Mother part 2

precious meatls? i have you , you have me, nothing could be more precious." george would say after an intense session of lovemaking, which left the two of them in an ecstatic state. "well now who's the one acting masculine now?

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The Cat's Stroll 26

Even with precious spirits herbs, breaking through the many levels of the earthly warrior realm was something that took dozens of years for most.

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Our Mother the Mountain

It was precious, more precious than gold and more precious than iron. it was the air the soul needed, it was the light for which it grew.

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Rebirth ch31

'_not until my precious child has been found or returned to me_. _all of my children are precious to me and i can not give up on even one of them before they are ready to live on their own_.'

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A Mother Knows Best

My precious, precious adriana." adam, now my beautiful adriana, broke into tears, her body and mind racked by more feelings and emotions in the last 30 minutes than it had experienced in a lifetime, as is so often the case with little girls.

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Twisted Possessiveness - Alt Comm.

That was why when he had come to see two of his most precious possessions the black jelly dragon had not at all been pleased to find them missing.

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Bani Lore! Earth!

Collects: gems and precious stones which he has currently stored in mr.banks huge vault. his collection is available to see, and is worth over two million dollars.

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I Told You So

Bailey kept breathing heavily, with eyes of imagination seeing those dangerous blades cutting through his precious hair, that he worked so hard on with carefully picked shampoos. buzzzzzz!

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A Frosty Acquaintance

Over and over until your precious breeding balls are empty. that's your reward for all your hard work, getting to breed mistress."

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Nakai the Buck

"for your precious gift to me - may mine take seed within you, and give you that which your heart desires."

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