The Creature
Said diana's boyfriend in the room together. "added to another body?" diana asked curious. "what do you mean? are you concidering trying it on someone?" "no at least not yet until we know more about it."
I'm Gonna Make You Love Me
She purred and stroked diana's face. soon diana was purring back. (sandi snuggled behind sheila's arm, her ear pressed to her lover's back, smiling happily.) "i missed you!" diana murmured.
Moonlight Confessions part 3
As we near closer, i try desperately to pull out, but to no avail, as diana's tail refuses to let me go. "diana, if i don't pull out...." "i'll take care of it!" "but diana!" "i said i'll take care of it!"
mliattbhrpg ch12
diana noticed this too and went to aid the heros. after the battle and the spoils collected diana washed off her armor and blade before returning to sit beside her grandfather again.
Commitment of the Gifted
When diana began to walk, he felt as if things felt much less dramatic.
Truth or Dare 11: Hard Truth
diana was not one to be ignored though, "so you have a name or do we just say hey you i need to go piss?" the dragoness just stared back blankly at diana.
Wedding Bell Blues
The singers, diana and flo kept looking towards the gap in the dividers that represented the door they'd be using. finally, diana came over. "have you seen mary?" she asked.
Pool Fun.
This was a bad idea, but she wanted to impress diana with her self control. diana's father looked at her, his voice was deep and soft sounding. "afternoon miss. michelle i believe?"
Bitter Sweet Cold (Part 1)
The assignment that was given to diana was as vague as it could get.
A Dino’s Normal day with his balls
So the two finally get to their home, desmond very much walking funny from the many kicks to the nuts and a erection waiting to spring up at the sight of diana's big hefty breasts, and diana coming in confident about her ballbusting ability from the many confirming
Bitter Sweet Cold (Part 2)
diana got up from the floor and hobbled over to receive her own whilst fighting to keep her balance. just as she grabbed hold of one the plane dropped from the sky and diana felt her feet leave the floor, floating within the air.
Rising Tide - Part 1
diana meekly offered a smile. "i might have sort of tried it on.