Object of Your Desire

Of course, randy should have anticipated that his slightly out-of-shape grad student body would be overtaken by emerald's frankly amazonian frame, but he hadn't counted on her to leap on top of him.

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Growth on the Beach.

The mini-giantesses were now beyond amazonian, having reached a staggering fifteen feet in height, their ex-garments lying in tatters on the sand around them.

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Isle of Ikushu Chapter 3

She was a pegasus amazonian woman who was nearly a foot taller than me. she was as white as the purest snow, and her figure was very much a knockout. her long, toned legs led up to wide child-bearing hips surrounded by a simple loincloth.

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Frisky Felines (9600 words)

Expectedly, the other patrons in the room had been taken aback by the scene, staring open mouthed at the amazonian feline currently drenching the nearest three meters around her.

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A good night for a cup of tea

Ylyssa towered over them at an amazonian 6'7". their moments of wakefulness were brief, before the two drifted off into a slumber, far away from the stresses of city life. it really was a good night for a cup of tea.

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NAS characters.txt

Artpearance: hayjun is positively amazonian with 198 cm's height. she has a mane of black hair that matches her very dark fur. upper breasts are a bit smaller than laya's but the lower ones are the same size as laya's lowers.

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Chapter 50: The Hidden Village of Renamon

Chapter 50: the hidden village of renamons after the assassin group entered the portal, they were lead into a huge amazonian forest.

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The Idol

Those words were the only warning before the lioness pounced phil, pinning him underneath an amazonian femininity that he never knew she possessed. even her smell was overpowering, the scent of her sex weakening his resolve to fight to non-existence.

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History of Valora: Races, Part 1

They hold a more sturdy, almost amazonian society, where those in power are there through strength.

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Twisted Interview (SynTech)

Unsatisfied with how deep he could go at the angle they were at, the nearly eight foot tall amazonian lynx grabbed the little dragon male's shoulders and pulled him across the desk.

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Chapter 6 - New York Amazons

Amanda turned over another photograph and found pictures of giant, amazonian women. giant musculature strained their clothes. the women sported giant breastslike a set of oversized beach balls. at their crotch a massive cock bulge.

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