1,825 Days - Chapter 1

But for some reason the judge's next words gave him a glimmer of hope. judge taylor said, somewhat rapidly, "i do reserve the right to avail the prisoner to those work programs which i see fit. we are adjourned. both parties, chambers please."

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Kyle Sparks, Chapter 8

Avenger growled as he pointed his sword at the two judges. "you have only tasted a fraction of my powers judges!" an explosion of electrical power ripped through the air as twin bolts of lightning arced towards the judges.

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Young Love - Chapter 7

All of a sudden, roy wanted jason back home, but the young husky knew what awaits him if the judge ruled in roy's favor. "all rise, the honorable judge linra, presiding."

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Judgement of a human being

Rate, comment, enjoy, whatever :p by the way you walk, by the way you talk, you are judged by the way that you live and the way that you give you are judged each turn of face puts you in your place in front of a faceless judge called people

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Wild Horses Part 8 Cool Calm & Collected

The judge moved to the center of the ring and was checking our numbers against the ones in her judges book and getting a first impression of the dogs.

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Trial Turnaround

Tris then left the two witnesses on the stand, as the judge and bailiff were gathering up condoms.

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Chapter 21: In it to win it all

You don't get bribe, i don't mind treating me like everyone else, and when were you going to tell me that you, were going to be a guest judge this year?'

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With Malice Towards...: Chapter 1, Everyone

You must keep a clear mind and judge on what is right, as well as what is legal. be mindful of your choices. someone's life may depend on you." the judge turned to the audience beyond the wooden barrier.

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The Devil May Care 22

The judge was another thing, shadowy and silhouetted against the top of the judge's stand, either lacking a form or having one that was 'beyond his comprehension.'

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Chapter 3: Perspective

Asked the master judge. "yes" said eleron uncomfortably, not liking where this was going. "take it out" the master judge commanded. eleron did so, slowly, cautiously, trying to hide the strength of its glow with his spindly fingers.

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Stolen Ribbons (Otherwise Untitled)

An undisclosed number of judges taste the pies, and they announce first, third, and second place."

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Judgmental (Act1, Book1, Chapter7)

The older man, the one called judge, walked in circles around a recliner at the center of the room. judge waved a flashlight over the face of a prisoner.

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