THE HUNT: Day Five

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#9 of Vore Stories

This story is about an aspiring survivalist who attends an annual festival he has been watching online for years. By some stroke of luck, fate smiles upon the runt of a coyote and answers his prayers to finally attend "The Hunters & Predators Tournament!". In a world where 15fteen foot gryphons and hunky himbo beastmen attend this event, what will happen to this little woof~? Did fate truly lead him to this isolated mountain retreat? Or was it something more... Sinister~?

Listed tags are for the entirety of ALL NINE DAYS of the story


By: Phamyne Plaguox

[WARNING! Contains: Male (???) on Male (Coyote) Oral Sex, Supersized Cocks, Cum Play, Second Person View Hard & Soft Vore, Non-Consensual Cock Vore, Soft Vore, and Asphyxiation (Fatal), and is not suitable for minors.]


My eyes slowly flutter open to the light of day, and I find myself staring up at a canopy of lush green leaves. I feel momentarily confused for a few seconds, questioning where I am, before everything comes crashing back to me.

Turning on my side to find the gryphon, I see that Ethan is missing. So sitting up in his nest, I stretch my arms towards the sky and am immediately hit with the strong, almost knock you out it's so strong, smell of sex.

Kyle: "Euug..." I smell like a used cum rag after an intense thirty-man orgy! Like wet dog and dirty anal sex! Turning my nose up at my own warm stench, I huff out a shuddering breath through my nostrils and hold back a gag.

Kyle: "Will this smell really deter my hunter from me, or simply draw him..." Scratching behind my ear through a yawn, I look up at the sun through the trees in the distance. I'm not certain, but I think it only just rose a few moments ago.

Kyle: "Ethan did say he gets up before dawn so..." Scooting over to the edge of the nest, I look passed the intercrossing branches below me and contemplate if I would be able to climb down if Ethan happens to leave me here. But it's impossible to climb. The sequoia doesn't have many branches and the other trees aren't close enough. Nor would it help, as they too are pretty branchless.

Kyle: "I'm sure he's just getting my water or something..." Ethan wouldn't leave me up here, right? Turning back to look over at the grasorum plants leftover from yesterday I decided I might as well eat while I have the time.

The plants are a lot squishier this morning. I guess they kinda softened overnight. Or maybe we squashed them while we were busy...

I still eat the succulent leaves with gusto for I am really hungry this morning. Despite having eaten two of these things last night, and at least a litre of cum, they don't really fill you for long. Speaking of which, I really hope Ethan returns soon, I don't want to try pissing off the side of his nest...

Thinking back to us having sex last night and how it was broadcast like some dirty movie for all those predators at camp to see, my ears heat up again and splay back against my skull as I chew the inside of my cheek.

Kyle: "Wh-whatever..." I don't care what those monsters think of me. All I care about is escaping the fate they have set out for me and informing people of the horrors they've been preforming up here.

I continue to eat through my breakfast as Ethan's words resound in my head about how others have failed in bringing the hunters to justice.

Kyle: "Hmm... There must be some way to prove this..." I am deep in thought when the flickering of my ears hone in on a flapping sound, and looking to the distance, I watch as Ethan flies back in before landing elegantly in his nest.

Kyle: "Good morning Ethan." I say with a nod of my head, the large gryphon smiles down at me and returns the gesture cordially.

Ethan: "Ah, good morning to you as well Kyle. I trust you slept pleasantly?"

Kyle: "Heh, best sleep I've had in days. Maybe of the whole year!" I say in jest and continue to eat the last few leave of the grasorum in my lap.

Ethan: "I am pleased to hear that." The bird says with a short-lived smile before turning his head to the distance and squinting his blue eyes before returning his restless gaze upon me.

Ethan: "I do not wish to seem impertinent, but I must be off right away Kyle." This tells me all I need to know, and I nod in understanding.

Kyle: "R-right..." Ethan is still on the hunt after all. I can't be treating this encounter like a one-night stand. Although... With him trying to skimp out during breakfast, it fits the bill exactly.

Ethan: "The hunt truly waits for no one." I kinda wish he didn't have to say it so bluntly, but I guess this is the reality I am still in...

Ethan gives me a nod as I quickly scarf down my last leaf before he starts his regurgitating of my morning refreshments. I don't feel repulsed by the act this time and watching him lean his head down to offer me his open beak doesn't frighten me either. I don't even bother cleaning the layer of his saliva from the surface of the water, I drink as much as I can before pulling back and sigh out.

Ethan eyes me off and prepares to pull away, but I quickly yank back with my paws that are still gripping his beak and dunk my head in so I can finish off the water before he can. I don't care if I'm overfull. I have no idea when I might get a chance like this again, so I'm not going to waste it. I completely drink all of the water till there is only a thin amount coating his inner beak, not even enough for him to swallow. And while it felt disgusting to slurp up that list little bit with my snout pressed into his lingual frenulum, I will be thanking myself later if I don't find water today. The gryphon pulls back with a delighted smile.

Ethan: "Good. I am pleased to see you are taking full advantage of the situation. Keep this mentality throughout you endeavour here and you may yet survive us." Ethan says as the corners of his beak curl upwards before gently patting the top of my head with a taloned finger.

Ethan: "It will do you good to not be so timid out here Kyle. Nature offers no clemency, and neither does the hunt." In the same motion of his word, I am scooped up in both of Ethan's arms. The gryphon pounces from the nest on powerful legs before gently gliding us back toward the earth below. The trip is just as short as before, if not more. The gryphon gingerly sets me on the ground and moves to stand before me on all fours, looking very regal with how his chest is puffed out and head raised to the sky above.

Kyle: "I guess... This is goodbye?" I feel very weird now that we must part. It really is as awkward as trying to leave a hook-up's house the next morning.

Ethan: "I am afraid so Kyle." His words however, are tender in their approach and his tone is one you might use on a lover you're sad to part from.

Ethan: "You are a good one. I find myself lucky to have had the chance of meeting you, and I... I honestly do hope, with all my heart, that you are able to survive this Kyle. You have my faith, so do not let me down, alright~?" He says cheekily, seemingly trying to keep the mood light and I smile at his earnest words before running my paw through the feathers of his chest in appreciation. Ethan closes his blue eyes and leans into my touch while cooing in his throat.

Kyle: "I hope so too Ethan... I cannot thank you enough for all of your help." Ethan composes himself before returning his soft gaze to me.

Ethan: "Perhaps we will meet once again in another place where we can stand as equals. But until then... Honour in the hunt Kyle." While his words do sting a little, I know that they are somewhat true. We are not equals right now. Out here, I am at a heavy disadvantage. He doesn't mean anything bad by this, in fact, I believe Ethan's words are earnest and meant to inspire me.

Kyle: "H-honour in the hunt Ethan." I feel really awkward miming the phrase, especially to a hunter who is about to go out there and hunt down one of my fellow escapees, but the smile on his beak is enough to soothe my discomfort.

I watch as the gryphon stands back a few more feet before stretching out his expansive wings wide apart and leaps into the sky with enough force to blow wind across my face and ruffle my whiskers. I squint through the breeze and watch as he flies up through the branches and out of sight. Perhaps forever.

Standing here on my own again, I am suddenly overcome with this strange feeling growing within me... I... I didn't want this moment to come to an end... But I knew it couldn't last. More and more do I start to see this exchange as a one-night stand with a handsome stranger I wish I could have more with.

Kyle: "..." Well... This one-night stand is a killer, and he is currently on his way to hunt a living, sapient beastman and eat him, instead of the regular "Ditching me and going to work or find another hook-up" type of thing...

Kyle: "Alright Kyle. You've got this." I shake the strange feeling from my head before turning and making my way further into the forest with renewed energy.

It's a few hours later before I am finally able to traverse through the deeper parts of the forest, where mostly sequoia grow, and into a space where the trees start to thin out more. There are an abundant amount of birch trees here. I've always liked their black spotted white trunks. Something about them just makes the area seem almost magickal~ Mixed in-between are a few of those eucalyptus trees from before. And while I quiet like their smell, it's kinda distracting. I'm not too sure if that's a good or a bad for me. There is also much less foliage here, which is defiantly a bad thing. But at least the trees are mostly clustered together.

Soon, I'm breaking out of the forest and into a small clearing. It's a wide-open glade with a few more hills than the last one, but just as vast as where I met Brian. it's filled with lush grass and a few bushes. I start making my way from cover to cover as I look around for any food. Not that I'm hungry just yet, but it's a good idea to gather what I can while I can. Heh. Somewhere between arriving at the camp last week and being thrown into the wilderness, I've become a rather competent survivor. Even if I do say so myself~ I mean, I've made it so far without any incidents. That says a lot. I'm even feeling pretty confident in myself today! Guess sex will do that to you in any given situation.

Before I passed into the forest behind me, I did have to stop and take another crap. I can't say it's the most pleasant feeling to wipe my rear end with leaves... And having to squat over a hole in the ground while looking around anxiously for any danger makes it even harder to go... But with how little I've been eating lately, it's not like I have much to crap out. So the process is pretty quick, if a bit wet. After taking a piss in the same hole, one I make sure to dig a little way off the beaten path, I covered it with dirt and any leaves I could find in hopes that it would be enough to mask my scent.

And talking about scents, Ethan's cum seems to have stained my fur or something. Because even though it's hours later, I can still smell his musk on me, just as strong as ever, if not more so! The sad part is I'm not gotten used to the odour at all... Every breath I take is laced with his pungent smell, and when I stay still for too long, I find my nose crinkling in disgust. I'm really worried it might actually be more of a detriment than a disguise...

As I continue my careful trek between the treeline, the bushes and this field, something else comes into view in the distance... Something really out of place. So after a quick survey of the area and finding no way around leaving my cover, I dart up a small incline, coming to face a strange sight atop the hill.

What... Is this? It appears to be some sort of... Pit? Or something... It's been dug out into the dark soil, but not very deeply, maybe five feet into the ground at the deepest point towards the centre, and is spread out in a large bowl like shape that is perhaps ten metres across in a perfect circle.

I scan the area from the shrub I'm crouched behind and make sure the area is indeed safe before quickly darting to the pit with curiosity. Something about it just seems so out of place... Once I step from the grassy rim into the dirt, I crouch down as low as possible before creeping forward through the rough soil. It almost looks like the fighting ring they have dug out back at the camp...

Kyle: "Why would someone dig this all the way out here though..." What could this possibly be meant for? Maybe it really is an old fighting pit?

As I continue to move towards the centre of the pit, something protruding out to my right catches my attention. Wasting no time in approaching it, I scurrying up to the out of place object which is buried just below the surface. Keeping Leo's words of warning in my mind that I shouldn't stay in one area for too long, I decide that if this object won't help me, I need to leave before it's too late.

Once I reach the erroneous object, I run my finger pads across the surface and find it to be smooth and hard, but far too soft to be a rock. Its colour is also too strange to be stone. It is a dirty kind of tan, smudged and faded with time. Something I've never naturally seen in nature before...

My curiosity starts to get the best of me and I begin to dig around the edges of it with my blunt claws and uncover more of the smooth surface until I am finally able to get a good grip on either side. Sinking my fingers into the soil around the oval like, tan, rock, thingy, I get a firm hold before yanking back with a little more strength. It pulls free pretty easily and I pry it from the earth before turning it over in my paws. My blood instantly runs cold as I realise what it is.

Kyle: "AAAHHH!!!" I drop the dome through a shout and immediately scramble away! I-it's the skull of a beastman!!! My fur bristles and my eyes widen in horror as my paws quickly fly up to my mouth. Looking around in frantic distress, my skin prickles and ears ring in the ensuing silence. Sh-shit... I couldn't help but yell like that! I-I hope I didn't give myself away...

Fuck. I have to get out of here! Looking around at the forest once more, I quickly get up into a crouching position and scurry out of the pit quickly like a toddler on Ritalin. I make a mad dash into the forest and away from that... Pit. Not once daring a final glance at the skull I dropped as I hurry off.

As I continued my trek through the woods, the trees begin to thin out and change from lush and green to thinner, almost brush like foliage. Some of these I know as acacia, because they are thorny and have hard, light-coloured bark. The others I'm not too familiar with, but there is a plethora of bush around me now. Thick and mostly twiggy, with sunburnt leaves. The land beneath my feet has become sparse of grass, filling out with harder, cream like sand. The only grass out here is dry and dead, nothing more than straw at this point. The world around me slowly shifts into something more rouged, almost what I would expect to find in an arid climate. It somehow feels like I've stumbled into a safari... The transition has me questioning if I really am going in the right direction or not. All I have to guide me is the position of the sun, and I know that the way back home is westward of here...

But there is no way I can turn back now. I have no idea if I alerted anyone to my location with that yelp I made in the pit. What was that place anyway? Why was there a beastman skull in it? Was it maybe some type of makeshift burial ground? Perhaps that's where they discard the remains of people when they are finished cleaning the meat from their bones? Whatever leftovers they have are just... Dumped into one mass grave in the middle of nowhere and poorly covered with soil... F-fuck, that's a horrific thought...

I am so deep in thought about what I found back there that when I suddenly hear a rustling of the brushes behind me, it takes me a moment to register it, but when I do, all my fur stands on end and I freeze in place before shooting down into a crouching position!

Shit! Shit... I look left and right with my ears swivelling atop my head like satellite dishes. My breath stalls in my chest and the world around me falls still, paving the way for the world within me to start going a mile a minute as adrenaline starts to pour into my veins. I listen carefully for that sound again through my heartbeat that pounds inside my eardrums. Remaining perfectly motionless as my eyes scan every shrub and bush with sniper like perception.

Kyle: "!!!" The noise of crunching leaves sounds out behind me much heavier than before, and as I remain crouched in the sand, my head shoots around to look over my shoulder. My heart all but stalling in my chest at the sight.

Kyle: "AAAHHH!!!" A dark silhouette, clearly in the shape of a beastman, is shaded by the foliage and standing not ten metres from me! My heart rockets through my throat and without thinking about it, I quickly pounce to my feet, turn tail and run as FAST as I fucking can and dart forward on an adrenaline fuelled speed I didn't realise I had in me!

Fuck fuck FUCK!!! Was that Shane!? Shit, it looked like him! FUCK!!! Is HE my hunter!? I dash through the bushes blindly, my fur getting caught in the spiky branches and feet impaled on thorns of the fallen acacia, but pain barely registers in my mind as my heart leaps into my ears and pushes me forward. In my frantic dash through the foliage, I finally catch tell of his footfalls behind me, the sound of the wolf beginning the chase only further fuels my urgency! Despite his staunch size, Shane's feet landing in the crunchy leaves are surprisingly quiet. The deception of their weight and my inability to judge his distance from me only has my body moving faster out of instinct.

Kyle: "!!!" The fear I feel as I sense Shane's eyes trained on my back, coupled with the feeling of him perusing me sparks the most prey like instinct in the depths of my bones I have ever felt. It urges me forward with mechanical like movements that surge through me as if I were a gazelle out in the prairie. My leg muscles feel as if they are about to tear to ribbons with how quickly I'm sprinting, but I dare not stop!

By some fucking miracle, I am able to keep the distance between us. But this is mostly due to the thick foliage. Someone small like me is likely having a much easier time dashing through it than a bulky, muscled man like Shane.

My heart is pounding in my ears and my breaths are so fast I can't even distinguish the first form the last any more. Everything around me feels like it is simultaneously going in fast-forward and slow-motion. It's a dizzying sensation that has me hyper focused in a way that feels as if I'm tripping on hallucinogenics. My thought processing is in complete overdrive as I feel my instincts taking over my movements. I hurtle over branches, leap passed logs, skid along boulders and jump through gaps in the foliage like a professional sprinter that practices gymnastics! If I wasn't so fuelled by fear, I might even have been amazed by myself!

I come crashing through my next bush with a skid in the dirt and find myself in a clearing that puts some pause in my speed. I am standing on a foot path, no bigger than seven feet across and flanked by the arid and dry land's brush. It takes me only a millisecond to process my new surrounding before I am once more darting ahead, finding my pace gaining more velocity now that there are no obstacles. But not ten seconds into my new sprint and do I hear the sound of Shane breaking through the very same bushes behind me. The urgency it spikes in me has me running with everything y body can muster!

Fuck! Wh-what do I do!? WHAT DO I DO!? Jump in a hole!? Climb up tree!? Duck into the bushes!? Perhaps I could find a cliff and take my chances at just jumping off it and hoping for the best!?

As my legs shift faster than my mind can process movement, I can hear the wolf's pace increasing behind me. The wolf grunts in unison with his footfalls, heavy breathes surging through his nostrils as his stride becomes louder and more pronounced out in the clearing. I quickly realise that breaking through into this path was very bad luck, for with no bush to hinder his movements, the wolf is easily able to run much faster than I could ever hope to, even on an adrenaline fuelled sprint! With how close he sounds, I don't have the time to slow down enough to jump the bushes again without risking him leaping to grab me.

SHIT! I! I! I HAVE TO GET AWAY!!! My thoughts go into overdrive and all proper cognition leaves me. It feels like my mind is turning into soup as even my vision starts to blur. Fear sinks in where reasoning once stood and all I know as I run through the path is the sensation of him chasing and steadily gaining on me with each heavy grunt. It feels like he is right on top of me at this point!

As I dash with all the speed adrenaline allows me, I can see a little further ahead that there is a clearing in the bushes to my right, an opening wide enough for me to duck through! Shane seemed to have much more trouble catching up to me when we were in the thicket, all I have to do is make it thr-!

Kyle: "OOF!" I am suddenly tackled with so much force from behind that all the air leaves my lungs! The huge body of Shane slams into my back and sends me flying forward with my added inertia!

I slam HARD into the ground not once, not twice, but three times! Rolling and bouncing off the dirt path like a smooth rock across a lake. I scrape my arms and legs against the rough soil while wheezing and gasping through each painful impact I make, before fiercely coming to a crashing halt against the trunk of a tree! Violently, I slam into the tree, stomach first, and fold around it like a wet rag! I crumple and gasp for breath as it knocks whatever remaining air I once had from me like a punch to the gut!

I wheeze out breathlessly as an unbearable pain wrecks through me with a type of agony that has me consider the possibility that I just broke a few ribs by slamming into the trunk. I crumple from the tree and crash into the ground with a heavy thud, gaping hungrily for oxygen as I clutch my stomach. As I lay in a foetal position with my eyes bulging from in skull in searing pain, my first real breath finally reaches me when I hear a deep and dark, hauntingly guttural growl coming from my right. My whole body freezes stiff, in fact, time seems to stall for this one moment as I wheeze in a sharp breath and look to my left to find Shane having stopped not twenty feet from where he tackled me!

Through the shadowing branches that obscure the white wolf from the light above, I can make him out much better than the quick glances I got before. Without a doubt, this beastman is none other than Shane Tanaka himself. He might be the shortest member of the Hunters & Predators community, next to Eric of course, but he is still nothing but a hulking mass of muscles. Standing at seven feet tall, with no traces of fat on his perfectly sculpted body, the wolf appears to be crafted by the gods of ancient Greece with how every muscle on his frame is flawlessly pronounced, even though his thick fur. Shane is a true specimen of manhood. Unmatched by any athlete I have ever jerked off to.

The large wolf has silver eyes shining brighter than the moon and coupled with his white fur, it makes his whole appearance almost ghostly. He stands out even in the shadows, a haunting figure if ever I saw one. Shane has pointed ears and facial features that are pronounced, yet very smooth, complimenting his body contours as if he were born to be this muscular. Something that catches me by surprise is that he is completely naked, baring his plump pride for the world to see. And while I would be drooling over his body in any normal situation, it is his gleaming eyes that truly capture me and draw my attention back to his face. They glisten with a bloodlust unmatched by any feral animal, bearing into my very soul as he slowly he starts to stalk towards me on steady, silent feet.

My body reacts accordingly, and I push up onto my paws to try and escape, but am immediately crippled by the immense pain in my stomach and slam face first into the dust while coughing out a mouthful of blood! Suffering through the convulsing agony, and through sheer will alone, I am able to push myself to my shaky arms and get into a crouching position, but collapse backwards onto my butt in a wheezing mess as every limb shakes, unable to support my weight at all! I quickly scuttle away from Shane in a coughing mess with all the strength I can muster in a last-ditch effort to escape. Groaning in agony as I push with my feet into the hard sand and claw with my arms behind me, but my efforts to flee his still approaching figure are quickly hampered as my head bashes into the same tree I crashed into!

Kyle: "N-no! stay away f-from me!" I wheeze out as I try to raise to my feet once more, but cripple into another coughing fit. I start hacking up blood and cause another surge of unbearable pain to course through my battered body.

Shane's dark visage, which is shadowed by the branches above, is unaffected by my whispers as he stalks towards me with relentless, bloodthirsty steps. His murderous gaze not once leaving mine as he slowly edges closer with all the grace of a feral wolf. His soul piercing eyes trap me under their intensity in a glare so fierce that I become hypnotised by his vehemence alone. Shane captures me in his malevolent gaze more than any bindings ever could, subduing me and pinning my back to the tree as I whimper in absolute terror.

I know I should be trying to run, that I should roll over and push myself to my feet no matter the amount of pain coursing through me. But I have become ensnared, absolutely trapped, and not by the realisation that I have no chance of escaping him by foot, but by his eyes alone. They are deeper than the darkest waters and more haunting than any of my childhood of fears. Shane's eyes shine like a thousand stars exploding in the furthest reaches of hell. They bear into the deepest recesses of my mind and hold me in place through nothing more than sheer intensity. I am utterly paralysed by my fear, and no matter how much I scream inside my mind for release, my body won't budge an inch.

The muscle-bound wolf edges closer, cutting the distance between us in a few short, self-assured steps as I remain frozen beneath his murderous gaze. Shane finally stands but two feet from me, his body tense as he overshadows me. The very air around him screams violence and death. I tremble under him as the first real sound comes from my mouth in the form a high-pitched whimper. The feeling of my blood running cold is quickly followed by a warm feeling spreading between my trembling legs. I can't avert my eyes from his, but I start to understand that I am currently pissing myself. My high pitch reaches a new crescendo as Shane slowly crouches down on top front of me.

Shane: "Grrr..." With his feet just below my own and his paws on either side of my hips, the hulking wolf gets on all fours while issuing a growl more befitting of a daemon that silences my voice as if he were gripping my throat. I choke out as my eyes widen while my body sinks deeper into the dirt as if the earth below me were about to give way. Despite my heart pounding in my throat, my breath quicker than that of a panicking rabbit's, my whole body shaking with a mind-numbing fear and my brain feeling more clouded than a mountain top, I cannot do anything beyond lay here beneath his daunting gaze as I feel the final drops of my urine coat my thighs.

I start to feel lightheaded, almost as if my soul were about to leave my body. As if I am literally about to die from the fear coursing through my veins! This sensation only amplifies as he opens his mouth wider and reveals his razor-sharp fangs that glisten in the sunlight as an even deeper, angrier growl echoes through his throat right as he starts encasing me with his body.

With anguish driving me, my arms move on their own accord under the wolfs approach and press into his furry chest in a futile attempt to hold him back, but it's like trying to stop a brick house from rolling over me. My shivering grip has no power against the brute strength of his unyielding force. I press into his tense muscles, my blunt claws digging into his skin as his thick fur bundles between my fingers, but he is indomitable. No amount of force can stop the wolf now that he has captured me. My fate is all but sealed as Shane completely crawls on top of me, his entirety overshadowing me as his mouth starts opening wider with white fangs bared in a blood curdling snarl.

Drool pools from his lips and splatters across my stomach while I only sink further into the dry earth as he mounts me like a she-wolf. Making this all the more soul crushing is that our eyes have still not left once another's. It's like he is killing me with his glare before allowing his body to render my flesh. Bit by bit Shane crushes my spirit with his piercing gaze. Yet I continue to press into his coarse white fur, even as his open jaw draws closer and closer to my face. His warm spit drips across my chest as my heart beats so fast I start thinking a heart attack might just save me from the pain of him ripping me to shreds.

Shane: "RAAAUUUFFF!" Shane barks so loudly into my face that through his dominating voice alone, he forces my paws to fall limp at my sides! I go completely slack beneath him, my body betraying me under his authority!

The wolf edges closer still and it's in this moment of watching his fierce expression approaching me that I realise this is it. Through the fear wracking my brain I start to understand my my life is about to end in the jaws of this most ferocious predator. Weirdly, some deep part of me is thankful that if I am to die, it between the teeth of someone as skilled and as handsome as Shane.

Tears cascade down my face as I scream without sound, Shane steals my voice as I watch in horror while his face comes right up against mine. With our snouts side by side, the wolf growls and forces my muzzle to the side, adjusting my position through the command of his domineering voice alone. My body has accepted its demise, having fully submitted to this alpha without my say and allows him to completely control me beyond my will. With Shane encumbering me from all sides, I watch almost mindlessly as his snout brushes passed by mine own before I feel his hot breath washing over my neck. Times seems to stand still as the moment stretches out with enough time for me to regret every choice of my life that led me up to this point. But all at once, the moment vanishes as time speeds up right when his sharp fangs latch into my skin! It sends flashes of blinding light through my brain in a final moment panic as a final yelp escapes my lips for what will surely be the last sound I ever make!

But... Nothing happens. Shane's fangs remain clasped around my neck but do not bear down enough to pierce my flesh. I remain paralysed in this moment with his wet lips locked around my neck and body hunched above me, wondering if I'm already dead and just haven't realised it yet. That maybe this is hell. That I will be trapped her in my finally moments of death for all time... But after a few more second, which seems like a lifetime spent in this perpetual purgatory, I watch in terrified confusion as Shane pulls back till we are face to face once more, that same evil glare still etched into his expression. The wolf's soul crushing sights set on me like fiercely. His terrifying expression all but imprinting into the depths of my bones as he remains as motionless as me.

We renter a dissonance in time where everything but the wind around us freezes. Shane's eyes remain locked on mine, speaking words only my flesh can understand. "I am nothing but meat, my existence is meaningless beyond nourishing his body. The only reason I am alive is to die for people like him." These words resound in my head and I think I may yet offer myself to him freely, if only to end this torture. But right as Shane's eyes start convincing not just my body but my mind that I am nothing more than prey, his long pink tongue suddenly leaves his lips and licks me right across my nose!

Kyle: "!!!" I flinch, thinking at first the motion will be followed up by his fangs sinking into my flesh and ripping my face off, but Shane pulls back to sit on his haunches, looking down at me with a wicked, almost expectant expression. I just lay there in the same position, too afraid to move, to paralysed to do anything more than watch him with unblinking eyes.

It is a moment longer, where I don't think I even breathe, before the look in the wolf's gaze changes. Shane closes his eyes before crossing his arms over his broad chest and speaks in a voice so deep that it vibrates through my body with a murderous baritone befitting a monster like him.

Shane: "I caught you little dog." A dark, truly wicked look crosses Shane's face as his silver eyes open once more. His expression becoming so heinous it feels like I am instead looking at a daemon, and not a man.

Shane: "You are dead. I win." His face is stone cold, void of any expression beyond the malice that so still villainously taunts me with my own demise. But something about him speaking snaps me back from the world within my head to the present and I reply through bared fangs and raised hackles.

Kyle: "J-just get it over with already! WHY ARE YOU TORTURING ME!?" I bark out through tears in a final act of defiance. While I found Shane's death glare truly terrifying, it cannot not compare to the wickedness of the smile forming on his face as I scream beneath him. I have no idea what is going on and this lingering suspense is ever worse than any pain he could inflict upon me. But when his lips next part, I feel some of this fear fall from me.

Shane: "I am not your hunter little dog." I stare blankly up at him, my mind shattering like a fallen mirror under his words. And yet, I still don't move for an entire minute, not until my shaky voice finally rattles from my throat.

Kyle: "B-but... You w-were chasing me..." I say through a blank, empty tone, my heart still remains frozen where his teeth once snared my skin.

Shane: "Yes. And I caught you. So if you truly were my prey, I'd have spilled your blood and stained my fur. But you are fortunate to not have me as your hunter little dog." Despite his terrifying voice, that has a slight Japanese accent and an almost apathetic tone, his words rage like a storm inside me.

Kyle: "THEN WHY WERE YOU CHASING ME!?!?" Something inside me snaps. All that fear, all my anguish, everything I so freely accepted escapes me right then and there through a fang baring snarl and is replaced by an unprecedented fury that blinds me just as heavily as my despair once did.

Kyle: "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS TO YOU!? SOME FUCKING GAME!?!?" I spit out venomously as my whole body awakens in a skin prickling surge of rage as life once more returns to my frozen frame.

Shane: "Yes. I am the hunter. You are the prey. And you, little dog, you just lost." Shane bares a callous, shit eating smile that makes my blood boil.

THE FUCK!?!? I lose all control of my body through unadulterated hatred, and leaping forward, I punch him square in the face! Either the impact was impressive or the wolf just wasn't prepared for me attacking him, because I actually manage to knock his head to the side! I am seething with such fiery rage that my body continues to act on its own. I pull back for another punch, with all the intent on knocking his teeth out, but right as I lunge forward, Shane catches my clenched first without even returning his gaze to me, and in the same instant, slams me back into the ground with breath stealing force! Shane pins me beneath himself with both my paws locked at side of my head!

Shane: "You are dead, little dog. And dead dogs do not fight back."

Kyle: "LET ME GO!!!" I spit through jaws that snap at his face, but with how Shane is pinning me down, I can't raise my head from the earth more than an inch. Muscular thighs pin my legs together and he has my paws stretches so far to either side that I can barely raise my neck from the hard ground. The large wolf leans in once more and runs his long pink tongue across my snout.

Shane: "Dead dogs get digested by their superiors. Dead dogs become wolf excrement." His dark and wicked voice, coupled with his pernicious behaviour, breaks my fight through a gut sinking feeling that has me feel as if I just fell from a twelve storied building. Tears start to stream from my eyes and blind me from his predatory grin as my chest heaves shallow, croaking breathes as I start sobbing like a little kid who lost their parents in the mall.

Kyle: "Wh-why are you d-doing this t-to me!" I whine out, my voice stuttered and broken through my distress. But as I wail out, Shane removes his paws from my wrists and adjusts himself into an upright sitting position. If this situation weren't so dower, I might have even felt bashful to have a huge, naked man so casually sitting down on my lap. My sheath slips beneath his tail as he presses into me. The wolf doesn't even seem to care that our position is so erotic as he bares most of his weight on top of me. It hurts having my body squished beneath his bulky frame, but something about the pain is almost welcomed, as it numbs my anguish, if ever so slightly. Shane smirks at me through bared fangs while he licks his pink lips. The supposed insinuation lost in his expression.

Shane: "Now you know little dog. Now you know what it means to die." Something in his demeanour, perhaps the smirk that doesn't reach his eyes or the arrogance which practically radiates from him, something about it has me sink deeper beneath his form, melting under Shane as if his words were enough to suck the very soul from my body and render me lifeless. I feel every sensation of this happening, from my eyes dimming and losing focus to the prickle of my skin that leaves my body numb. Deep within me, I start to feel empty and utterly broken. Hollow. Void. As if he just unintentionally killed some innocent part of me I forgot I even had. This whole experience has been nothing more than something to entertain him... I was nothing more than a toy for Shane to play his sick, twisted game with...

Shane: "Now you know. Run faster. Hide better. Think quicker." Is this... Is this another one of those fucked up ways these people think they are helping me? Through torment and fear? Anger tries to surface through this recognition, but with how defeated I feel, my emotions don't even register in my detached mind. And as I raise a paw unsteadily, one with which some deep part of me wishes to use in retaliation, it becomes uncertain and flinches under the intense look in his eyes. The silver glare of Shane's moon like orbs, which are filled with so much malice it is almost palpable, drain ever last lance ounce of my fight through an impassive glower. I slump back into the dirt, all but falling through the earth as my eyes become vacant and dead.

Shane: "Crying will not save you when you are presented so supinely before you hunter, little dog. Crying will only get you killed."

Kyle: "What the fuck is wrong with you..." I ask without emotion, feeling more and more detached from myself with each passing second.

Shane: "I just helped you. Do you still not understand?" Just as I think all emotion will leave me, some semblance of feeling returns to me under these words. It riles my anger and I growl weakly in response, my voice coming out strained as I bark out wearily.

Kyle: "Helping me!? You sacred the shit out of me! I thought you were going to kill me..." My voice trails off, losing steam halfway through my feeble retort. Seemingly unaffected by my despondent reply, Shane folds his arms across his expansive chest and regards me with a stoic expression. One you would expect to find on a very disappointed parent.

Shane: "And I very well could have killed you. Do you not understand?" While staring up at Shane with a clenched jaw, I feel myself edging towards either flipping out over his apathetic words or just falling completely unresponsive beneath him. And like a rubber band snapping in the back of my mind, the latter wins out and I slump under the wolf like a rag doll. That momentary spark of life leaving me just as quickly as it came as I return to my previous lifeless state. My sights become dulled and body limp. Even his weight, so heavily pressing me into the ground, doesn't register. Seeing my acceptance of his words brings a grunt of accomplishment to the white wolf as he continues.

Shane: "Now you know." He says in conclusion before climbing off my lap and moves to stand over me with his feet on either side of my waist. If I didn't feel so dead inside, I might have taken this opportunity to kick him where he deserves it. But I am little more than vessel at this point. I can hardly even register Shane's expression as he towered above me.

Shane: "Now you can survive." And with that final, hollow sentence, the reticent wolf takes off on silent feet, vanishing out of sight and back into the foliage. At his departure, I promptly erode into the earth, unravelling into a blubbering mess of tears and broken whimpers as my woeful voice echoes throughout the thorn veiled path.

It is hours later, and I still haven't moved from the spot Shane left me. I am covered in piss, tears, sweat and splatters of blood. Just laying here, out in the open and looking up blankly towards the sky as it changings colours. Without emotion, without thought. It felt as if my brain had shut down when my tears finally dried up. Like a switch went off inside my head and everything but my sight left me. I can't snap myself out of this mindset, I feel frozen in place, stagnant, hollow. Almost as if I really did die beneath Shane all those hours ago.

Night is quickly approaching and with it, the sounds of nature awaken. As I lay in a zombie like mindset, somewhere between the lurid noises around me and the cold beginning to bite at my skin, I came to, like a vampire rousing from a centuries old slumber. The world returning to me as quickly as my blurry vision comes into focus. Blinking with and empty gaze, I see the violet sky above me twinkle with faint starlight as the sun begins to set. Through almost mechanical movements, I sit up, but immediately regret it, for I cringe and buckle over as an intense pain surges me. My stomach aches something fierce! Bruised and tender, I carefully uncurl like a wind-up toy that needs an oiling and let out a stuttered breath. I've thankfully not broken any ribs from my previous impact with the tree, just moving around assures me of that. Having had snapped my left arm when I was a teen, I recall the intense, searing pain that accompanied my fall from my neighbour's wall, and this is nothing like it. But fuck! It still hurts like a bitch! Grunting under my breath, I grip my stomach for a moment longer before squinting into the distance at the dusk sky and huff out.

Kyle: "I... I might as well find shelter of some kind..." My voice comes out pathetically weak. I've never heard myself sound so feeble in my entire life.

Carefully, and agonizingly slowly, I get to my shaky legs with the aid of the tree beside me before looking around wearily. The area is silent beyond a few bugs chirping. Thankfully, despite being out in the open for so long, no one has happened upon me. Looking off into the distance once more, I decide to carry on for as long as I can. Hopefully I can find a safer spot to camp...

It is a few hours later when I finally clear the forest trail. Breaking out into an opening that marks the edge of the brush. It is riddled with thick sundried shrubs and leafier bushes than the path I just came from. The sky has long since darkened and my vision along with it, but that does not stop me from noticing the glint of metal in the shape of vehicle, set plainly in the midst of this foliage.

My eyes shot open and my breath hitches as I race up to the van, thinking for a moment that my salvation has been handed to me on a silver platter! But I soon deflate when realise the vehicle has no wheels, and looks to have been broken down for a decade at least. The van is rusted to heck and the faded green paint it once held is sun bleached and chipping heavily.

My sunken heart returns with my dour mood. But even through listless eyes I do realise I can still use it for shelter. It's not the most practical in terms of a hiding spot, but at least I will be safe from the elements and there might even be old seats I could use to sleep upon.

Walking up to the back windows of the double doors, I peered through the stained and dirty glass with cupped paws on either side of my face. While obscured in shadows, I can tell it's very much empty. The chairs I had hoped to find are long since gone. In fact, the entirety of the dashboard, along with its innards, have been removed. It's completely barren.

Sighing out in disappointment, I open one of the two doors with a creak and my eyebrows raise in surprise to find what looks like a blood-stained blanket, scrunched up in a pile. The once plush comforter is hard and stiff like a board. It looks like it might very well turn to dust if I touch it the wrong way. And looking at it closer, it appears to be much dirty than I realised.

There are, what I assumed to be, cum and oil stains mixed in with the crusty dirt and red marks. This blanket is defiled by more than just time it would seem. Turning it over, I cough through the dust it releases and try to ignore the musty smell. Eventually I find a part of the material that has the least amount of dirt, or well, a place that isn't so stiff to lie on. I fold it up as best I can through weary movements before it's an acceptable bed.

laying the blanket out in the back of this van that was no doubt used to lure unsuspecting children to a traumatising childhood, or previously devoured prey from some bygone age to their deaths, I take one last look at the dark sky filled with twinkling stars and sigh out.

Kyle: "Tomorrow will be a better day..." I say this to myself before climbing into the van and closing the door behind me and start to settle in for the night.

~To Be Continued~