The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 25

The guards returned his bows and platitudes, but were left feeling quizzical. sujji was much more apparent in his ways than the last pilgrims had been.

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The Human War- Chapter Eleven

"platitudes like that they'll eat up." maxx replied as he flinched when he saw bear reach our slowly with his paw. however instead of striking maxx he petted him the same way he had to dash.

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Tending to Treasure (Even Wetter)

Sure, that's not how the saying goes, but i was in no state to be quoting platitudes while len's whiskers were tickling my sheath. a high-pitched complaint filled my hearing, and i remembered i had a job to do.

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story: Friendship Means Responsibility (My Little Pony)

But, instead of being grateful and happy, many ponies formed an angry mob, shouting silly platitudes and twisted conspiracy theories. cross-thinking instead of gratitude. the most crude ideas were spread, dangerous half-truths, dangerous half-knowledge.

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Love Lost, Chapter 5b: Reflections, concluded.

Mister well stood beside james and offered a platitude. "the loss of two friends in one day is much to bear. i can't change the outcome of today's operation, but i would like to mitigate it somewhat."

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Hero Academy 5

Sure, he kept his gaze on the rottweiler, tried to listen but he heard a lot of it all so often he just started to fade it out, it still didn't stop the avalance of words, empty platitudes flowing out of the other mans mouth like a swarm of buzzing

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platitudes and suggestions, i hear them from everyone, from every friend co-worker, nurse and doctor: _'eat less, move more'_, so simple and so fucking worthless.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 12

She exchanged platitudes with cousins, aunts and uncles and ate sparingly from the buffet until she couldn't handle it anymore and stepped outside. confidence sat on the front steps of the building and just stared out at the countryside.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 23

And then there were the foxes, scurrying back and forth like ants tending to their larvae, carrying blankets and medicines and wrappings and bowls of food from one weakling to the next, whispering their platitudes and even patting some of the more pathetic

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Heat's Whims chapter 1

She cared little for lofty, unnecessary platitudes and even less so for that squeaky bundle of never-depleting enthusiasm with dragons that zala was, but both of them helped take her mind off her state.

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Kevin Stair and Dr. Humble: A Serial Romance Part 6

Take your platitudes with you." "i can't believe you're giving up." "i'm not a fighter, kevin. there's no point in it. gabriel taught me that. you keep telling me that you love me.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 24)

There was little i could say that wasn't going to sound like some trite platitude. there is a depth of grief where all one can do is share in it, to be at the edges - simply to be present.

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