Chapter 8: A Difficult End

Please note that there may be some violent scenes that some may not be comfortable with. i myself became slightly uncomfortable when putting this into words, yet i feel like the end result was worth all of the unsettling imagery in my head.

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Convenient Timing

A local town uncovers an out of this world menace convenient timing this story is for mature content it contains - some violence/gore some language some sexually suggestive content "hello, everyone, on this gorgeous friday, this is tina ren, sorry to

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There's some violence, but nothing you wouldn't see on just about any school playground, or the bar scene in the film the presidio.

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A Nice Surprise

It was finally time to engage in some violent homicide... in-game, not in real life, obviously. "look at this cast, rod," ted continued. "that's... thirty guys, i think." he scrolled through the character list, looking through their costumes.

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Pathologizing the Daxy

From 1000 ad to 1750 ad 1.5% of the male population was executed for some violent crime in each generation. 30 generations removed 45% of the european genome from the population.

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Longer Than Eternal

It also contains some violence (not in the yiff), blood drinking (but no satanic situations), and language!(why not?)

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Tainted Glory (Chapter 2)

#2 of tainted glory 2nd chapter of tainted glory, this one has some violence to it, so the adult marking applies.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 9: Station

some violence, but few details. if you want more sexy action, it's still coming. more elements are being added to the story.... the curtain dropped down, and humming vibrations spread through everything.

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A Birthday Twist

This sent daniel into some violent convulsions. daniel moaned, groaned, and twisted with pleasure at the tight squeezing sensation he was feeling. it was incredible. daniel couldn't believe anything like this would feel this amazing.

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Damn it, I need this! Chapter 9

For the first time, there is some violence not in yiff, so watch out for that. please enjoy._ steven slipped on some jeans and a t-shirt and started to walk out of the bathroom. "babe..." eva mumbled from the bed.

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my boss

I had strange dreams that night, some violent some sexual, frances was there pete too, i don't remember much but i woke up with the worst case of morning wood i had ever had.

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Quetza's Quest: Chapters 4-6

: the following story will, at points, contain some violent content, some sort of slapstick comedy and hilarity, a few curse words, and sexual content.

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