Angels of Aurum 8 - Interstellar Infiltration

"not every creature is the same, science demands diversity, the nananch and exomicranch were designed exactly beside each other to build biomechanical solutions!" "what for?" asked chanoch.

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Random Trades Wrapup

"yeah," she shrugged, "we've just recently acquired the technology to change the sizes of parts, though it's not exactly the most reliable yet, and there are serious limitations due to biomechanical physics, but i can definitely make your penis above-average

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Log Reports

Surprisingly, the commission finds two sentient societies using the remnants of a far more advanced and ancient society, including organic and biomechanical weapons that have been repurposed to suit the needs of each culture.

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist--The Seventh Experiment

She had been dreaming of floating naked through a vast maze like cavern, inside a giant living machine, a massive biomechanical behemoth of endlessly intricate and ingenious design.

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"_ the voice of singularity assistant - biomechanical lifeform: evolved or _sable_ came over the speakers of the _malleus_. the jet-black ship may have been made for one man but it was made for one man and his comforts.

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Forever Lost 1 - The Banished Son

They were much more bitter in their musk, a chemical effluence from their biomechanical bodies that processed food and gave the raptors a synthetic plasticky smell to them, their entourage breaking away to return to their duties.

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Homecoming, Part 2

He'd been bred to serve as a soldier, and various biomechanical and computerized implants enhanced everything from his sense of smell to the efficiency of his digestion.

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Angels of Aurum 9 - Sector Zero

_"nanotechnology,"_ said the supox, _"the biomechanical side that mirrors the fully-organic studies of the exomicranch. essentially the same studies but requiring a different field of study.

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Ordering Delivery (Spicy Version)

First barbed needle into his left temple; the barbs both connected into drone's nerves and prevented the needle from being pulled out, while the metal was also coated in a polymer that further cemented the device in drone's connective tissue and promoted biomechanical

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Back Again

"i hope it's ok...i don't feel i did too well when discussing on a new way to incorporate biomechanics with natural morphology...i mean, it's crazy...just the two names negate each other," kaden chuckled, "i'm sure you did were supposed to write

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Expedition: Unsheathing the Sword

I have a biomechanical computer that imitates the functionality of the primitive brain combined with a nanocomputer-laced neural construct that works for my higher brain functions.

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The Santa Trap

Dangling from his trap, his hooftips just touching the ground (huh...not too usual to see ungulomorphs with hooves; despite the name, based on "ungulate," morphs based on hooved critters usually had plantigrade feet, not ungulograde - it's just too big of a biomechanical

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