer

"the town we met in, dumbass, when i tried to skewer you through a confessional?" " didn't happen to take it from some guy with a pyramid-like thing for a head did you?" "whut? the hell you talkin' about?!"

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The Dragons of Euphaea

Finally, the patriarch arrived, and he had anna follow him again, this time to a small confessional. he motioned anna to get inside the confessional, which was confusing to her.

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