The tale of the fox deity and the rabbit swordsman - Part 01

Story by kamikazetiger on SoFurry

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First of all, I'm taking story commissions. Especially ones about rule 34 ones like this! My price is eight dollars each one thousand words. So if you're interested just send me a pm or if you know someone that can be interested just spread the word! Any money I get with this will be used for more commissions~

This story is actually a rp between me and my friend Rikika who worked hard to edit it to turn into a proper story! He did an awesome job~

It's one of many fun ideas that we got based on Dragon Ball Super. That anime/manga is amazing since it has a setting that allows for many crossovers and technically they would all be canon!

So among those ideas that we got thanks to that setting we wonder what if Usagi Yojimbo met Liquiir one of the gods of destruction? For now let's see how their first meeting goes...

The god of destruction from universe eight was sightseeing in a random reality when he sensed a secret focus point of many worlds in the universe he was touring.

"They always hide the really good stuff don't they?" he said amused, then moved to the world almost instantaneously.

As he arrived he looked around and marveled at the Japanese feudal structures, then grabbing some food off a cart and leaving behind a gemstone as payment. The place was filled with people of all kinds. Human, weird blobs, and anthropomorphic people of countless varying animals. Most people barely even noticed Liquiir as he strolled through the streets.

A loud cheering suddenly caught his ears, he turned to the nearest person to ask: "Some event happening around here?" The lizardman looks astonished at him.

"You have not heard of the nexus tournament?"

"Afraid not good sir." he said then took another bite of his fruit.

"Well they are hosting the exhibition fights right now, the city is pretty much built around the arena. The real tournament hosts some of the best fighters from all around the universe."

Now that caught his attention "Oh that is certainly worth check out". Thought the fox did not plan to simply spectate.

"Hold on you plan on entering? You don't even have a weapon" the blue humanoid behind the registration list commented baffled.

"It would be rather unfair of me to fight with anything other than my body." Liquiir said amused.

"Well you are not on the list, so you are gonna have to fight one of our qualifying fighters if you want to enter".

"Fair enough." the man shook his head as he pointed him towards a room and then motioned over some medics to prepare to take the fox to the infirmary. The medics and man behind the desk winced as they heard the yells of pain from the room. When the screams stopped the medics rushed in, but to the blue man's surprise it was their qualifying fighter they brought out on the stretcher, while the fox calmly walked out as nothing had happened.

"Good enough?" he calmly asked which sent shivers down everyone present's spine. The man quickly wrote him up without further protests.

"Really? A newcomer that is that much strong?" Usagi Yojimbo asked the blue humanoid behind the registration list after overhearing his comment about it to another guy.

The samurai had just returned from his own fight which was easy to win thanks to his amazing swordplay skills and technique. He had managed to get into the tournament easily since he was a known figure and got an invitation to join in this year as he had gotten quite close to winning in past tournaments. Yet in all the time he had to participate in the tournament, he had never heard of a newcomer that won against one of their qualifying fighters in a matter of mere seconds.

Yojimbo already fought some of them in his first few tournaments to prove he deserved to even get in way he could win against any of them so quickly.

The receptionist nodded "Yeah! You will see for yourself though. Seems your next match will be with him so...good luck Usagi."

"Hmpf. Luck does not make skill." He answered harshly before leaving to the arena, already feeling tense...

Liquiir was honestly not surprised his last opponent had not challenged him at all, but it was quite amusing seeing the expression on the audience's faces when he wiped the floor with that minotaur, even the old man hosting the tournament, who he felt was quite powerful for this world, was clearly shocked.

This was all just for entertainment really, so he did not let a lack of challenge bother him. Stepping out on the sands, Liquiir faced his next opponent. The bunny had a katana and wakizashi by his hip like a samurai and was wearing the outfit to match, his aura was quite rich and alluring.

Stopping up he faced Usagi with his hands behind his back, completely relaxed. Hmm, maybe he should make a show out of this fight? He idly considered.

So that was him...Usagi had passed by the nurses carrying the big minotaur. To make someone like that be sleeping so soundly wasn't easy, yet...that guy didn't look to be so strong. Or at least not strong enough to do that.

A fox huh. Usagi didn't like foxes since they were always too cunning for his tastes. And this one seems to be more of the same; where the heck was his weapon...? Was he hiding it? Certainly was something a fox would do! Didn't seem he would have a place to hide anything though.

"What's the matter? That minotaur broke your weapon? I can wait for you to get something else. There's no honor in defeating an opponent that can't even defend himself."

The bravado made the god chuckle, he slowly lifted his hands from behind his back "Unable to defend myself?" he chuckled amused.

"Wielding a weapon would be downright unsporting for my opponent" to emphasize his point he punched into the flat of his palm which created a tiny shockwave. The display of power threw the rabbit off guard. He quickly drew his swords, but the referee took this as a sign he was ready and yelled "begin!"

In the blink of an eye, Liquiir had crossed the arena and appeared in front of Usagi with his fist pulled back. The rabbit crossed his weapons in a guard and the gentle blow from Liquiir sent him skidding backward, but still standing which the fox found quite impressive.

What the heck?! Everything happened so fast! How was that guy so strong? Those movements....was he a martial artist? Usagi had encountered some before, but never had one been able to move that fast! He barely saw him move and had almost not been able to put up a defense in time!

"Tsk...!" recovering from the light but quite powerful blow, Usagi jumped in a swift attack, with his sword pointing straight to the opponent's chest; a big area with plenty of space and hard to defend with your bare hands.

Liquiir did not expect the fire that erupted in Usagi's eyes. Oh, this would be really amusing. The god pivoted and barely avoided the thrust on purpose and then swiftly swept the legs away from under the samurai. This did deter him and he quickly got up and continued his assault.

The fox provocatively let each sword blow come close to hitting him and blocked each elbow strike or kick rather than avoid them as it was firing up the samurai to give it his all. After a few minutes however, the bunny was clearly getting tired and his lack of full contact had demoralized him some alongside his own lack of fatigue.

"My, my. You are quite good, but like all other fighters here you seem to be at quite a disadvantage against me." he brought up his finger to his chin in a thinking manner "How about a bet to make this more entertaining?"

"A...a bet...?" what nonsense he was talking about? Usagi wondered for a bit, but in the worst case if he kept the fox talking he could gain time to recover from the constant assault, so it wasn't bad for him.

Still, it was worrying how that guy didn't seem tired at all despite all the evading and movements he was forced to do. If Usagi didn't know any better he would say that he was being played with, but that couldn't possibly be...right?

"What bet you're talking about...?" he asked unable to hide his panting and hoping he could catch his breath quickly.

Ooo, the bunny would play ball, excellent.

"How about this?" he got into an open stance that tauntingly exposed his chest "If you draw blood I will forfeit..." Usagi looked really baffled by his offer.

"However..." Liquiir brought up his hand to his chin and chuckled "if you lose despite this, you will have to serve me for a week!" The trap was set. If he did not take the bet, he would look like a coward or idiot and if he was a samurai maybe even his honor would be on the line, but he did not actually have a way to win, he was just not aware of that. The fox god had taken quite an interest in Yojimbo, the more he felt his aura the more excited he became and this fighting spirit he displayed. could make him shiver

Was he serious?! Just hearing that absurd offer almost made him lose his guard and relax the grip on his sword! He only needed to draw blood and he would forfeit...? Just like that? And if he loses he would need to become his...servant for a week?! How preposterous! And he did it in the arena in front of everybody so it's not like he could simply refuse or it could tarnish his reputation forever.

While it was a strange bet Usagi was confident that he would win. Especially if he only needed to hit the damn fox once.

"Fine! I agree to those terms but...YOU LOSE!" Usagi took advantage of what he judged to be a surprise timing and dashed forward with his sword now aiming to hit the side of that weird fox's body; anywhere he hit this way would certainly make the arena see red!

"Oh, he is really feisty when he is angry..." Liquiir thought amused, 'how cute' he thought, not worried at all by the sword nearing his side.

Just before the blade made contact one of his tails shot forth and wrapped around his sword then coiled up his arm like a snake locking him in place and halting his attack immediately.

He then pulled the perplexed samurai's arm up and delivered what seemed to be a palm strike to his exposed body that sent him flying across the arena. The blow, however, did not make contact and it was a ki shockwave that softly pushed him away as to not harm him, it was just made to look really hurtful to the audience.

"What the..!" his tails were that strong? He could use them like this?? Usagi never met anyone who could do such a thing! He screwed up! He gasped as he felt what seemed like a direct hit to his torso and he barely managed to land on his two feet in the arena.

"Kh...!" he grunts, feeling the blow but hurt, but that guy. He...he didn't actually physically touch him? No. What hurt him was just the shockwave...? And it was enough to send him flying? How absurd!! How strong was that fox?

"GYAAAAAAA!" Usagi lost it; he dropped his smaller blade and channeled his ki through his katana and ran towards the mysterious fighter and lashed out with an attack that should be forbidden given it would certainly kill anyone as it was capable of even cutting steel!

Liquiir eyes widened at the sheer speed of the blade swung toward him. It had caught him completely by surprise.

By instinct from centuries of training, he channeled ki into his brain and the world stopped from his perspective. "Very impressive...Usagi was it? really interest me now." the god assessed the situation.

The speed necessary to dodge would create a shockwave that might seriously hurt the samurai if he did. That left him with two options: let him hit and shatter his sword and morale, which would also be quite rude honestly.

Or two: counterattack and break his sword, which would hopefully let him keep some of his spirit intact.

"ADAMANTINE CLAW!" he channeled ki into his hand to make it light up for a nice show and met the swift blade. To the audience, it looked like the two fighters passed one another and their attack met in an instant. One moment passed...then another...*Clang* the blade of Usagi's blade fell into several pieces into the sand of the arena as if it had been sliced through by the fox's claws.

"Wha....?!" the samurai muttered out utterly shocked. Liquiir was not done however and turned around dramatically, his hand stretched out behind him as if he held an invisible orb.

"DIVINE WIND CANNON!" he thrust his arm forward which created a visible shockwave that kicked up the sand as it crossed the arena. The attack looked far more deadly than it actually was. For entertaining him so much, Liquiir intended to make sure the samurai's defeat would look anything, but humiliating and what better way than making it appear it took considerable effort on his part?

The bunny turned around just in time to see the attack but did not have time to dodge it. It pushed him into the arena wall hard. He slid down into a sitting position and before he got up the god had appeared before him, his palm pointed toward him with a green orb hovering in front of it, his other hand holding the wrist of his hand as if it needed the support.

"Forfeit!" he demanded in a cold voice, completely void of the jesting tone he had used up till that point.

This was like a nightmare! While it's good that he forced the other fighter to finally get serious and use a special attack of his own, it was so superior to his technique that broke his sword so easily! And now...on his knees at the mercy of being attacked by that fox right away if he didn't forfeit.

He had lost. Utterly and completely.

Biting his lips while looking up angrily at the standing male, he announced: "I forfeit. I lost this fight." And slams the ground with an angry fist, looking at the ground under his feet and almost feeling like crying.

Hmm, this is what he had feared might happen. The god had not put on all this show, just for the samurai to break down.

He canceled his attack and lowered his hand. "In all my existence, I never thought I would see the day I needed to use my divine powers against a mortal." Liquiir said loud enough that Usagi could hear, but not the audience. That was sure to get his attention.

As the bunny looked up he briefly let his full nine tails show. As the samurai was about to say something he put two fingers in front of his lips in a "shush" gesture.

"...Divine powers? Mortal?" such words would make his ears tilt if they weren't tied up! But just before he could ask what he meant he saw the fox suddenly have not just one or two but NINE tails! He sees how the fox seems to want to tease him, making that shush gesture and he knew better than to ask anything about what he just saw right now.. especially with the taste of defeat still very fresh in his mind.

Liquiir offered a hand and helped the rabbit up.

"You did quite well, I doubt I will find anyone else in this tournament that will give me that level of challenge" he praised. The fox led the shell-shocked samurai out of the arena with the arena cheering the both of them. As they passed the fighters' waiting room a few snide comments were thrown Usagi's way. Liquiir made sure to remember who did so, so if they were unfortunate enough to face him that he would humiliate them.

The fox god was usually not an impatient person, but this tournament was really testing his patience. Each fighter he met was ruder than the prior. All the honorable ones had already been beaten except two. And the match-list was long. At first, he did not mind much, just appearing as if he was not putting in effort to cement the act he put on for Usagi and putting on a show for the rabbit watching from front seats reserved for fighters.

"ENOUGH!" He yelled after he had shoved a large rude amphibian into the wall hard enough to leave him embedded there. Liquiir turned to the remaining 7 fighters still in the tournament.

"You all bore me, IS THERE NO ONE TO GIVE ME A CHALLENGE?!" This wounded their pride and he followed up with a challenge "FIGHT ME, ALL OF YOU, AGAINST ME!" The baffled referee looked to the Daimyo for confirmation and the large man nodded, giving his approval.

The fighters gather at one end of the arena and Liquiir took a position in the other. One of those the fox would consider honorable remained. The rest was rude brutes or dishonorable assassin types.

The arena was utterly silent as they waited for the referee to start the battle. No sooner than had the words "begin" left the judge's mouth a large bang rung across the air.

The fighters looked with sweat rolling down their brows as one of them had been embedded in the wall in a giant fist-shaped dent. Even the daimyo was rocked as the fox not moved from his starting position and seemingly had just thrown a sharp punch into the air.

The fighters shook in fear as a dark aura enveloped Liquiir "Who is next?" his tone predatory. He was upon them in an instant and they yelled in terror as he proceeded to beat them down.

"So utterly rude...would you not say?" he addressed the honorable squirrel he had left standing. He dropped his spear and surrendered "A wise choice." the fox commended.

"So, it seems we have a new Champion!" the daimyo addressed.

Liquiir laughed "We both know I hardly qualify as a champion." he met the large old man's eyes through his mask.

He nodded sagely "Who would you recommend?" all the daimyo's advisors looked like the man had grown a second head.

Why was he letting this strange fox declare the sacred champion of nexus? The fox put his hand on the shoulder of the squirrel "This one would likely have won had I not been here." He was no fortune teller, but out of the remaining seven, the squirrel had the most powerful and refined aura.

Liquiir left with Usagi in tow as they started the champion ceremony.

After rounding a corner he turned to the samurai.

"The trip might be a little disorienting," he said and before the rabbit could comment he put his hand on his shoulder and the two were transported into Liquiir's palace.

"Ahh, home sweet home!" the fox joyously said as he nonchalantly caught the rabbit about to fall over from disorientation.

"Korn!" he called his mentor as they walked into a large living space. "I have a "guest"!" the angel appeared soon following the calling.

"Very well, I shall make myself scarce." The fox stopped the rabbit's upcoming question with a "Don't ask, you will not receive an answer" look.

Usagi still had that weird fight on his mind as he took a seat in the watching area, he could swear he still felt that warm touch on his paw even now, long after the fox had helped him up.

As he watched the fox continuing to breeze his way through the tournament until the point that he just...demand for all remaining challengers to fight him at once?! That was never done before in the history of this tournament! That guy was just so crazy! So...powerful! So amazing!

In the very quick fight that followed, Usagi remembers once a day when his grandfather told him about kitsune...foxes that were far from being regular since they were mythical and extremely powerful creatures. The only way to recognize one is from the number of tails though they were usually hidden, a kitsune would have at least 3 tails. The more they had the more powerful they were.

It was quick but the white rabbit remembers when he could swear that fighter had nothing less than....

"Nine...tails..." he whispered to himself, unable to control the nervous sweat on his head as he realized how powerful that guy really was and why he could win so easily and-

"Wait what?!" as the others were watching, Usagi couldn't believe what just happened! But the kitsune just abdicated the championship to a random fighter?! So he wasn't here to win the tournament in the first place?? Unbelievable!

Usagi left right at the start of the ceremony and met with the fox at the entrance who didn't waste any time.

"Disorienting...? What do you-" but he was cut short and suddenly he was in a whole new place...and world.

"Gh..." he felt quite dizzy and almost passed out, but the fox seems to anticipate that and caught him right away. As they walked into the large living space and the other quickly called and dismissed someone, Usagi's head was pretty much exploding with questions. "'re a kitsune...and a very powerful one. Right?"

"Oho?" the god made a surprised thinking sound "It has been a while since I have heard anybody name me a kitsune, I suppose the description is not entirely wrong, and yet it is still far from the real truth." Liquiir made to sit and just began hovering in midair.

"Oh, where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself." He smiled "My name is Liquiir." the fox let a sliver of his potent energy fill the room " And I am the god in charge of destruction in my universe." having proved his point he stopped his energy again and continued "I clean up unwanted and useless planets so that new ones can be created in their place."

"Liquiir..." he repeated the name, quite unusual but it did fit someone as unusual as that fox. What he heard afterward was quite a shock! "Wait...god? Destruction? Planets?!"

It was quite a bit too much for him. He was just an ordinary ronin after all.

"I...I'm just a ronin called Usagi. One that follows the way of the sword and always tries to become stronger following my creed. And I suppose that for one week I will be your servant...that's why you bought me here is it not?"

The god chuckled "I was merely having a bit of fun in your reality, but you Usagi. It is so very rare for me to be surprised, let alone from a mortal like yourself, I just had to examine you a little closer" Liquiir led his curiosity bare. "Also..." He signed "It does get a bit lonely at times, up till recently I so very rarely interacted with anyone outside my mentor." He motioned around the room filled with luxuries that few could even dream of.

"All this and what I came to crave the most, were people to speak to." Liquiir huffed "rather sad it is not?" The fox swiftly dropped the melancholy topic "But what about you, what led you to take up your blade?"

Only having fun? Maybe gods weren't that much different from mortals then, or so Usagi imagined. It certainly couldn't have been easy for Liquiir to speak so openly about how lonely he could be at times. And indeed this place seemed to be quite luxurious and vast...far more than he was used to. Not that a ronin like him ever needed much, to begin with.

"I inherited my sword skill from my grandfather that taught me everything he knew. I want to make my skill the sharpest that it can be...err...Lord Liquiir? What I'm supposed to call you? M-my apologizes. I just want to be sure." And don't offend you and make you destroy my planet Usagi thought, still getting used to the fact he was talking with a ...god.

"Wandering the road of improvement, striving to be the best possible. A possibly noble goal, it all depends on what you intend to use your abilities for." Liquiir voiced his thoughts. "Lord is fine, but you can also refer to me by name only. I am not into formalities as much as some gods."

The fox shuddered remembering some of his visits to his fellow gods' universes, it was a nightmare of traditions, gestures and indeed formalities.

"Some of them can be rather short-fused..." he chuckled, it was always amusing to watch on the sidelines when the others got into bouts of spit over basically nothing. Liquiir noticed the look in the rabbit's eyes, he had seen that very look countless times "You can relax, your planet is not under my jurisdiction. As I said, I was merely visiting your reality and now we are back in mine."

"I understand...Lord Liquiir." Usagi answered certainly more relieved after hearing that!

He wasn't sure how one must behave when dealing with a legitimate deity so he thought that he should at least address him as Lord. Far from risking upsetting him or more than his life, his planet might be on the line, even if he said that it wasn't under his...jurisdiction. Such things were quite complicated for him that always lived a simple life, following the path of the sword.

"I suppose I will be under your care for one week then."

For a brief moment, the god had forgotten about the little bet they had made.

"Ah, yes...I am sure will enjoy your company" Liquiir shifted in the air and noticed a small amount of sand fell off out of his fur.

"Oh my, I seem to require a bath." he could merely have repulsed any dust from his body with a pulse of ki and cleaned himself that way, but what better way to get close to his "guest" than a bath?

"You as well." the fox commented amused as Usagi was far worse off than himself. Liquiir let his feet touch the ground and slowly walked over to the bathing area of his palace. "Come along now!"

Usagi wasn't expecting an invitation like that. Sure, it was understandable that a deity like that fox would want to have a nice bath after what he did in the tournament but...he was calling him for it as well? What was that supposed to mean?? Certainly, he wasn't implied for both to do it at the same time...?

"Uh...but of course." He said feeling confused and a bit anxious as he accompanied his temporary lord into what seemed to be the bathing area of this large place.

Liquiir walked past a large pool and to a ridiculously luxurious onsen, something about divine spring water, blessings, and whatnot, even the Japanese-styled bathhouse was made of some sort of sacred wood. Honestly, he could not remember it all, just that it took the servant introducing it an hour to go over it all.

But Liquiir did know it was the best for relaxing and dare he admit? Rile up hormones. He did not know if that had been intentionally made that way, but he had spent many "happy" times in the hot spring, either by himself or with a companion.

The god motioned to some single man changing rooms. "Pick any room to change you would like." he paused and added, "...expect the one with the black door, it is reserved for my mentor." He said happily as he walked to a golden door. He looked back at the samurai examining the surroundings "I will be waiting for you." he teasingly said and walked inside to change himself.

Still wondering if he didn't just get drugged in one of his fights in the tournament and was just lying unconscious somewhere and hallucinating, Usagi stepped inside one of the changing rooms and got mesmerized.

Even if just made for one, the inside was quite big and luxurious, with figures that had appearances of what seem to be warriors from worlds that he had never seen before, all making martial poses.

He took his clothes and put on a very soft bathrobe, amazed at how nice it felt on his body. Maybe it was made of a material softer than silk! For some reason he felt embarrassed though, having just that bathrobe on and nothing else under it.

Not like he was expecting to be attacked here, but it sucked he needed to part ways with his sword, even if it was broken. Looking back to stare at it for the last time he steps outside of the changing room.

Liquiir sat in the hot spring, having already discarded his bathrobe. His naked lithe powerful body was soaked in the water. He ran his hands through the tuft of fur that was white as the tips of his tails on his chest and sighed contently.

The fox stretched lazily and leaned back against the soft rocks that made up the edge of the pool and let his tails spread out into the water to clean them as well. Adjusting his pose, he spread his legs and revealed his orange pouch and flaccid manhood. had been too long since he had a good soak.

Noticing that Liquiir was already in the hot spring, Usagi gasped and could do nothing else that wasn't just...stare.

The fox was just...beautiful. His fur, his body, and even his cock yet still flaccid were all...majestic. Worthy of a god. Usagi never really thought he would admire another male in that way, but he just couldn't help himself. And he wasn't one that really thought about his own sexuality before...for him the path of the sword had been the only thing that mattered.

Liquiir had sensed Usagi as he had approached very silently, but did not cover up in any way, he was not shy to show off his body.

"Come, join me in this calming spring Usagi." he said even though his eyes were still closed. Through his sensing he could feel the bunny was already turned on mildly. The god smiled, it seemed very likely he would make another "happy" memory in these springs. He had not planned it, but if the samurai was already susceptible then who was he to deny him?

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