Coyote Shiny

Shiny, dark lips pulled back in pleasure, revealing gleaming ivory fangs as tall ears twitched as the grunts and groans of the coyote quickly changed, soft snores replacing them as his body sank into the dark embrace of dreamland.

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Transit Tunnel Terrors

Using his chain sword to help him climb, kodyax does his best to slaughter the monster before him or at least drive it back to the dreamlands where it belongs.

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Coyote Shiny (COMMISSION)

But the slap that echoed after it did a lot more to send the coyote out of dreamland. dan shot up, trying to pull his hands in front of him to protect himself. but he found his body failing to follow his command.

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The Porn Note, Chapter 10: Service Has Its Price

He slumped back, the drug taking full effect and sending him off to dreamland, chased by ami's voice. "_i will watch over you, and your friends. you are safe, with me._" the end

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Mystic Family Redux: 2 - Pixie Pranks

Sir Han, the Otter Knight of the Lava fields, peaked out of his four-story couch cushion fortress brandishing a cardboard tube sword. He held up Excalibro and faced the warrior who challenged his castle. The assailant stood her ground in her pillow...

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The Return of Autumn (NSFW Patreon story)

As dawn further broke over the tree line, i felt the exhaustion of an interrupted sleep pull me back to dreamland. i did not complain. after all, daphnis and i had the rest of the upcoming day to spend together, following a nice, warm shower.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Seven

_maybe a snow day would be good for me after all,_ i thought as i felt my brain already drifting away to dreamland. _i could get caught up on--_ the tapping came again, but i barely noticed it.

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Dream Come True

Their lives were finally intertwined, and certainly not for the last time as they drifted off to dreamland slowly, wrapped in each other's arms, a simple act that both the collie and the golden retriever had wished for as long as they had known each other.

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Morning Flood

Despite her arousal, sleep won the battle, as penelope slipped into dreamland before she could finish. morning felt like a huge trainwreck. penelope awoke to a quiet room and a pounding headache.

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The Secret Life of Joseph Davidson

Once again, he lay down in dreamland for yet another adventure. "gen. kreutz believes that the hypothermia will claim so many of the vacationers aboard the doomed ship bountiful.

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Wet Dreamers

Clearly, whatever he and jonathan were doing in dreamland was starting to heat up. andrew pulled jonathan's cut foreskin taught and jonathan immediately thrust up at him, a strange gurgling sound coming out of his mouth.

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The Human Species Ch. 93 - Care: Generativity vs. Stagnation

A bothersome headache broke him out of his dreamland, keeping him from getting engulfed completely in the fantasy. rationalizing, he figured that to have spikes shoot out of him and later retract would probably hurt like hell.

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