Force Ten

After so many close calls, javier found the area where the wind exerted the least force- the area above the eye. he dove down into the narrow column. the newswire said the hurricane was now sailing towards miami at the rate of 100 mph.

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Genetic Children-Log 13- Curious, Green Eyes...'

._ _â _ _â€i said the was a close call don’t you think?†korm looked over and saw who was talking to him. it was speed dial number 7 on his mobile._ _â _ _â€niel, where’s my wife, my daughter?

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Genetic Institute: Prologue

Cringing the man said "close call, i take it that you were there to stop and arrest the kid who had the gun." "yeah, i figured it best that i just call you guys to come pick her up since her powers are rather obvious."

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The Days of Transition. Part: Two

_man, any more close calls then i would die._ i think to myself. the day continues on. lunch rolls around and i go and get my lunch as well as my locker partner omar's lunch. i hand his lunch to him. "dude. whats with the gloves?" he interrogates me.

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Lucas & Lucynda: Future Plans ( Update 10/10/2013 )

"now, that was a close call" "yeah really close... sorry for grabbing your head and all, i totally forgot today she was coming for the rent." "don't apologize. i'm the lil' pervy dragoness that started all of this" and she laughed again.

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Vore-For-All: Dory The Deer

A deer escapes a close call with an alligator only to find something much hungrier... part 2 of my vore-for-all story series.

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Chapter 5-The Meeting

"close call." "i know. i don't really care about me though; i'm more worried about you." "i'm fine but i'm worried about you." "don't worry about me; i'm used to being in the hospital." "that is so true!"

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Inner Struggle-chapter 1-changes

{close call.} blushing at this point, kevin removed the tag with his left paw in one swift snap then left the locker room for the diving session. i decided to change into my normal clothes and just watch everyone have their fun.

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Dirty rats

There were close calls when chris almost caught david mid shot in his shorts, all david could do is softly blush and say he spilled water on himself or juice and go to his room hoping chris wouldn't catch on.

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19- Broken, but Reunited

He knew sithris had never had such a close call with death before. sithris smiled slightly and nodded. "yeah, especially now that i have him back." he cuddled his sleeping mate. "thank you for patching us up."

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Shots Fired

It was going to be a close call. it depended entirely on what all she had to say. fortunately, there wasn't too much and a few moments later she was clearly wrapping up. "that's it chief," she said finally.

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Loving and Lusting for My Brother Chapter 2

**_rodya's pov_** last night was a close call. i really hope he isn't figuring it out. that's why i decided to leave the house for the day. i was going to go to denver's place since i forgot to go last night.

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