True Monster

"like you kicked burke's ass," ryan cut in to burst the tough balloon his friend had swelled for the female gryphal of the bunch.

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Meridian Prime: Chapter 5

You should talk to chief burke. he'll be in his office. the secretary, tina can show you the way there if you can't find it." "you're not coming in with me?" i shook my head. "sorry, but i really need to figure this thing out."

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Code Oblivion Rebellion : Chapter 2

burke?" i asked the testy looking doberman. he was a tall man, maybe not as tall as aidan or flint but he certainly wasn't tiny. he also had the build of someone very fit that had long since gone to seed, though not fat either.

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Dragon in the Dishwater, Ch 1

He stepped into the hallway, the squirming masses of fellow students mulling all over, always in his way, chatting, talking, conversing... he passed by rick matthews, who was all over crystal burke, the two of the teens virtually dry- humping in the

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A shoulder to cry on

Goodwin burke offered the much older samoyed husky mix breed, whom currently was sporting some rather dark rings around her eyes. "thanks goody, you're such a sweetheart!"

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Spirit Bound: Appendix

**burke, bruce-** wolf, spirit (unknown). 59 yrs old. 5'7" (167.5cm) father of grayson, husband of barbara, son in-law to chief of sudbury clan. member of the halifax clan.

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Reflection Part VI - Interwoven

burke and robert?" jacob's voice was clipped. the coyote seemed almost manic. poor thing hadn't seen enough combat yet for it to have gotten easier. "there's dozens of squads patrolling the city centre. dozens more between here and the main camp.

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The City of Lost Heaven: Chapter 27

The opening quote i have on my manuscript - which is on it's fifth or sixth revision, is 'the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing,' - attributed to edmund burke.

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Code Oblivion: Rebellion (Reboot) Chapter 6

Sure i don't have the marksman skills like major burke." he said pointing towards the grumpy looking jackal who was busy tending to his fidgety son to pay them any mind.

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No More Excuses

Ben had some words of encouragement to give to him but, at the same time, also reminded him that he worked for ahb and that he should get any more out-of-the-studio work approved through mr aimes or mr burke.

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Lost Flight 3

That ship is from another earth like mine, but i don't mind it one bit because i thought the spruance class destroyers looked better than the arleigh burke guided missile destroyers that replaced the spruance class.

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