Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 2

By detaching an overlay unit, i can add an "infestation" spell or trap card to my hand. i think i'll add infestation infection. the card came out of her deck, and she added it to her hand.

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Eleven

"it also carried the prototype substance, but it's very unstable and is prone to damaging other life forms as well as the creeper infestation.

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The Exterminator

Years of experience have taught me that gas is the best way to handle big infestations like these. the trick is to make sure you get all of the little buggers.


[Draconicon] Slithery Relations, 3: Breaking the Guild

Teryx-host turned to those dragons that he had, fewer in number than the others, but more fully infested, the nests stronger and more devoted to each other.

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The Bal'Kar Blitz (9/10)

I doubt we're going to get everyone on the first go so in the chaos of people leaving the station we can use the train lines to guide our infestation."

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Bugging Out (10/10)

Of course you're going to have to smooth over the colony that you just infested but i'm sure with a little talking and some greased palms we can make it happen."

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Camping Out, Phazing On In

She believed that she could come back to this as often or as infrequently as she liked, even so far as to leave the vixen to find a new body to infest-- but she could not shake the mischievous and ever-so evil notion of offering herself to be a host, again

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Biohazard Containment Protocols (2/5)

It was as if the parasite that had infested him was... cheering him on? want him to exact revenge on those that had made him that way.

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An entire dragon infestation in as little as one night.

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