A Thanksgiving Embarrassment

"fox balls, fox balls!" laughing, she repeated the phrase in a more sing-song tone. "fox balls, fox balls, helpless little fox balls!" "what the hell's wrong with you, melissa!"

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What He Doesn't Know...

The scrotum holds most of the weight of the testicles - now these nuts were hanging entirely from the raw nerves and tender tissues that made the balls so viable.

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Hammer Down

I moved it under his balls and positioned the hammer right over his left ball. the flat and banged out surface of the hammer-face resting on his balls, positioning the hammer for the strike.

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Ball Game

They screamed in unity, searching for their testicles like they just dropped on the ground as an inconvenience. "where are my fucking balls, dude? what the hell?"

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Enter Opal

My balls had been screaming all night, i hadn't slept, my balls /still/ hurt, and...well, i just wasn't thinking. "just fuck off, bitch," i snarled, glaring at the female.

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Cinema Slurping

As blue worked, the bull would start to notice a tingling in his ballsack. his scrotum grew a little slacker as that saliva warmed them even further.

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Serge dreams big

Moments later he felt the pen drop into his balls, making a small plopping noise as it splashed into his massive balls before promptly disappearing.

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Busting Anton - 2013

She put a bit more force in the ball beating, too, making his scrotum flop back and forth against her knuckles. the extra bouncing had one ball or the other receiving every bit of force at times and both sharing it equally at others.

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FAT32: upgrading your wolfdog

It wriggled about in her balls, occasionally stretching out her sac visibly as it continued to flood her balls with more of its mass.

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The images flashing across his screen were now concentrated on the testicles of males. it showed them swinging. it showed them bumping rears while males had sex. it showed balls bouncing. it showed balls being licked. it showed them throbbing.

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