Legends of Darkness chapter 1

I know i should tell more of these shadow creatures, but that's for later. rite of passage several days after riku's evaluation, his mother was called for a meeting.

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Got Ya Cock

He tried his best not to think about it, focusing instead of humiliating and laughing in the face of the shadow creature when it finally was defeated.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Fifteen

The wind that blew across the landscape almost sounded like the shadow creature was breathing from the clouds. i had wanted to ask what it wanted, but the longer i stared up at its eyes, i knew it would not answer me.

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The Shadow's Dance

Those shadow creatures you summon share a little bit of your soul and your mind. while you still live, they can't be killed, and they can't be stopped. even the brightest light throws a shadow, rezik."

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The halloween night; the late time after; her mother; the three shadow creatures; and... "i see you're awake, little one..." a voice that was too familiar caught her attention.

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Tales of Airethe 12: The best laid plans of mice and men

Standing behind mira, who is crouched over alysa like a mountain panther with her fresh kill, is the shadow creature. it immediately looks away with a thin hiss of disgust but when mira alters her position slightly, the specter disappears again.

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 20 -- Night Leaves...

As he struggled and cynder silently wept, they both heard a door below open, and spyro watched as a flood of shadow creatures entered. another dragon came in--light blue, but through the blurry air spyro couldn't tell anything else.

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Open House Day One Part Three

Second, it's almost unheard of for a light and shadow creature to be in love. it's almost immoral. thirdly, if you two have a pup, the child will be a new breed of dragon. that'll make it a beacon to scientists.

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Fox Fire Chapter 4

What was supposed to be a simple day out with nashiri had turned into this, he had met shadow creatures and some sort of witch and now finds himself sitting around in a cave with gritty looking demon _dogs_.

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Goodbye, My Lover

Inside the large cabin, a silhouette appeared in the window looking into the barracks where all the hunters were sound asleep, the nearly full moon seemed to embellish the small, shadowed creature as it used all of its strength to force the window up and sneak

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The Shadows Book Two: The Legacy of Man and Machine - Chapter One

He was now eightteen, he had went from being four feet tall to a near towering five foot seven inches as he grew up, his power in the shadows accellerated as he tought blackpaw and discovered more uses for them, along with the shadow creature's somewhat

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Chapter 1: The Ceremony

The shadow creatures began to boil away in wisps of insubstantial smoke as auren realized he had burned completely through the energy that had filled him only moments before.

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