Angel Alloy

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#10 of Writings

The final piece of Superhero storytelling for a while, as we approach the end of October, I'd like to set it off on a high note. This is the story of Richter and his battle against one of the largest gangs in New York City, The Angels. He will battle them, but he may need some help.

Next month begins to HARVEST MONTH OF SPOOKINESS! But don't expect quite as many stories, as I have grown quite busy with other things as well. Still, thank you for reading, this has been a fantastic month so far! Ciao!

Angel Alloy

They called this the golden age of the heroes. A time when the heroes and the villains were at a stand-still. Where there was not a whole lot of crime, but at the same time, the crime went overlooked once in a while. When there was a battle, it was normally resolved in a short amount of time, and one or the other came out victorious. Richter started noticing a trend of villains getting away with their ill-gotten-goods. It was a problem that he didn't like, but pretty much had to accept.

Richter was alone tonight. Ever since he moved to New York from Daytona Beach, his squirrel companion drew further and further apart from him. Not that he could complain, the times they had were great, but at the same time, it seemed she prefered to get fucked by the villain rather than him. It didn't really matter, he didn't start this superhero thing because he wanted to get some tail, and he wasn't going to let it distract him now.

He pressed the police radio headset closer to his ear, it wasn't a very good signal, probably meaning it was somewhere across the bridge. And to his dismay, it was. In fact, it was in the Bronx, way out of his territory. That's right, heroes in this city had territory, and they got angry if you superheroed on their turf. Some of them were okay with it if you told them, but a lot of them would end up kicking the villain's ass, then coming after you. Richter didn't get it, mostly because he wasn't in it for the fame.

"7 Klein 10! 7 Klein 10! Shots fired on South Brooke Avenue and Bull Street, please proceed with extreme caution."

South Brooke Avenue! He was close! He pulled down his red mask that covered up his entire face, and the silver fox ran! He made it past 9th, past Trenton, and got to Bull Street. Already he could hear gunfire! It was the Rat Squad, he could see the zoot suits from here, the bastards wore solid-color suits like you saw on those old pulp comics from the 50's, and they carried themselves like a mob, though they weren't nearly as classy. Richter stopped by an old warehouse corner to get some cover and assess the situation.

The Rat Squad members were ducked behind three cars, judging by the rate of fire, there were five of them. All of them were taking some serious heat from the other side. Whoever they were, they had artillery that sounded like it was military grade. Weapons sales were on the rise as of late because of all of the superhero activity, and the cash was flowing freely for the top grade equipment.

"We gotcha cornered you rat bastards!" A voice said, it was interrupted a few times by gunfire but it was clear what he said.

"Alright alright! Just stop firing for fuck's sake! We give up!" One of the rats said, but as he stood up, the police sirens finally made it. Richter knew when a scene was going to get messy, but he also knew a good diversion when he saw one. He ran across the street for the best vantage point. There was a small antique store with brick walls, he quickly got behind it, and started scoping. He finally got a good look at the opposing gang, and sure enough, it was the Angels. All of them had halos on their shirts, jackets, one of them even had a jersey on. Even when they weren't in their gear, they had halos tattooed somewhere on their bodies.

The police arrived, but that didn't stop the Angels. The crazy bastards started firing at the cars as they came in. The squad cars swerved to the right and the drivers ducked down to avoid fire. The Angels hit them with all of their assault rifles, sub machineguns and one of them even threw a grenade.

The leading squad car blew up from below, and shattered into pieces. Richter had to duck out of the way to avoid the shrapnel. There was a ringing in his ear that he'd become all too familiar with over time. It went without saying that the police began to distance themselves away from the Angels, and Richter didn't blame them.

He did, however, see an opening. He took the opportunity and sprinted toward the war zone. As he got close enough, only one of them saw him, and what luck, he was the one reloading his AK-47. Richter gave him no time to say anything, he simply reared back and clapped his hands hard! The shock wave that he emitted blew all six of the Angels out of their cover from behind a van. The van itself reared upward from the blast and smashed onto its side. The gangsters hit the ground hard, and before they knew it Richter was kicking their guns out of reach.

One of the rabbit gangsters got to his feet, but Richter was quick to lay him low with a right hook to his cheekbone. To them, he looked like a devil without a face. The red mask he wore hid his entire face, and the trench coat he had on was opened, revealing his gray shirt that exposed his very toned body.

A thug pulled out his pistol, pointing it at Richter, but he was faster. He snapped his fingers toward the bulldog man, creating a shock that caused the gangster to close his eyes and rear back. The masked hero grabbed the gun from his hand and elbowed the Angel's face. Richter slid the clip out of the gun, opened the chamber to let the bullet pop out, and he dropped the gun.

He stood over the unconscious gangsters, double checking all of them to make sure that they were down. That was when Richter heard a metallic sound on the ground, and the door closing behind him. He turned around and snapped his fingers again. The shock wave broke against a completely metal suit, though. The shining metallic exoskeleton's eyes lit up red, and with one punch to Richter's gut, he was sent flying back. He hit the ground hard, and the suit stepped out toward him. In the street light, he saw that it was in the shape of a very fit woman. Judging by the helmet, it looked like he was a canine of some sort, more likely a wolf.

The extreme blunt force to his gut was harsh on him, but he got to his feet like nothing happened, only to cringe at the horrible pain.

"Hold it right there!" A man said as he pointed a submachine gun at the shining metal suit. The SWAT team had arrived in a timely manner, only the metal woman simply glared toward them with red, glowing eyes.

"I'm giving all of you one chance to leave now." The metallic woman said through a megaphone, the mouth on the chrome-colored suit blinked red as she spoke. "Or you'll share the fate of this mask here." She pointed toward Richter, who furrowed his brow from under his mask.

"Fire!" The SWAT captain said, and all of them complied with a spray of bullets. Richter was forced to jump out of the way of the bullets and duck behind a car that once served as cover for the Rat Squad. He looked to see that they had fled some time ago, but their car was still there, and riddled with bullets.

The bullets bounced off of the exoskeleton, not even denting it. She pointed her fist toward the SWAT team, and it began to glow as it powered up. After just a few seconds, she cast a plasma beam straight at them, blowing up the ground below them and blasting them away. After that she pointed her other fist toward the police cars in the back, and blasted them as well.

Just then Richter came back out, stomping on the ground, destroying the ground below them, and causing a tremor to wave through the ground. The metal woman felt it, and was knocked off balance. However, she put her foot down on the asphalt, regaining her bearing. Without another second, Richter came toward her, but her other leg came up, kicking him across the face and making his cheek feel like a small explosion had hit it. Richter bled on his red mask, and it was a much darker red than he normally wore.

His ears rang, and the world began to spin. He got on all fours, holding the ground as hard as he could, trying to keep from passing out. He looked up, and the wavering image of the woman in the metal suit pulled out a very shiney, chrome pistol from an ejecting holster at her hip. She pointed the pistol at his head.

"You're not worth the energy." She spoke from an intercom, her mouth blinking red again.

Richter could do nothing, his head was beyond mobility, let alone cognitive thought. All he saw was a bright yellow light as he looked downward, and the gun going off. However, he was alive. He looked back up to see a very shapely ass in front of his face, clad in red armor, and a white cotton tail.

There stood a rabbit woman in front of the armored villain, standing between the two of them. She looked down at the crushed bullet as it fell off of her solid-red armor. Then the rabbit woman looked up at her with scowling eyes through the red mask that covered her upper face.

"Why don't you pick on a mask your own size?" The rabbit said, and with a flick of her wrist, she slapped the gun out of the mecha woman's hand. With a shout, she bashed her fist straight into the chrome metal armor, and drove the villain back into the crashed van, hard enough to bend the vehicle in half.

Richter stood up slowly, his head still swirling, but he was beginning to gain back control.

"Hey, thanks." He said, leaning to the side a little but regaining his balance.

"You're most welcome, Richter, was it?" She asked him, but kept her eyes on the metal villain still trying to get up from the ground.

"Yeah, and you're..."

"Hyper Hare, nice to meet you." She glanced a smile back toward him. "Love your mask." She started walking with her chest out as she approached the metal woman. After she got up from the ground, her sensors were reading a damaged area in her midsection, so her front hatch probably wasn't going to open very well. She shrugged it off, then she grasped hold of the broken van, and threw it hard!

Before it even hit the rabbit, it was blasted into several bits, and Hyper Hare was directly in front of her. The chrome colored criminal grasped onto her forearms before she could hand any punches. They struggled for control over one another. Hyper Hare was determined to get free, and if her opponent loosened her grip even a little, it would mean much more damage.

Instead, the two of them obviously had the same exact thought at the same time, because both of their eyes lit up. The rabbit's eyes blared yellow light gritting her teeth and both of them released a ridiculous amount of energy through their oculus orbs. Her yellow energy clashed with her red energy and the two of them were knocked straight back. Hyper Hare hit her back against the pavement hard enough to crash a hole through it.

"Angel Alloy systems critical. Recommend system shut down." The computer blared in her ear as the beeping noise began.

"Override priority!" The wolf girl shouted as she stood back up. Her face plate was mangled to the point of circuits showing, and electric discharges. By some miracle, though, her visuals were still active, but the static on her view screen was palpable. Her upper torso breastplate was fried, and no longer shined that brilliant luster it once did.

Hyper Hare stood back up as well. Her only battle scar was a simple blemish on her right outer lip. She spat a bit of blood to the side, and took a deep breath.

"Alright, then." She began to run toward Angel Alloy, and the power suited canine began charging up both of her hands, and wasted no time in blasting with both of them together straight toward the heroin rabbit! With both palms, Hyper Hare caught the beam, her own hands powered up to lessen the brunt of it. The struggle was on! Angel Alloy's power core was depleting at a ridiculous rate, all of the lights on her view screen were fading fast, and she did not even notice that a black gloved hand came right up to the side of her face, and snapped his fingers.

Richter released a shockwave directly into the broken faceplate, and Alloy recoiled from it, her blast turned into sparks as her systems went absolutely haywire! Everything started to spark on the power suit, and she fell back, spasming at a terrible rate.

With no time to lose, Kyra, the Hyper Hare, sprinted over to her in a second, buried her hands into the armored chest, and ripped it in twain. Two round breasts bounced into view, and she grasped onto the villainous wolf inside, prying her from the armor. Only the broken headpiece remained on her cranium, while the rest of the armor blew several fuses, and finally sizzled to a halt.

She set the dazed villain down on the ground, grasped her headpiece and ripped it from her, revealing a bruised and battered face. Kyra dropped the helmet to the ground, and then stomped it like one would stomp an aluminum can.

The wolf girl panted for breath, and looked at the two of them, as she sat there on the ground, exposed from head to toe in all her naked glory.

"Well, congratulations, you just beat up all of my angels, and destroyed a two hundred million dollar piece of equipment. Now what, heroes?" She scoffed at the two of them and Hyper Hare continued to clench hold of the side of her head. With a gritted teeth, the rabbit woman reared her fist back, and growled. For a moment, the former Angel Alloy gasped, and her mouth went agape.

Kyra stopped her punch directly in front of the wolf's nose, and simply flicked her snout. She recoiled, and plopped to the ground, unconscious. That was when the two heroes stood in front of one another, and while his eyes were hidden behind his mask, Kyra could tell where his eyes were gazing. She looked down to see both of her breasts completely exposed. She blushed a little and smiled up at him. After a moment, her arm came across them to hide her nipples while her white-furred breasts were squashed up against her chest.

Richter looked away then, his stance became apologetic. But both of them looked as the sirens came again, this time with three armored vehicles, most likely filled to the brim with SWAT teams out the wazoo.

"Come on!" She forgot about her very large tits for a moment and picked him up into her arms. With a lunge, she flew off with him into the night sky.

Richter found himself in the middle of quite a large studio apartment. Of all the things he expected that night, this was not one of them. He sat on a large, dark red couch, and looked around. His mask was off, revealing his foxy nature and silver fur. He twiddled his thumbs and looked at the very nondescript accommodations.

"Nice place you got here." He shouted as low as he could.

"Thanks! I just got it a month ago." She said from the bathroom to his left. Beside the bathroom was a small kitchen that was only sectioned off by the counter space. She finally opened the door to the bathroom, walking out of it. Kyra wore a white t-shirt with "Got Milk?" on the front of it. He scanned her, and saw that she either didn't have pants, or she was wearing very short shorts because the shirt went down to her upper thighs. She stopped when she saw him, though.

"Oh, wow, you're a handsome one." She looked over at his mask which was now draped onto the arm of the couch. "I noticed it needed a wash. You got kind of a fat lip, it seems." Then she traced the side of her mouth where the redness still remained. "I'm one to talk, right?"

"Yeah, my face gets hot after a while of breathing into this thing." He picked up his solid red mask and held it with one hand from the inside. "Still, it's gotten me out of some tight spots."

"Uh huh, I'm sure you have all kinds of tales from the streets of New York." She walked over and sat on the couch. "Did you want some tea? I can brew up a pot."

"Oh, no, thanks, I'm good. Are you sure it's okay if I stay?"

"Oh, I would be offended if you wanted to leave." She grinned at him and then slapped his knee. "Now, I want to know all about your stories. Now give up the goods." She said, then turned toward him, her legs together and leaning toward him.

"Well, I mean, no offense, but I'm not nigh-indestructible, strong, powerful, with the ability to fly."

"Oh, that? Yeah, well, it's a very, very long story. Honestly, it's still kind of a current issue." She brushed her fingernails behind one of her ears in her red hair as she looked away from him, a small frown on her face.

"Adrian." He said, and her ears perked up.

"Scuse me?" She looked at him with wide eyes.

"Adrian Miller, that's my name. I'm from Daytona Beach, Florida." He smiled, and her face brightened up.

"Oh my God! Even your name is cute! Hi! I'm Kyra Burns." They shook hands, and she leaned her head a little to the side. "So... are there any super girls in your life?"

He couldn't help but chuckle.

"Since you mention it, there was. That's why I came to New York in the first place. She told me that this city needs more help than Daytona Beach. The first few months were great, but then I actually got here, and she just kind of..." His hand trailed to the left as he talked, a symbolic gesture if Kyra had ever seen one. "So I'm pretty much a solo act now."

"I'm sorry. I know how that is for sure. I was married a while ago. Then this all happened to me, and from there, he pretty much told me he couldn't keep up with me anymore, and that I found this job more important than him. We separated a year ago, and just finalized the paperwork three months ago. Hence, the beautiful accommodations."

They sat in silence for a moment. He looked over toward her and leaned over the couch. He laid on his side squeezing his head behind her. She scooted forward and looked at him a little oddly and saw that he was now against the back of the couch, laying on his side, propping his head up with his hand. He looked up at her and patted the space closer to the edge of the couch. She couldn't help but giggle, and succumb to his charm. She laid on her side in front of him, and he pulled her close to him so her back could be against his chest and abs.

She put her hand on his cheek and held his other against hers. He turned his head onto hers and started laying small kisses onto the side of her lip. She turned into the little pecks and caught his lips to hers. She gave a small moan into his kiss, her cheeks flushing deep red. She gently broke the kiss and looked at him with a small smile.

"What do you think you're doing?" She traced a finger on the side of his cheek.

"What do you want me to do?" He said this and both of his hands ran up her abs, and onto her very large, DD breasts. They were very soft, and gave way as he squeezed them, drawing a gasp from her. He caressed them and kissed down the side of her neck. He reached both of his hands underneath her shirt and returned to their former position, this time feeling her ever hardening nipples. He softly pinched them and caused her to moan. She helped him out and lifted her shirt to expose both of them, turning her head back to him and kissed him with a growing carnal desire.

Her hand traced down his rock hard abs to a huge bulge in his pants. Her fingers traced the edges of it, and her eyes widened.

"Dear God, what are you hiding down there?" Her hand grasped it, feeling it twitch at her touch. He returned the favor in kind, putting his hand down between her legs. She had no panties, and she was absolutely soaked, she lifted her leg and set her foot on her other leg. He massaged her beautiful pussy, causing her legs to twitch at an almost violent rate.

"Damnit! I want this inside me." Her voice ached with absolute need, and she got up from couch, pulling him to a sitting position. With no time to lose, she undid his pants, and basked in the absolute beauty of his cock that stood at attention. He was about to say something, but then she shoved the whole thing into her mouth as far down as she could. She started sucking on him with reckless abandon, even holding onto his very large balls, one in each hand. He started panting as she only licked the head.

She stopped for a moment to throw her shirt to the side, it being all but useless now. To her surprise, he pushed her onto her back and slid off the couch to join her on the floor, pulling off his pants. She let out an anxious laugh, and smiled with absolute glee as he picked up her legs, pushing Kyra's knees toward her chest. The moment finally came, the one she was waiting for, that first push into her wet and impatient hole. She let out a sudden cry, and moaned at each impact his pelvis made against hers.

He couldn't get over how tight she was. He slid so easily in and out of her little slit, and he never let up for a second.

"Oh God! Do not stop! Please don't stop! Give it all to me! Please!" She grasped his shoulders and neck, pulling him toward her. At that angle he started fucking her downward, the tip of his manhood's head rubbing directly on her g-spot. She started calling out his real name over and over again. Her toes curled, and she cried out as she came, and hard! In a matter of seconds, he suddenly stopped, shooting his cum deep into her. Kyra's mouth remained open, and Adrian stayed deep inside of her pulsing vagina.

After a long moment, she pulled him over to the side, still inside of her. The two of them lied together, his arms wrapped around her, and her finger tracing the fur on his lip, smiling. They still panted, sweaty, and exhausted. Kyra stuck close to Adrian, leaning her forehead to his, and sighing.

"You want to stay over for the night?" She closed her eyes, sighing happily again.

"Yeah, but one thing first?" She hummed a little to ask him what it was. He leaned over, and kissed her on the lips. Such a strange feeling, so much of what he had with Booster was nothing but meaningless sex. This was different, though, there was something warm about Kyra, something so inviting. "You mind if we move to your bed?"

"Silly boy." She chuckled a little.

Three Cheers Pt. 3

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Three Cheers Pt. 2

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Three Cheers Pt. 1

** Three Cheers**** Pt. 1** Molly's sweat glands were in overdrive that day. Practice had been especially brutal, and the sun was merciless in its stubborn brightness. How were they expected to clamp down on each other's legs when their sweat was...

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