The tribal elders had never even heard of such an ability being possible and revered the ability. which to ven's chagrin, meant being trained relentlessly in all aspects of the tribal life.
Tales of the Owlfolk: Surali and the Owlfolk Tribe
Embracing the tribal customs, surali found herself participating in rituals and tribal gatherings, her presence readily accepted by the rest of the tribe.
Tribal Legends - The Mute Wolf
#4 of tribal legends ## tribal legends ###### a suite of stories written down and translated by sharpfang '99.
Blackmail and the Baron's Daughter
He wasn't quite sure what to make of the woman who called herself "Arlene". Not yet, anyway. Willowy, tall, with bark-colored hair that whispered in the breeze, draped down to her shoulders. It was her eyes, though, that he found himself lost in. They...
The Lead Crown: Ch 4b, Your Highness (Pt 4)
The way aodhan seamlessly switched between common and the tribal tongue led malcom to believe that the wolf was far more learned than his tribal garb suggested; he smiled at their similarities.
The Lead Crown: Ch 2b, Outside Influence (Pt 1)
"i am all tribal, arlowe-hamah." the wolf responded, and offered a paw to the monk, "i will need to return to my place at the front of the group."
Hump in the Night
Quietly and slowly, the tribal wolfess opened the entrance.
The Nature of Life - Chapter 3
After that there were a few tribal tattoos and on the back of his paw was a green pentacle. it looks much cooler than anyone's tribal paint and it made him look that much sexier.
Escape (3)
Okay, maybe not where the tribal are... but i've seen enough," sam boasts with pride. "do you know where the tribal are?" "ahh, little one. seeking the tribal? you are an ambitious one. they are far down south in apodis.
The Lead Crown: Ch 8.4a, Rude Awakenings
The brown furred tribal bear scowled. "i do not like the idea of being on another carriage." errol scowled right back.
The Lead Crown: Ch 2a, League of Leaves (Pt 2)
Kesst didn't miss that the antelope had been speaking much less of tribal tongue and much more of the common one at nicholas' request.
The legend of Tigersight Chapter 5
"this is the slave from the tribal expedition."