A Very Deer Christmas Surprise

"that's too bad man; i know that you'll be all warm and toasty soon though! ;)" daniel perked his lips in interest, "is that a hint at my gift?" rudolph hesitated for a moment before answering, "maybe..." daniel grinned, "so you sent me a blanket?

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Fractured Families Draft 1 CH 39

"he wasn't a bad man." alex lowered his knife. "i'm the last person to judge." he sheathed the knife and the room relaxed. he watched as will and aliana hugged, then separated, placing a fist to their heart and then forehead. "your guy?"

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Why we fight...

Yes hussein was a bad man, but there are worst things in the world, mr... " his eyes glanced down at wuff's uniform and back up into his eyes, "pendragon, then a oppressive leader!"

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Shy Tiger Used Hard

I could get up and let you go back to that little virtual world where nobody really knows you, where you can just be that avatar and be the big bad man that can do whatever he wants..."

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Reunions Part 3

My bad, man. the room was getting too hot, heh. oh yeah, the notes. come in." the inside of stan's room looked no different than before, except that the two captain green posters that were above his bed had been taken down.

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Peace in Solitude

I'd never been a bad man. i'd never drunk beer or shit, i'd never done drugs, i'd never stolen anything before that one day. i'd never even had sex before. i was a bloody angel, but it wasn't enough for them.

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Little Sister: Chapter 6, Sabotage

"oh you're a very bad man." \*\* kevan had purposefully called on gina's father to meet him for lunch, citing it as a farewell gift from him. the man had readily accepted.

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Lion, Tiger and Bears, oh my, part 2

 â â â â "he's a bad man," the orphan spoke quickly in bengali, "he chased me and now he wants to hurt me." â â â â â "the boy says ya wanna hurt him."

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That Tingling Sensation

God i felt old, and tired, and a bad man. "sure," i said," i'm fine, i'm fine. it was just the..." oh forgive me, victor, peter, george, faye, everyone...

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The Lead Crown: Ch 4d, En Passant (Pt 2)

You see, i have a feeling the lady does not want her son going anywhere with you... and i tend to prefer earning the favor of a lovely woman over staying on the good side of a bad man."

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The Legend of the FinalGamer 5 - The Dead Talk Back

"w-w-whu-" "don't play with me old man, you're either just a weirdo or a 'bad' man, right? which is it?" "h-h-hey now, i don't know what you're-" "what if we didn't like games huh?

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Blessing of the Satyr Part 1

"that wasn't so bad. man this place is great!", he said. suddenly he felt a great boiling in his gut. as though some creature had some alive in his belly. he felt a bit dizzy as well. something was very wrong. "oh no", damon said in shock.

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