Age Regression

Groggily he sits up in bed and leans over only to hit his head against the bars of the crib. shaken he stares into the darkness, suddenly he wakes up fully. what was he doing in a crib?!

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I lowered the crib bars and left the crib.- where's the cloned sheet? - i asked.- here, sweetie... - apple left the crib and showed the sheet, resting on the table. i got the sheet and gave it a quick look.

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 6

Scott stood up in his crib, to his surprise the height of the bars went three feet above his head, leaving little room for him to be able to get out of the crib. he gripped the bars and tried moving them, they wouldn't budge.

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Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Prologue - 00 - Live to Break Me

The sound suddenly grew louder and now she could clearly hear that it was emanating from the crib. warily she began to approach the crib, her heart hammering in her ears and her breath coming short. _relax. it's too small to hide a changeling.

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Nursery Breakout

Sneak out of his crib. after bath time and an embarrassing diaper change, he and the rest of the villains were laid down for bed. this was his chance.

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Visit to the zoo 2nd part

_sylkis_ **picked out a crib for each of the cubs** _. she didn't_ **have to say** _a word,_ **she** _just pointed to the pup and then the crib._ a few grumbled about it, but none said a word against her.

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2593, Chapter 24

He had tyson, tony and terrence seated in their cribs, currently converted into chairs.

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Corwin Hall, Chapter 18

He found the package of diapers under the crib, and wipes and powder on the bureau. after setting them down on the sheets of the crib, he reached out to undo the tapes on todd's diaper.

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Daddy's Rules

"when it's crib time there's no more play time. does that mean you'll try to open the crib without daddy's permission?" you shake your head. "does that mean you'll try to bring toys to your crib as well?"

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Jake's awake!(Reboot)Part 1

Beside the crib sat a high chair to one side and an changing table to the other. there were no windows, only a white door. "hello?" there was no response at first. was he all alone here?

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