Canine Society: Chapter 1: Awaken

People just don't seem to understand interspecies relationships. but i think that will change someday. i mean just look at your mother and i, have you ever seen such a good looking couple?" he exclaimed as he laughed.

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Mrs. Krieg's History

._ fifty years have passed after the interspecies duo first fell in love. "mark, my ancestors would be happy to see us be happily married," gin told him.

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Book Learning

interspecies sex was almost impossible, even if it wasn't illegal back then, and even your own species didn't arouse you enough to have sex.

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Let me just say that my sexual preferences are one that the church also despises" doylens eyes widened at a group of possibilities including interspecies "no doylen - i prefer human males and.. well - if i was much younger and the lupins existed then possibly


You Don't Mind My Knot? (A Zootopia Shipping Fanfiction)

Nick, with a plan to satisfy his interspecies girlfriend, gave a nod as he showed his erecting manhood. "i think i'll enjoy a knotted carrot," judy commented. "you don't mind my knot? at all," asked nick.

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Jack Hopps Chapter 1 Part 1 of 4 (A Zootopia Story)

Isn't that the first legal state for interspecies to occur nick? nick: yeah my cousin nicole is going there this weekend. judy sniggers to herself and stares at nick. judy: wait you have a cousin called nicole!? nick: well yeah!

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Chapter 6: Unwelcome Revelations

"that's too bad, but people do sometimes have interspecies relationships. i mean, you can't have kids then, but maybe there is some nice cat or something who would like to date you." jason sneezed loudly, "excuse me!"

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Housepets: Iambic Pent-Up Peanut

Both moaned as interspecies lovers do. the cat and dog each held to the belief: the hope that tying would provide relief.

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My people

The alliance held for ages, everyone working together and even some love matches were interspecies though most of these matches were unfertile, it hadn't mattered but then something happened.

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The Greys Chapter 7: Adoption

They were a domestic inter-species couple. the wife was a mutt; part german shepherd, part irish setter, part boarder collie, part welsh corgi, and part coyote.

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The Blakes and The Greys Chapter 14: Meeting the In-Laws

The wolves blinked a few times at the inter-species couple heading towards them. evie had never seen a fox that big before. he was tall and muscular, though with a bit of pudge on his belly.

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Between the Doe-Taur and Her Lover (part one of three)

They couldn't live there forever, even though they would face some kind of discrimination, one way or the other, due to them being an interspecies couple.

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