K'eyush and the nanuq (F polar bear/M human sex and vore)

As the seal slid over the last few yard of shore a heavy paw reached out of a snowbank and dragged it in. by the time k'eyush caught up with the seal littlepaw had it half swallowed.

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[SNEAK PEEK] Homeroom

A seal, an orca, a harpy-eagle, a raccoon, a hare, and a rat. all of them former heroes, of varying heights, but all of them in peak physical condition.

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Gomamon's Treat

The seal like digimon wasted no time. he put his front flippers on joe's chest, and pulled himself up. joe moved his arm out from under gomamon, and placed it gently on the seal's back.

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In Service of the King

Said the sharp voice that the seal had only heard once before, at the summer festival. the seal turned and looked up at the figure.

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Gabumon's Digiflu Treatment

Not satisfied with sitting on the floor doing nothing, the seal jumped up onto the bed, and sat near gabumon's feet.

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Where Nobody Knows Your Name

Marcus grunted the assurance out as robur felt the telltale twitching of mounting climax from the seal's shaft.

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FOS #2 - Poachers Find - "Sealing the Deal"

Alan seals her lips and stifles a feminine moan with a kiss, leaning back up as the beautiful mess of a noblewoman pinned under him stares with heavily lidded eyes.

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Sent Kobold Chapter 8: Library's Seal

#8 of sent kobold sent kobold chapter 8: library's seal entering a mage's library is a difficult task. entering an enclave of mages' library is decidedly much more difficult, and dangerous, as the kobolds and wyrmling are about to find.

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A Weekend Swim

With that, she was now a seal-woman. a selkie, she preferred to think of herself. but she couldn't change back with sealskin. and she had no interest in luring men out to sea to drown them!

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Occupational Hazards

"we know that, we just don't want to see you getting hurt," the seal says, performing a final check. "looks like you're all good."

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