The Gam3 - Chapter 6

"destroy the reflection of judgement. but... this is blasphemy. you would rid the town of the judgement of the gods?" pete rolled his eyes and brought up his sword but tom just kept talking. "judgement is one thing but torture is another.

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To the Crescent Moon

The blinding light of judgement is so bright and unforgiving, it's cruel so, for all those who will never come to love me, and all those who will ever try to kill me, to the crescent moon and my worthless human existence, i ask this, "is the meaning of

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Procedural Errors (Otherwise Untitled)

Birthday here...", on down through his stack of pages and letters, before looking up to the owl's patient gaze for judgement.

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Sixty-third Entry

As rufus descended the long stairway from the halls of judgement, he saw three figures in dark, hooded robes waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs, one tall, one short, and one right in between.

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“Ghost Pokémon and Curiosity” - A Pokémon Go! Creepypasta

Determined to catch this odd pokémon, i went against my better judgement and headed out deeper into the woods to catch it.

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Toughing Out

Without much thought and a decent amount of judgement, she gracefully hopped to the next, then looked back at fenny. he was certainly a lot more nervous than cassidy. his eyes were upon the next rock at first but started to shift below again. "hey."

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Fruits of a Stallion

He might be trying to exercise good judgement, but judgement had never once defeated me, and it wasn't going to now. "alright, you can do it."

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TSB chapter 9

"i trust your judgement." opite crooned with a lick up the side of sirblood's head. "i was hoping for a judgement call, but okay, i will go with what i feel is right." sirblood replied before licking opite up the side of her head. "sirblood."

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Their judgement would be sound, and winter's life would be snuffed out in its infancy. hah, like all faith, it was shattered and the veil lifted like a husband seeing his new wife for the first time.

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Lykos Redemption Prologue

"no need for judgement, take him straight to the fields of punishment. bring me his son, nyctimus. the child did not deserve to die." the god of death bowed. then, he left without saying a word.

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A controlled environment where politics, religion, philosophy and sexuality could be explored, without judgement and without extremes. a gentle lover pushing the boundaries so slightly, a fellow theologian willing to explore the divine without blasphemy.

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heaven or hell, introduction

Right my wings have turned black from hate of the highest power i want revenge but i must let my anger subside they discriminate me push me out for what i am, a vampire they told me i'm pure evil but i have done no wrong im forever stuck in purgatory waiting judgement

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