Carnal: Conundrum 2

Story by Avanti Halfhorse on SoFurry

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#18 of Carnal

A longer homosexual romp between a peahen and a female seahorse.

Before anyone asks how I come up with these story ideas; it's either a talent or a curse and I'm yet to work out which.

In case you missed my rants from the predecessor to this story (which is in no way actually related to that story in anything other than origin of the idea), I always get confused by the idea of homosexual seahorse sex and women dressing up as peacocks. Well after combining those two ideas and getting a story involving a relationship between a homosexual male anthro seahorse and male peacock who drags in his spare time, I sort of felt there was the other half to weird seahorse homosexual sex. (I don't know if you could call it a running joke, but it's definitely a driving one. (A. LOT. OF. DRIVING.))

In case you are lucky enough to not know the finer details of heterosexual seahorse sex (it's lucky, trust me), the female uses an ovipositor to inject her eggs into the male's brood pouch where he'll fertilise and carry the eggs until their ready to be born. (If you weren't here to read porn, I'd suggest actually reading into the mating behaviours of seahorses as it's actually kind of interesting.)

Now in case it wasn't obvious that I wasn't still on my homosexual seahorse kick, we're doing the female version this time and since I'm lazy, we shall keep our species the same, but just change things around a bit, or a lot, or both, I'm not picky.

Seriously, people do not understand just how much driving you have to do out here in outback Australia, and I live in a country town.

Also, straight, anatomically correct seahorses need more love. I'll have to get onto that later.

Also also, ovipositors need sexier words.

Also also ALSO; no, this is not herm, just like the other one, it's technically anatomically correct for female seahorses, the horse cock shape to the ovipositor is all me though.

Sex is gross when you really think about it. Best thing to do is not think about it too much. -Avanti Halfhorse (I make the mistakes so you don't have to.)

Life hadn't been the same since she'd gotten cancer. Of course everyone who's had cancer would say the same, but for her it had been a particularly tough blow. No female would say that ovarian cancer is pleasant (especially for an avian like her who only had one ovary), but it had been a real double whammy to hear the diagnosis. It was fortunate that it was in the very early stages, so she'd had time to save some ova for later in case she chose to have children of her own, but it wasn't that which bothered her. To her, the highlight of her week had been laying the egg that had been growing inside her for the last five days, pushing it through her body and squeezing it out into her makeshift nest. Her fetish had brought her some limited fame and fortune on the internet, but her lack of a secondary income wasn't what bothered her, it was that she just couldn't lay those beautiful eggs anymore. She'd tried all sorts of remedies and sexual aids, but the silicon replicas didn't have the same feel and the remedies from online certainly hadn't had their intended effect. Now, the highlight of her week (if one could call it that,) was sitting at her local bar and getting drunk on cheap whisky every Friday; no one's definition of fun.

"Hey Neil. An orange juice and a glass of water for my friend," someone next to her ordered. She was caught by surprise when the empty glass in front of her disappeared and was replaced with a glass of water with some ice in it. She looked up at the stranger next to her and saw a yellow and black spotted seahorse standing next to her, dressed in a tank-top and jeans. "If you're trying to hit on me," she mumbled, not too interested in talking to this intruder of her pain, "it's customary to buy an actual drink." "You don't look like you should have any more booze," the seahorse replied as she sat on the stool next to her. "You've probably drowned in enough." "I don't think it's your place to judge how much alcohol I've drunk," she muttered as she pushed the glass of water aside with the back of her paw. "Actually, I own this place; so it is my judgement and I think you've had enough," the seahorse said as she took the orange juice. "Well then, I'll just have to go somewhere else and finish getting hammered there," she said as she went to get up. "Yeah, not so fast," the seahorse said as she put a paw on her shoulder and gently pushed her back onto her stool, "something's wrong and I want you to tell me what it is." "And what if I don't?" "I don't want to be pushy, but if you want to get another drink in a bar in this town again, then I suggest you tell me." "That sounds like a threat," she grumbled as she gave the seahorse an angry glance. "Well if you wanted to drown your sorrows until you couldn't walk and not get questioned about it, then perhaps you shouldn't have walked into my bar." "Joanne has unnatural powers," the bartender said as he walked past, "I wouldn't mess with her." "Yeah? What makes her special?" "Does she sound belligerent to you Neil?" Joanne asked the bartender as she looked at him. "Probably best she gets escorted out," Neil replied. "She looks like she might get violent." "I don't know what this is, but it sounds illegal," she grumbled as she went to get up again. "Something that I could probably get a lawyer for." "And they'd tell you that your patronage at a place that serves alcohol is at the discretion of management. Do you want to drink at a public bar again?" "I really don't think you can stop me." "Neil?" Joanne said as she looked at the bartender. "Can you snap a photo of her for me?" Without saying a word, Neil had his mobile phone in his paw and had snapped a photo of her before she even recognised what had happened. "Thank you, Neil," Joanne said as she put one of her arms in a locking grip and began to one part walk and one part carry her out of the bar. "I'll go put her in a cab." "This is assault!" "Yes, it is," Joanne replied as she led the anthro peahen out to the taxi rank by her arm, "but it's legal assault as you are a causing a disruption to the operation of my establishment. Subsequently, I am authorised to escort you from the premises." "I'll just go to another bar." "Not tonight you won't. You're going home and by the time the cab has left this block, your face will be posted onto a watch-list all the high and middle-end bars in town use to alert others of troublesome patrons. Unless you want to go to some shit-hole where even the roaches have salmonella, you're going home." She was bundled into the back seat of a cab and before she could figure out what exactly was going on, her address had been given to the driver along with payment to get her home.

Joanne was standing behind the bar and stacking clean glasses in a fridge when she heard someone behind her clear their throat in a rather loud and very forceful manner. "Told you," Joanne said without turning around or being distracted. "You got me banned from nearly every bar, club, hotel, pub and bottle shop in the city," the peahen said angrily. "The only places I could go were either so gross I think the rats had food poisoning or so dodgy I think that even the paw sanitizer was watered down." "Huh, I'm surprised that The Dock is still in business." "Do you think you have the right to ban me from every place that serves alcohol in this city?" "As a member of the city's alcohol provider's council, I have a responsibility to ensure that alcohol isn't abused. You're an abuser of alcohol." "What the hell do you know about my problems?!" "You come in here every Friday and spend three hours or so sitting at the bar knocking back cheap whisky until you stagger out to a cab. You never drink with others, you don't talk to people and you look on the verge of jumping in front of a train. Whatever your problem is, it's bad." "You don't know the half of it!" Joanne turned around and looked the annoyed peahen in the eyes for ten seconds or so before taking down a scotch glass, putting two ice cubes in and pouring a serve of fine scotch into it. "This is on the house," Joanne said before pushing the glass towards the peahen, "but you will tell me what's wrong."

She looked at the glass nervously. She ached for a drink and would give anything to just snatch the glass and drink it, pouring the smooth liquid down her throat. But was it worth her revealing her pain? "If I tell you, you'll take me off the blacklist?" "Yes, at least here," Joanne replied. She took another minute to think about it before deciding to give as little as possible. "I can't have eggs," she said as she went to grab the glass, "now give me my drink." Joanne was too quick and picked the glass up before she could grab it. "That's not all of it," Joanne said as she lifts the glass up over her shoulder. "There's more than one way to have offspring." "That's not what I said," she said sternly. "I said I can't have eggs." Joanne looked at her for a minute or two, thinking about what to do before taking a shot glass and pouring some of the drink into the shot glass and presenting it to her. "HEY! I told you what's bothering me, now give me my drink!" She demanded. "Something tells me you're only telling me half the story, so you only get half the scotch," Joanne pointed out as she slid the shot glass over to her. "If you want more, then tell me more." "What's there to tell?" "How about why not laying eggs bothers you when a lot of my female avian staff tell me it's a pain." "Well they're missing out," she muttered under her breath as she took the shot glass, downed it in one gulp and put it back on the bar. "You should try telling that to Vicki," Joanne said under her breath. "She's a Kiwi and I've helped her lay an egg on one occasion. Damn thing had to be half the size of her head." "Lucky her," she mumbled as she ran a finger over the rim of the shot glass. "So you enjoyed laying eggs? Certainly a new fetish to hear about." "It was the highlight of my week, feeling the sensation of an egg passing through my body and then spreading me open as it slipped out through my pussy. It was so enjoyable and people used to pay me money to watch." "Huh, suppose I wouldn't recognise you with your clothes on." "Very funny," she grumbled as she put her cheek on the bar. "So, why'd you stop?" "Cancer took my ovary. No ovary; no ovum; no egg." The half glass of scotch slid across the bar into her field of view. "Was that so hard?" "Am I allowed to drink without the interrogation now?" "Maybe, but do you want a quieter place to talk than the front bar?" "Are you hitting on me?" "Yeah, I don't think that what you need right about now is sex. I'm offering you a quiet place to talk rather than pouring your heart out at a public bar." "That doesn't sound like a bad idea. Where'd you have in mind?" "My office is a quiet place where we can chat. Did you want me to bring the bottle?" She sat up and looked at the remaining half of her drink and pushed it away. "You promised me water last time, I might grab that."

Joanne's office wasn't very big. It was barely large enough for two people and that was before the cluttered desk and shelves were installed. She found herself sitting quite close to Joanne as she poured them both a glass of water. "So laying eggs was really your thing huh?" Joanne asked as she offered her the cool glass of water. "Yeah, I've just sort of always enjoyed it," she said as she took the glass from Joanne and held it in her lap. "I've only met a few others like me who genuinely enjoyed it the same way I did and that was through my work with amateur porn." "Did it pay well?" Joanne asked as she poured herself a drink. "I didn't pay that much attention to how much I got, I checked that I got what I was owed and then just sort of put it in a side account. I suppose you could say that it was a sad bit of irony that the porn money I made from laying eggs paid for my cancer treatment. I never did it for the money, I just took advantage of the fact that people wanted to watch me lay my eggs." "You must have been popular." "You wouldn't believe the offers I got to go professional, but that would have sucked the fun out of it." "Yeah, you need to be a special sort of person to work as a professional porn star, but as long as you don't treat it as a permanent career, you can get through it okay. Paid for my three bars." "You're a porn actress?" "Was. Lesbian stuff mainly. People pay a lot to see a female get a 'dicking' from another female." "How'd that work? A strap-on or something?" "Ovipositor," Joanne replied. "Seahorse biology is a bit backwards to everyone else." "Oh, like a hyena?" "Have you seen straight hyena sex? It's just docking where the female ends up pregnant. It looks different, but at the end of the day, it's not that far separated. Us seahorses pretty much reversed who gets pregnant and by association, who gets the 'dick'." "So, you have a penis and male seahorses have vaginas?" "As long as you don't say that to a male seahorse, you can go with that." "And a womb?" "It's more of a pouch. I'd lay my eggs into his pouch, he'd then, well, cum on them and then carry and nurture them until they're ready to be born." "This is confusing." "Just wait until you get into inter-species sex with a seahorse, because you're then in all kinds of trouble. I at least got lucky and like females; things aren't as incompatible." "Then why are you a female if you're the one with the dick?" "Honey, it's an ovipositor and the clue is in the name. It lays eggs." "Now seahorses lay eggs?!" "Ova. Sorry, forgot who I was talking to. I use it to deposit my ova into others. If it just so happened to be a male seahorse; he'd then cum, mix his seed with my ova and carry the fertilised eggs for the term of his pregnancy." "Oh, so it's because you supply the ova." "Yeah, I try not to question it too much or else you end up just confused. You look at everything else and I should be classed as a male, except for what the hormones do to my body I suppose." "Sex is weird," she sighed as she took a sip of her drink. "You're talking to a seahorse about how sex is weird?" Joanne asked as she brought her drink up to her lips before finishing her sentence. "You're not preaching to the choir, you're trying to convert the pope." Joanne took a big drink of water, emptying her glass as she tried to make sense of the things in her head. "So did you enjoy making porn with other people?" "It was fun sometimes, but I found that most of it was rather dull. Because I'm rather butch they'd always cast me with more effeminate females and that just bugged me. They were always so 'Oh, please fill me with your eggs, I want to be your brood pet' and that wasn't what I want in a partner; it's too male for my liking. I did a couple of films with some more masculine females and they certainly got me going, but butch-dyke films just don't have the audience; some, but not a lot. I'll admit that the weirdest one I did was a sort of cuckold porno I did once. Dragoness with her tubes tied wanted another child so had me lay a couple of my eggs in her and then she fucked her dragon husband. A year later she has a dragon-seahorse child." "Did they really get a dragon-seahorse baby for the film?" "Oh, the child wasn't IN the film, it was more just sort of implied. The weird part is that I have a biological daughter because of that film and it was planned that way." "So she couldn't have kids of her own and so asked you to donate one of your eggs?" "Yeah and when her husband heard what she was planning, they decided to make some money from it by making a cuckold porn."

For a moment, the gears in her head turned rather quickly as a thought filled her mind.

"Do you think, you'd be willing to do that again?" "Make another porno? Not really, had my time in that limelight and I'm happy with my chain of bars." "I didn't mean the porno, I meant giving someone else one of your ova." "It's not like it's hard for me, all I need to do is jerk off into a Petri dish." "No, I want you to have sex with me." Joanne paused and looked at her hesitantly. "Look," Joanne tried to explain, "I know you're going through some hard times at the moment, but I think you really need to get some psychological help. I don't think sex is quite what you need." "No, I need an egg." "I don't think a chick is what you need at this time either." "No, not a hatchling, an egg." "Oh, forgot who I was talking to again." "So would you help me?" "Look, it's flattering and all, but I don't really know you that well and I'm sort of a romantic now when it comes to sex." "Then what are you doing this Friday?" "I run three bars, I am needed to keep them running." "Saturday?" "Again, I'm working. "Sunday?" "Don't you have to work on Monday?" "Come over at lunch, we can have an afternoon date." "Okay, but do be prepared to serve breakfast, that's when I get up."

It had been a nervous couple of days for her. She had done her best to try and keep her mind focused on work, but it had been difficult to keep her mind on the various accounts she was responsible for balancing and off the excitement she felt over possibly being able to lay an egg again. Friday took forever and Saturday was worse. By the time Sunday lunch rolled around she was a complete mess of nerves. She didn't know what to expect and the moment the front doorbell rang, she hadn't realised just how quickly time had passed that morning.

"It's good to see you," she said happily as she opened the door and saw Joanne standing there dressed in t-shirt and slacks with a thermos in one paw and a satchel slung over her shoulder as she rubbed one of her eyes with her other paw. "It's so early," Joanne grumbled as she gave a yawn. "Forgive me if I'm tired, not used to getting up before 12." "What time do you normally get up?" She asked as she stepped back to let Joanne in. "Usually 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I hope you don't mind if I brought my own coffee." "Well I did make some since I guessed you'd be tired," she said as she led the seahorse into her kitchen. "I'll take some as well, just need my stuff to help make it stronger," Joanne said as she sat down in one of the chairs and put the satchel she was carrying next to her and the thermos on the table. "What makes it so special?" She asked as she got two mugs and the espresso pot, putting them all on the table with the usual paraphernalia. "Does it have Irish cream in it or something?" "It's just turned 12!" Joanne said with surprise as she was woken up by the suggestion. "It's too early for alcohol." "I'm just guessing," she said as she sat down opposite Joanne. "It's just my morning blend for when I need to get up earlier than usual," Joanne said as she took one of the mugs and poured some of the contents of her flask into it. "Tastes bitter as hell, but it gets the job done." With her mug half full of the darker liquid, Joanne took the espresso pot and filled it up the rest of the way with the fresh coffee. "So what makes it special?" "You know when you need that extra pick-me-up when you're having your coffee, so you put at extra spoon of instant in?" "I do have standards for my coffee, but I know what you're getting at." "This stuff is four times the strength of your normal coffee. Tastes like crap, but when you need to be awake it works like a charm, assuming you don't abuse it." "That sounds intense." "When you run three bars, you sometimes need the extra boost; this is where this comes in." "You're not working tonight are you?" She asked, now feeling bad that she might be putting Joanne out. "Don't worry, my managers can handle it, I chose them well."

After heaping two spoons of sugar into her coffee, Joanne took a large gulp and shuddered. "It still tastes bad," Joanne said as she put her mug down. "Well I hope it's not my coffee," she said as she poured herself some of the espresso and took a sip. "Yours is fine, mine is just overpowering. The shock of the bad taste helps you wake up."

There was a moment of awkward silence as the two of them sat there without talking.

"I'll be honest, I've never really done this before," she managed to say after putting her mug down, the coffee seeming to contain its own version of liquid courage. "I've had a couple of boyfriends, but I've never really asked a female over before for a date." "I didn't think you were the type," Joanne chuckled. "Is it that obvious?" "Well normally, dates involve a meal or something like that before going back to someone's place for coffee." Beneath the feathers that covered her cheeks, she felt them tingle with a blush. "I didn't really think this through," she stuttered as she focused on the mug of coffee in front of her, wishing the dark liquid would swallow her up. "I just sort of thought about the chance of having an egg again that I didn't consider how that would actually happen." "Honey, I used to work in porn, so I'm used to dealing with nervous actresses going through their first time," Joanne pointed out with a chuckle. "I suppose I just don't know what to expect. I'm no virgin, but I've also never had sex with another female before." "My Sea-mare Teacher," Joanne sighed before taking a sip from her mug. "I'm sorry?" "One of the pornos I worked on had this exact sort of plot, except my co-star was a skunkette," Joanne said as she put her mug back on her saucer. "Horny university student desperate to learn the ways of lesbian sex invites one of her lecturers to her place to teach her all about the joys of sex with another female." "That sounds interesting." "Not one of the highlights of my career," Joanne said as she added an extra spoon of sugar to her coffee before stirring it in. "Porn plots aren't supposed to be complicated, but the script was barely a page and a half and most of that was just a list of suggested sex positions. I had to ad-lib most of my dialogue; my co-star was bloody useless when she wasn't being an absolute diva expecting me to do all the work; the writer-director was so far up his own ass he thought he was the best in the business. Fucker called me a sea mare like it was something clever, not to mention he was fucking my co-star on the sly. They were just unprofessional as hell. Were it not for the sizeable cheque at the end of it, I would have walked off the movie at the beginning. I'm at least glad they used condoms. No way I wanted to be part of that fucked-up family." "They were husband and wife?" "No, brother and sister." She had to do her best to not spit her coffee out all over her guest and subsequently choked on it. "Are you kidding me?" "I suppose since you only did amateur stuff, you never had to deal with the weirdness that is commercial porn," Joanne said as she took another sip from her mug. "You're seriously telling me that they were siblings?" "What? You think there aren't professional incest porn actors?" "I just thought it was a gimmick." "Well it's a sales gimmick certainly, but if there's the market, people will make it." "That's just gross." "Honey, sex is gross when you really think about it. Best thing to do is not think about it too much." She shuddered as she tried to get the thought out of her mind. "I have a brother, but there's no way I'd sleep with him, even if he wasn't a drag queen with a boyfriend." "So you were an amateur porn star and your brother is a gay drag queen?" Joanne asked as she started to laugh. "What, you think that we're weird or something?" "Quite the opposite," Joanne sighed as she eased herself out of her laugh. "Tending bar for as long as I have has taught me that what is actually 'normal' is a lot weirder than what most people think it is. People will admit anything to their former lesbian porn star bartender, just like you did." "That actually makes me feel a bit better," she admitted as she put her mug on her saucer and turned to look away from her guest. "I felt like I was quite the freak for asking you to give me one of your ova." "You think you're the first? I've had people beg to be filled with my eggs." "Professionally or...?" "Yes. You're forgetting I have a daughter." "Do you ever see her?" "Of course, but she doesn't know me as her mother, obviously. I'm her aunt and as far as I'm concerned, I'm fine with that. She has a mother and father and they take great care of her. It will be awkward for her to find out that her parents basically turned the night she was conceived into a porno, but that's going to be their talk, not mine and it's going to be some years away, assuming her father has cleaned up his habit of leaving his porn stash laying around in the open." "Have you ever thought of having a child of your own?" "Once or twice, but I haven't met the right person yet. It is a bit hard when you run three different bars and can't quite find the time to date. What about you?" "I've never really thought about it myself. I was too focused on laying my eggs and work." "We're just a pair of workaholics it seems," Joanne sighed as she leaned back in her chair, picked up her mug and took a sip from it. "Do you ever miss doing porn?" "Sometimes," Joanne sighed again as she looked up at the ceiling. "As I said the other night, some of my co-stars were quite fun and some are still friends while others were just pains in the ass. Some directors were strict while others let us just have sex, filmed it and would only occasionally offer suggestions. I miss it the times when they were fun, but I don't miss the times when the sex was rather forced and dry." "I think everyone hates bad sex." "But not everyone has to do it to keep a roof over their head." "I suppose I was lucky like that," she said as she looked at her own coffee. "I didn't lay because it made me money, I did it because I enjoyed it." "We all get into it because we enjoy sex; never met a porn star that didn't. One or two directors who were a bit asexual, but if you wanted to be in front of the camera, you needed that enjoyment. I watched a couple of your clips and you seemed to enjoy it." She felt her cheeks burning again beneath her feathers as a sense of shame and embarrassment filled her body. "You saw my clips?" She asked hesitantly. "I was curious about what you enjoyed and you seemed so heartbroken about not being able to lay eggs, so I thought I'd look it up and see for myself." "But my site promised me no one from the state would be able to see my stuff." "Honey, they're called VPNs and it's easy to get around those location locks. From there, all I needed to do was find an amateur peahen who loved filming herself laying her eggs." "Which ones?" She asked as she buried her face in her paws, not wanting to look at Joanne out of shame. "If I remember correctly," Joanne said as she put a paw to her chin as if to look deep in thought, "it was 'Peahen masturbates with her egg as she lays,'..." She remembered that time rather well; she'd been laying and almost reached her climax, but the egg was coming out too quickly, so she had started to finger herself, pushing the egg back into her body to help herself reach orgasm. "... 'Peahen cums as she lays, holding her egg in,'..." That time, the opposite happened. She'd been too vigorous with her vibrator and peaked too soon, her body squeezing around the firm egg making its way through her vaginal passage. "... and my personal favourite; 'peahen lays three eggs and makes a mess'." That was the time she was on the ovulation drugs so the doctors could harvest her ova and freeze them. They had collected five, but the drugs were very potent and she had ended up with three eggs growing inside her. She became so gravid that by the time Thursday rolled around she was barely able to get out of bed, let alone get to work and by Friday lunchtime, the three eggs were jostling for position. She had tried to hold on until Friday night when she normally streamed her egg laying on the porn site, but by midday the pressure was too much that she had to lay her eggs. It had been the most intense lay she ever had.

When she took her time a laying stream could last between 15 and 20 minutes. Laying all three eggs took almost two hours and she lost track of how many times she came. It was her most memorable session and unfortunately, her last.

"Something wrong?" Joanne asked as the peahen looked away from the seahorse sitting opposite her. "Just reminiscing," she said under her breath, trying her best to savour the tingle that grew in her crotch while at the same time, resisting the urge to remember that which she was now denied, "and trying to not remember." "I did notice it was your last clip," Joanne pointed out, "I'm guessing it was the last time you laid?" She felt the depressed knot in her gut tighten up and all she could do was nod as she looked down at her cup of coffee. She was so focused on the mug in front of her that she didn't hear Joanne get up, walk around the table and give her a hug from behind. "I can't imagine what it'd be like to lose such an important part of your identity," Joanne said as she gave her a squeeze. "It's been hard." The two stayed in that embrace for a moment, sharing the silent hug before Joanne spoke up. "Want to go think about something else?" Joanne asked as she squeezed her hug a bit. "I brought some movies to watch if you want." "What did you bring?" She asked, trying to break herself out of her depressed moment. "Just some of my movies," Joanne replied. "I think it's only fair after I watched a couple of yours." She felt her cheeks burning again as Joanne slowly released the hug. "T-that sounds like fun," she stuttered as a small grin formed at the edges of her beak.

She had hoped that the movie they were going to watch the cuckold film Joanne had starred in with the dragon couple, but she was surprised to see Joanne standing next to a rather tall dark chestnut mare on the home menu screen, both of them naked and Joanne had something that looked like a milky white stallion's cock dangling between her legs. "Is that your cock?" She asked in surprise. "Ovipositor," Joanne corrected, "but yes, that's all me." "It's so huge!" She exclaimed, now worrying about if she'd ever be able to take the whole length. "You're starting to sound like one of my fellow actresses," Joanne chuckled. "I think only Dianne didn't comment on its size." "What did she say?" She asked. "You'll see," Joanne chuckled as she pushed play on the DVD remote.

She watched as the establishing shots of the porno play out; the outside shots of a stable with the neighing of horses adding to the scene. "Those aren't the stables we filmed in since the owner didn't want people to recognise their business," Joanne pointed out. "So whose stables are those?" "One of the producers. You save money where you can." There was a slow transition to inside a barn where the mare from the home menu, dressed in jeans and a check long-sleeve shirt, moving large bales of hay around. "She's big," she muttered in awe as the mare seemed to pick up another bale of hay and move it across the room. "And she does security for me when it's quiet at her stable," Joanne added as she took a sip of her coffee. "You have to be crazy to keep causing trouble when 7ft of angry mare walks up behind you and snorts. She's the biggest softie though; you should see her with her four-legged foals, it's just adorable." At this point, Joanne walked into the scene, dressed in similar attire, but also wearing a cowboy hat and boots.

"I'm done for the day," Joanne's character said as they leaned in, holding herself against the door frame, "so unless there's anything else you wanted me to do, I'm heading home." "Not so fast Stacey," Dianne's character seemed to say with a rather thick drawl, "I need you for one more job."

"Stacey?" "Market research."

Dianne's character had laid the bales out to make a sort of bed and threw a large blanket over the bales. "Been watching the studs doing their thing all day," Dianne's character said as she wiped the sweat from her brow, "and now I need some action of my own." Dianne's character began to undo her belt and slowly pulled it from her jeans. "Am I going to get overtime for this?" Joanne's character asked as she stepped forward a bit, taking off her hat. "You'll get something for your time," Dianne's character said as she unbuttoned her jeans, "but only if you truly earn it." "Does she really talk with a country accent?" "Fortunately, no."

Dianne's character kicked her jeans off and sat down on the makeshift bed of hay, opening her legs and showing off her lack of panties and a rather damp set of mare lips. "I'm desperate for some lovin' that only you can give me," Dianne's character said as she started to rub her clit in slow circles. "Gees boss, I think you only keep me around for my tongue," Joanne's character replied as she walked closer and knelt down in front of Dianne's character. "You know quite well that's not your only attribute that I like." Joanne's character moved her lips closer to the pussy of Dianne's character and began to kiss her dark coloured pussy lips.

She grabbed the pillow next to her and held it to her chest, trying to hide her gaze from watching the movie. "Something wrong Honey?" Joanne asked as she looked over at her. "I feel a bit embarrassed to be sitting on a couch next to someone who's starring in the porn I'm watching." "Don't watch your own stuff?" Joanne chuckled as she swirled her mug of coffee. "That's a bit different," she replied with a blush. "I'm remembering the fun of laying those eggs." "It's the same for me. Dianne and I had a lot of fun that day, especially considering the director of this film let us do our thing, said nothing and did most of his magic in the editing suite. He was kind enough to give Dianne and I a full copy of all the footage he filmed. Almost three hours of hot female seahorse on mare lesbian action." She pulled the pillow closer to herself and tried to hide behind it a bit more.

"Oh, your tongue is so bloody deep," Dianne's character moaned as she rubbed Joanne's head, one of her paws gently playing with the fin on the top of Joanne's head. "It feels like you're tongue fucking my womb."

She looked over at Joanne who was showing off her tongue by dipping the end of it into her mug of coffee as she sat back against the couch with the mug in her lap, even curling her tongue once in a loop. Joanne didn't say anything as she looked over her almost as if she didn't realise what she was doing.

Joanne's character pulled her tongue free from the soaking wet mare pussy as she pulled her head back a bit, the long tongue sliding out and covered in mare nectar. "Tastes like you're wanting a foal," Joanne's character groaned as she used her tongue to lick around her lips and muzzle. "You taste delicious when you're like this." "You are a naughty cowgirl," Dianne's character drawled as she looked down at the seahorse crouched between her legs. "So how about you shut up and start fucking me."

She looked over at Joanne, noticed she was rubbing her inner thigh and felt embarrassed at the sight of Joanne's bulge starting to grow in her slacks. "Do you get an erection like a male?" She asked as she watched Joanne give her inner thigh a squeeze. "Yeah, it works a bit like that," Joanne replied as she looked down at the swelling in her pants. "Would you like to see it now or wait until it turns up in the film?" "I might just wait for the film," she said quickly and quietly, hiding herself behind the pillow. "It'll be a while," Joanne noted. "Dianne was a fan of being fisted and I wasn't going to deny her that day."

"Sorry boss, but you know I like it when you're really wet," Joanne's character said as she took off her shirt. "There's nothing like the sight of a wet, wanting mare pussy." Joanne started to slip her paw into Dianne's pussy, her fingers out straight and close together as they slipped between the dark, damp mare lips, making Dianne moan out as she leaned back onto the makeshift bed.

"She looks like she's having fun." "Dianne likes being fisted; a lot of lesbian mares enjoy the feeling of their lover's fist inside them." "Is it any good?" "I couldn't tell you personally, you know, lacking the appropriate parts." "C-could you fist me?" Joanne stopped sipping on her coffee and looked over at the peahen with a look of surprise. "Well, that's certainly an interesting request," Joanne said as she looked back at the TV. "I probably should stretch again if I am going to have an egg," she said with a blush, "and I'd certainly like you to help." Joanne just took another sip of her coffee.

"Oh Stacey," Dianne's character moaned as she wriggled on the blanket covered bales of hay. "I really don't know which is bigger." "I think my arm's bigger," Joanne's character replied as she eased her forearm in right up to her elbow. "And I think it's gotten bigger since you started working here Sugar."

Joanne finished her coffee and rather than putting it on the small table next to her at her end of the couch, she reached over the peahen and put it down on the side table at her end as if to use it as an excuse to drape her arm over her and pull her a bit closer. "Smooth," she said as she looked towards Joanne while the seahorse got a bit closer. "Does this usually work?" "I'll be honest, usually my dates have seen all of my catalogue before our first date," Joanne replied. "I think you're the first who wasn't interested in sleeping with me as a porn star." "Does it feel different being the one who's watched your date's porn?" She asked as she leaned herself against Joanne's side as the seahorse rest her arm over her shoulders. "I'll admit that your egg laying porn is the first I've seen." "Well yours is the first seahorse porn I've watched." "So you have seen some of my stuff." "Only some of... What's this one called again?" "Okay, I deserved that."

Dianne's character moaned and twitched as her pussy squeezed the arm buried within her body, copious amounts of her natural lubricant oozing out and dribbling both down Joanne's arm as well as down Dianne's lips and onto her tailhole. "I'm so close Sugar," Dianne's character moaned as her legs tensed and squeezed Joanne's arm. "Then I better not finish you just yet," Joanne's character said as she slowly withdrew her now drenched arm, "you clench so tightly when you're desperate for your orgasm." She could tell what was about to happen and as she looked down at the swelling in Joanne's slacks, she could tell her seahorse companion was getting quite turned on from watching herself messing with the mare on screen. "You look like you're getting a bit crushed in those pants," she said as she watched the bulge slowly throbbing and growing before being pressed back in by the fabric. "Not really," Joanne noted, oblivious to which pants she was talking about. "I had a personal costume designer who knew what I was packing and would always make sure I was never uncomfortable on set." "Does she make your slacks as well?" Joanne looked down to see what she was staring at. "Oh, yeah these are getting a bit uncomfortable," Joanne said as she shift a bit. "Can I open them up for you? Help relieve the pressure?" Joanne didn't say anything at first as she sat back and rest her arms on the top of the couch. "If you want to, but please be careful," Joanne said as she looked down at the peahen. "My ovipositor is a bit more sensitive than a cock."

As she undid the belt and opened up Joanne's slacks, she was suddenly greeted by the sight of a horse-cock looking ovipositor as it spilled out of opening of the slacks. "You're huge," she said in surprise as the milky-white ovipositor came to rest on Joanne's lap. "Don't worry your head Honey," Joanne said as her ovipositor flexed a bit, lifting off her lap so it could bend and flex, "unlike stallions, I can change the size of my ovipositor, that way you won't feel so stretched." "Sounds like a useful skill." "It does help with some of the smaller girls, but you might be able to take the whole thing." "It's been a while," she said, feeling ashamed and sad that she hadn't been stretching herself the way she used to, "so I don't know how well I'll do with the whole thing." "Then may I suggest that you start getting more comfortable with my egg layer if you hope to become more intimate with it later."

She wasn't new when it came to playing with a penis, but this was something she'd never dealt with before. Her last boyfriend had been a wolf, but he was nowhere near as big as Joanne was. She put both her paws on Joanne's pseudo-cock and could barely get half way up its length.

"You're huge," she muttered under her breath.

"Mmm, all the fun of a stallion without the braggin' afterwards."

She looked up at the movie for a moment and saw Dianne's character starting to play with Joanne's ovipositor. "My favourite statement about my egg layer," Joanne said with a smile as she paused the movie. "But we can watch the rest later, you look like you're getting rather interested in the real thing.

She looked back and noticed that almost instinctively, she had started sliding her paws up and down the length of Joanne's pseudo-cock. "I... didn't realise," she said as she took her paws off of Joanne's member. "Don't stop now Honey," Joanne said to encourage her to keep going, "you weren't doing anything wrong." "I don't quite know what to do," she admitted. "Seems like you know how to handle a cock," Joanne suggested, "so just keep going with what you know."

She felt nervous now that Joanne was watching what she was doing. Her strokes were slow, careful and gentle, unsure just how well she'd be able to arouse Joanne using what she could remember about playing with a wolf's cock. "I think you're overthinking things," Joanne cautioned, "just do what comes naturally." "Nothing about our time together is what I would call 'normal'," she said as she tried her best to relax. "Well if you take off your pants, I can at least return the favour," Joanne suggested. "I..., I don't know if...," she stammered as she let go of Joanne's cock and sat back a bit. "Don't worry," Joanne said as she stood up and let her slacks fall to the floor, "I suppose you could say I'm an expert when it comes to helping others come to understand my body and I'm certainly not a novice at making females feel good."

Her paws fidgeted with her slacks as her gaze fixed upon the stallion cock-shaped ovipositor that hung between Joanne's legs. She didn't realise just how intense she was staring at the large phallus her companion was sporting until she was suddenly surprised by Joanne looking her straight in the eyes as she knelt down. "You looked confused," Joanne said to her as she knelt down, resting her paws on the peahen's knees, "have you ever had sex with another female before?" "Actually I haven't," she said, her cheeks blushing hard as she looked away. "You're my first." "Again, it's not like I haven't heard that before. Lean back, let me take off your pants while you relax; if you've had a guy go down on you before, this certainly isn't anything new."

She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and leaned against the back of the couch as Joanne helped her wriggle out of her slacks and panties, which were already starting to show the signs of arousal dotting the fabric. She took several long breaths as she felt her seahorse companion getting comfortable between her legs, but as she felt Joanne's gentle breath grace her moist lips, she couldn't help but snatch a sudden lungful of air. "My tongue might not have the girth of a stallion," Joanne said as she eased herself a bit closer, each word gently blowing more air onto her damp crotch, "but you'll find I have a certain advantage over them."

She felt the gentle touch of a narrow tongue slide along her pussy from the bottom of her sexual lips to the top, with the end of the lick flourished with a slow circle around her clit. While one arm gripped her chest, she had to use her other paw to stop herself from screaming out and annoying the neighbours by clamping her beak shut with her fingers. "Looks like you haven't had someone do this to you in a while," Joanne said with a smile as she pulled back a bit. "Are you alright there Honey?" She didn't want to let go of her beak lest she start screaming out, the lingering tingle from Joanne's lick was so intense that she was still filled with a need to call out. "Here, this might help," Joanne offered as she took one of the cushions that sat on the couch and passed it to her, "I'm not the sort to brag, but I can tell you're going to need this."

She took the pillow and put it over her beak as she watched Joanne ease her long muzzle between her thighs and let out another hot breath over her sex. She felt the tongue slip out and start to slide between her lips, but it felt different to last time. She could feel the length of Joanne's tongue parting the entire length of her lips until she felt her clit being tickled by the tip of the tongue whilst it felt like the body of Joanne's tongue was still parting her lips. Joanne looked up at her with a knowing look on her face before she felt the seahorse's tongue move and start to slide up her sexual passage. Now all she could do was hold the pillow to the face and moan loudly, her body twitching as her spine seemed intent to jump right through her body and exit through her chest. But this was only the start of the tricks Joanne's tongue could perform.

Joanne's tongue had length and it seemed to have no trouble pushing through the pulsing passage of her body. She was surprised at how deep Joanne's tongue could go until she felt a strange tingle in part of her she knew well; the opening of her egg chamber. It had grown sensitive in the months of near abandonment. The sensation wasn't a painful one, but the sudden burst of neglected nerves springing to life was overwhelming and for a moment, the scream she wanted to let out got caught in her throat until the surge of sensation started to calm down and her body could relax enough to let her vocalise the pleasure within. She squeezed the pillow to her face as she moaned and screamed in pleasure and had Joanne not had her paws on her legs, she would have probably crushed Joanne's head between her thighs.

She took a moment to catch her breath, letting the pillow and her arms sink to her chest as she did her best to get the oxygen she desperately needed back into her body, taking deep, rapid breaths. Joanne however didn't want to stop just yet and began to tickle the opening to her egg chamber with the tip of her tongue, drawing circles around the opening to try and increase the peahen's arousal. "Is that really your tongue?" She panted as she looked down at Joanne in surprise. "It's really that long?" Unable to really reply, Joanne merely tipped her head to one size for a moment as if to give a rather nonchalant nod before pressing the tip of her tongue against the opening to her egg chamber and starting to wriggle the tip through the muscle.

This time, the sensation wasn't the overwhelming spike of pleasure that it had been before, but a slow build she recognised, just like the ones she'd experienced when she'd been laying. There was no loud screams this time, but there were low moans that eased from her chest as she let the pillow drop and tried to reach down so she could rub Joanne's head. Unfortunately this instinctive response didn't take into account the length of Joanne's muzzle, but as she needed to do something with her paws, she rubbed along its sides. "Please, don't stop," she moaned as she closed her eyes. Joanne was happy to oblige this request, continuing her task of stimulating her partner's sex as her tongue slipped through the clasped muscle and into the egg chamber beyond it. Her body didn't react in any particular fashion when her egg chamber was penetrated by Joanne's tongue, but the moment Joanne eased her tongue back to let the internal side close back up, she couldn't help but utter a deep moan and let her head roll back.

That sensation, the feeling of her cervix being stimulated by Joanne's tongue made her remember the feeling of it being spread open by an egg, bringing back every memory she had of squeezing an egg through that tight muscle and along her passage, only this time, it was reversed, as if the egg was going back into her body. She could feel her body rushing towards an orgasm and she could barely catch herself as she was overwhelmed.

She let out a loud caw as she came, her body producing more than enough fluid that it squirted out onto Joanne's face. She leaned forward as she held on to Joanne's muzzle, feeling the ripples squeeze her egg chamber and passage as if it was trying to eject an egg quite violently. It had been so quick she had barely had time to catch her breath before her diaphragm got caught up in her body spasms and she had to actively breath. It was an intense few breaths, but after the forth forced draw of breath, her breathing starting to relax and she was able to take deep breaths again. Her grip, which she was surprised just how firm it was, loosed around Joanne's muzzle and she slowly sat back as Joanne, who had found herself suddenly pushed right up into a peahen pussy, took a few deep breaths of her own as she slowly pulled her tongue free and showed off its length, almost three-quarters of a metre long, which she used to clean up her face before slowly drawing it back into her mouth. "You're just showing off," she panted as she watched Joanne pull her tongue back in. "And you're just jealous," Joanne replied after the last of her tongue slipped back into her mouth. "I don't think so," she replied as she sat back a bit, "I was the one who got to experience it." "Everything okay though?" Joanne asked her as she lay back against the couch, doing her best to calm her breath.

She was startled when Joanne spoke to her again, shaking her knee to get her attention. "Wake up Honey, I don't want you falling asleep just yet." She sat up in surprise, blinking the tiredness from her eyes as she looked at Joanne. "I'm awake," she muttered, rubbing her eyes. "You weren't a minute ago," Joanne replied with a chuckle. "Been a while?" "Quite a while," she replied as she sat forward. "I haven't felt that since..." "Peahen lays three eggs and makes a mess?" Joanne asked, referring to the last movie she had posted. Filled with embarrassment, all she could do was nod as she did her best to not pass out from the blood rushing to her cheeks. "Well shall we see if I can help you make another movie?" Joanne asked, standing up with her ovipositor hanging between her knees, gently leaking something that looked like precum. Her words failed her as she imagined that massive, horse-cock shaped ovipositor sliding into her and pumping her full of ova, which her body would turn into eggs, eggs that she'd then lay. All she could do was nod. "Come on Honey," Joanne coaxed her as she flexed her ovipositor, "I need to hear you say it, I just can't quite get aroused if you don't tell me how much you want it." "I need you," she mumbled as one of her paws cupped the flared head of the ovipositor, "to fill me with your cock..." "Not a cock, but keep going." "... and I need you to fuck me with it until you fill me up." She brought the hardening tip up to her beak and carefully slipped her tongue out so she could lick the white flesh. "Let me carry your eggs until I'm ready to lay them." Her tongue licked the hardening ovipositor again, now almost standing erect in her paws. "Every. Single. One." As if to punctuate her sentence, her tongue licked up some of the clear precum that was oozing from the tip. "Well you're going to have to lie down if you want to keep going," Joanne noted. "I might not be an expert on avian biology, but I doubt your throat connects to your egg chamber. She let go of Joanne's cock, a slight pout on her face as she shifted herself and lay back across the couch, one leg lifted up so her foot was on the cushion by her rump with her knee lifted up and leg relaxing against the back of the couch, while her other foot was on the floor with her legs spreading to give Joanne quite the show as Joanne knelt down on the couch between her legs. Her gaze was unshifting from Joanne's ovipositor, in awe of this massive thing that was going to slide into her, right into her egg chamber, and give her the eggs she desperately desired. "Should we worry about lube?" She asked. "Honey, you're so wet I'm going to have to make sure I don't slip and bottom out in you on my first thrust," Joanne pointed out. "I should be asking if you want to put down some towels." She reached down with a paw, two of her fingers slipping over her wet pussy lips to see just how wet she was. The only thing that was more surprising that how hot her pussy felt was just how sensitive that part of her body was. She wasn't even thinking as her digits slipped in so she could feel the sensations as she fingered herself once or twice (something she shouldn't be doing as it had been a couple of months since she had trimmed her claws). "Alright," Joanne said as she gently grasped her paw, "last thing you want to do is end the fun before it begins." "But it feels so good," she moaned as she curled her toes, making her legs shift in the process. "Not if those talons of yours dig in," Joanne pointed out. She let out an annoyed whine, hungry for her fingers to give her another orgasm, but a glimpse of Joanne's pulsing pseudo-cock changed her mind. Her fingers paled in comparison to that massive thing and her fingers were always there for later. She carefully eased her fingers from her passage, making sure she didn't catch any of her delicate and supple insides with her pointed talon tips. "Last thing we need now is a hospital visit," Joanne said as she helped her ease her fingers free. "That's just no fun for anyone." "But I'm so needy," she whined as Joanne held her slick paw. "Well Honey, if you wait a minute," Joanne said as she re-positioned herself so she was kneeling on the couch, "I can slide myself in and put your fingers to shame." Joanne's massive horse-cock shaped ovipositor draped across her crotch, the underside of the plump shaft rubbing against her pussy lips as the tip reached the top of her pelvis, allowing the flared head to ooze more of the clear liquid onto her belly. "You're so big," she mumbled as her slick paw rubbed the flared tip, careful to keep her talons away from the very sensitive skin. "Don't worry, I can shrink it a bit." "Make it bigger," she said as she rubbed the top of the flare with her palm. "I need to feel stretched." "Let me get it in first," Joanne chuckled as she moved back, smearing precum over her lips and adding to the substantial amount that already covered her sex.

Joanne, her paw grabbing just behind the head of her cock, smeared the spread flare of her ovipositor over the pussy lips of her peahen companion, teasing the fields of nerves that were excited to the point of over-sensitivity. As she put her slightly smaller flare against the sexual lips of her sexual partner and began to part them around the stiff flesh, she heard the sound of fabric being ripped and as she turned, she saw the peahen's foot claws digging into the pillow of the couch and starting to tear and slash the fabric and cushion. "It's an old couch," she lied as she felt Joanne stop pushing her pseudo-cock into her pussy, "just another reason for me to replace it now. Keep going." Joanne, obviously taking her on her word, started to slide her ovipositor deeper into her pussy and just as the flaring head touched the opening of her egg chamber, she felt Joanne put both her paws on her hips. "So how do you want this next part?" Joanne asked as she lift her hips up a bit. "Hard? Soft?" "Slow and hard," she moaned as she gave Joanne's thick ovi-cock a squeeze, "like you're pushing an egg back inside me." "More than happy to oblige," Joanne said with a smile.

With Joanne's paws tight on her hips, she did her best to relax her body while it tried to clench and milk Joanne's ovipositor like it were a true cock, ready to fill her with seed and fertilise the ova it was unaware would never come. "You're squeezing me like you're in heat," Joanne moaned as she tried to shift herself and get in a better position to thrust. "I haven't had a satisfying cock like yours for ages," she moaned, "so don't stop, I want you deep inside me so I can carry your eggs." "You certainly know what to say to get a girl going," Joanne said as she got ready to give the peahen what she wanted.

Joanne shifted about as she looked for a better place to put her paws on her body and occasionally giving a firm push with her ovipositor in search of the exact opening in the cervix that seemed to resist the pushes of her flaring pseudo-cock. "Just like that," she moaned as she tensed her legs again, the rug under her foot on the floor now taking damage as she curled and uncurled her toes, "spread me wide with your flare." "I don't know if your body will flex that way," Joanne warned as she gave another firm push, this time with enough force that her pseudo-cock bowed a bit under the pressure. "Oh it will," she groaned as her fingers gripped the couch to anchor herself, piercing holes through the fabric, "remind me to show you my sexual party trick one day." "Now I am curious," Joanne said as she eased back on her thrust, the bow in her phallus slowly straightening out before she started with another hard push. "Well you'd better get your eggs into me if you want to see it," she said as she tried her best to spread her legs a bit wider. She felt Joanne's grip on her thighs tighten as she started to push again, the spreading sensation in her cervix a familiar one that urged her insides to clench, but she knew she had to resist it or else her body would start trying to push Joanne out of her passage, but there was one group of muscles she did her best to try and relax and each second Joanne pushed the flare of her ovipositor against the muscles that sealed up her egg chamber, the more she could feel it relaxing and doing its best to open up to the force that was pushing against it. "I... I think I can feel your cervix relaxing," Joanne said with surprise. "I've never had this happen to me before." "Maybe the egg-layers you've fucked before just don't know the fun of proper egg play."

She was caught by surprise when Joanne's flare finally popped through into her egg chamber, but not by the sudden sensation of her cervix giving way and letting the intruding phallus in, but by Joanne all of a sudden falling forward as her ovipositor slipped all the way in, their hips meeting and then losing her balance, barely able to catch herself by putting her arms out next to her head. The two of them stared at each other as they settled themselves, Joanne panting a bit as sweat started to bead up on her slick skin. "Ever been this deep in someone before?" She asked as she gave her body a squeeze. Joanne sat up a bit to look at their bodies meeting, the lips of the pouch her ovipositor normally hid in were up against the soaking pink lips of her peahen partner. "Not someone of your size," Joanne replied, somewhat surprised, "and definitely not so deep into someone's body." "Looks like a first," she said as she reached up and put her paw on Joanne's cheek to catch her attention and bring it back from where their pelvises met, "but it better not be your last." The two of them shared a look before Joanne lent forward and placed her lips against her partner's beak. The two shared an awkward kiss, only the sort of kiss one with lips shared with one with a beak, but they shared this tender moment as best they could with less than compatible anatomy. "I don't usually do that," Joanne admitted as she pulled her head back a bit. "When you work in the porn industry, you sort of set things aside as special and I don't usually kiss people I don't know that well." "Well I feel honoured," she replied as she put her arms around Joanne's neck, "but if you feel awkward, we don't have to keep kissing." Joanne didn't say anything as she put her lips back to her beak to resume kissing, but as she began kissing the peahen, Joanne started to thrust her hips in slow, firm strokes. All she could do was moan and wrap her legs around Joanne's waist as she kept up the steady pace as the edges of Joanne's flare started to tickle the inside of her egg chamber.

This was the most intense sex she'd ever had and the feeling in her body only compared to the sensations she felt when she was laying an egg. It also felt like her body was squeezing harder and harder against Joanne's ovipositor, until she realised that it wasn't her body that was getting tighter, Joanne's pseudo-cock was expanding. "You're growing inside me," she panted as she lifted Joanne up a bit to break the kiss. "Is that okay?" Joanne asked, nervous that she was about to hurt her partner. "It does that when I get closer to orgasm." She didn't say anything and Joanne, nervous that things may had gone too far, eased up with her thrusting. "We can stop," Joanne began to suggest, but she wasn't going to have any of it. "Don't even think of it," she panted as she pulled Joanne closer again. "You're making me feel things I haven't felt in ages." "Then get ready Honey," Joanne replied as she nuzzled into her neck and began to nibble at her feathers.

As Joanne began thrusting, albeit a bit faster than before, all she could do was squeeze against Joanne with her legs as her paws held the back of Joanne's head. Though her passage and cervix could handle the slow spread of the pseudo-cock within, she was surprised at how tight her egg chamber felt as the flare opened up to its full size. "I want your eggs," was all she could moan. "I want to brood our clutch." Joanne's body suddenly tensed up and she did her best to push her ovipositor as deep into the peahen as possible. As the flare opened up, aiming to ensure none of the valuable fluids seeped out, Joanne let out a cry as her body reached orgasm, and quite a violent one at that. She could feel each pulse of liquid pushing against her inside as it ran along the fleshy tube on the underside of Joanne's pseudo-cock, shooting from the opening at the end and up against the far wall of her egg chamber. The warm sensation triggered her own climax and she squeezed Joanne close to her body, making sure Joanne was unable to pull back until she was done. The two of them moaned as their bodies did what came naturally at such times, Joanne letting out a moan with each pulse of her liquid shooting inside her and she squealed as she felt her egg chamber become filled with each pulse of the seahorse's sexual fluids. By the time Joanne's climax started to ease, she could almost swear she was carrying an egg. "I feel so full," she muttered into Joanne's neck as she held her partner close. "I haven't been so full in so long." "Well I hope you're a cuddler Honey," Joanne muttered as she lay herself atop the peahen. "Unless you want to try and squeeze my flare out." "Not this time," she muttered as she nuzzled into Joanne's neck, "but will it take long to shrink?" "It'll start shrinking in a few minutes and then start pulling back in," Joanne replied as she turned so the two of them were laying side by side on the couch. "It's not like a knot." "A pity," she replied as she closed her eyes. "I could get used to this full feeling again." "Trust me, you could end up pretty full if you're not careful as it is," Joanne warned. "I should have warned you, but I can sometimes, well, lay five or six ova at a time." "Five or six!" She said in surprise, but happier to hear such a thing rather than worried. "I'm sorry," Joanne started to apologise, "I should have warned you..." "Per orgasm?" She asked, now rather hopeful. "Well, only if I sort of build it up and I haven't had many chances this week..." "So it could be six?" "Yeah, six is the most I can keep." "So six every week?" "Only if I don't have a release." "So if you masturbate a lot?" "I don't know what you were taught in sex ed with regards to birth control, but for us seahorses, the 'masturbation' method was a legit thing. Waste your eggs in a tissue before sex and your boyfriend has a lower chance of pregnancy." "Does it work?" "I personally wouldn't know, I've never fucked a male seahorse." "Then we'll have to find out, after we find out if this works," she muttered as she slipped her paw between their bellies to rub the small tummy she now had. "How long until you're sure?" Joanne asked as she leaned back a bit to admire the belly she had given her partner. "A couple of days and I'll feel the firmness start to grow in my abdomen," she replied as she rubbed her belly a bit more. "I don't know how many there will be until I'm ready to lay." "And how long will that take?" "If I had to guess, I should lay on Friday." "Well shit." "What's wrong?" "I have to work." "Don't want to miss me laying them?" "No, not really. You started me down the path of this fetish and if I'm going to follow it, I want to be there as you lay our brood." "Well we shall see how things go and maybe we can time it better, or I can always pop in to see you at work." She was suddenly surprised as she felt Joanne's flare start to press against her insides again. "Don't say that, or else I'm going to have to fuck you again," Joanne warned. "Adding more ova to the ones already there?" "No, but it'll still be fun." "Maybe later," she replied, satisfied at the moment to just savour the glow she felt in her abdomen along with the hope that she would be laying eggs again sometime soon, "for the moment, I just want to rest." "I know the feeling," Joanne replied as she cuddled up with the peahen. "I could do with a nap." "And then, maybe another go?" "That would be fun," Joanne replied, "but I have something I have to ask first." "What is it?" "Um..., I never actually caught your name." "What? But you've been using all this time." "Honey?" "Yeah, I thought you knew." "I was just being friendly, now I do feel embarrassed."

Carnal; Conundrum

Ah, brain melting fun. I've been stuck trying to figure out how the hell the two following things work: homosexual interspecies seahorse sex and why the hell women like to dress themselves up as if they are peacocks (the male ones, the females are...

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Carnal; Bromance

I know that I said that I would be working on either Carnal; Hermaphrodite or Carnal; Step-Brother (of which you know nothing about), but after editing for 2 weeks, I decided I'd just knock out this quick story about two stallions rekindling their...

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Carnal; Nidorans

_These two were always my favourite pokemon and_ _of all the pokemon combinations, these two receive the least love. Well here's one story to try and rectify that balance._ It was a hot, lazy Saturday afternoon at the Nidoran household. Mr Nidoking...

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