The Date Day 3 (Part 1) ~AV productions
#3 of Erotica
I FINALLY CONCURRED MY LAZINESS <3 .... wait... now I have to write the second part..... sigh so much fluff and so little time
Out of the Comfort Zone
He kissed me. I was sitting there next to him on his warm bed, playing minecraft on my HP pavilion dv6. He had his MacBook doing the same. He leaned over and kissed me while distracting me with the task of asking me to collect wood for the new addition on our house. I hesitated and hid my blushing face away from him. I looked down at the bed where we had lain as man and woman for the first time last night, and the second this morning. I looked at the clock on my laptop. The time read 12:54. My stomach roared no sooner then I read it.
I looked back at him and he laughed. He leaned and set his MacBook down on the floor and I put mine aside as well. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me, I pressed my tongue in between his lips searching for his. I found it and lapped at it hungrily. Now thinking about it, I realized the last time I had eaten was on the way here. I broke this kiss and let him nudge his unshaven face at me before I scooted back to talk.
"Foxy, I'm hungry :c "I whimpered out as my stomach roared again.
"I know, your tummy, it has a voice..." he said blushing and smiling into my eyes.
"Don't worry cutie fox, I'm gonna take care of yew." He kissed me again in a cute blushing way and stood up, pulling me by the hand through the house to the kitchen. He kissed me and lifted me onto the counter to sit.
"I'll see what I can do for you." He said with a calming smile. He then turned and poked around in the pantry.
I sat on the countertop and wiggled my feet aimlessly under me. I looked around, but there was nothing truly noteworthy to look at. I turned back to fox. We had been playing minecraft for hours, but his hair was still messy from sex. I reached my hand up to feel mine; it was terribly messy in the back. I continued to look at him, for his underwear was peeking out from his pants again. They were grey from what I could see. A smile formed on my face, I slipped of the counter quietly. He was leaning into the pantry at this point. I gripped at his underwear and pulled them up in a hard jerk. Fox yelped and fell forward onto the floor. I started to laugh like an idiot as he took a blushing moment to collect himself. He stood up and fixed his pants. He laughed and hugged me, using his hand to bring my chin up to meet his lips. I blushed like crazy and giggled. He squeezed my bum before turning back and pulling out some canned ravioli's and offering them to me. I nodded and returned to the counter. I let him navigate the kitchen and he opened the can and dumped the ravioli's in a bowl.
I sat and listened to my food hum in the microwave as he made a sandwich for himself. I turned to him to talk; my bangs fell over my eye blocking my view of his sandwich making.
"You know what we should do fox?" I asked as I prodded his hip with my foot. He turned to me and smiled. His pointed tooth stuck out in the cute way I had only seen over Skype until now.
"What would that be sweetheart?" He closed his lips but his smile did not fade away. He flipped the hair from his face and continued to make his sandwich.
"Build a fort...then sit inside and watch PewDiePie playlists. Maybe have a rave and listen to Basshunter. After all that we can snuggle and watch a movie maybe. I have Netflix on my computer." I said blushing at all the things I've wished we could do together for so-so-so-long.
"Well my parents left me a few chores, if you can help me with those you have yourself a deal, and then we can spend the rest of the day together." He said as he lifted his sandwich and took a bite, ketchup seeping and dripping onto his face before falling to the floor, he jerked out of its way and wiped his mouth.
"What kind of chores?" I asked as the microwave drew out a beep. Fox set down his sandwich on the counter sloppily and took my bowl out; he set it on the kitchen table and found me a fort to eat with. I sat at the table and let it cool in front of me before I dared to take a bite.
Fox brought his sandwich and a napkin and scooted close next to me, although, his sandwich was nearly gone. He put his arm around me and smiled. Some stray strands of hair fell down hap-hazard over his eyes. I pushed the strands away and kissed him, feeling his soft skin and the light stubble on his face. I felt the slight moisture that was held between his lips and reached my tongue to taste it, ketchup and testosterone. I slid my tongue into his mouth and he pressed his into my mouth. We shared the kiss of champions before we parted.
I looked down at my food and smiled, my face all turning into a blush, I looked away from him. He put his arm around me and hugged me close, his lips close to my ear, he whispered to me gently.
"Every time I kiss you, I want you to think about how much I love you Hun, I love you so much..." he said, he kissed my temple and I looked into his brown eyes.
"I know you do Hun, I wouldn't trade one of your kisses for anything, beside a better kiss from you." My voice cracked and I let a tear slip.
He held my hand in his and laced his fingers with mine; his palm was dry and overworked. I didn't mind, he was my boy, he was my best friend, he was my Fox. I loved him.
I used my free hand to eat and sat quietly for a moment taking my first few bites. I looked over at Fox; I craved to have a conversation with him as much as I was craving food. Looking at him made me go to mush, and I just couldn't find words to say. I didn't need to wait long, for he managed to say what needed to be said, he always finds a way to speak. He looked at me and flipped his hair from his face, his long brown hair fluttered before landing in place. The light from the window reflected off of him and made one side of his face darker.
"Were you scared?" he asked with hesitation being fought in his voice.
"Scared of what, the plane ride here?" I asked as I held his hand tighter, my soft palm pressing into his tone skin.
"Were you scared to see me, I mean... I knew by your body language, you were very nervous, but were you scared to meet me? Thinking that maybe I wasn't the same in person as you expected me to be?..." he snuffled in his own fire of questions and waited for me to respond with his large brown eyes begging.
"Fox, you're everything you ever were online, you are you. You didn't pretend to be better than what you are to me. You have always been yourself; you never needed to be anyone else but yourself for me to love you..." I said as a tear slipped down my face.
He sat there quietly and smiled at me, a tear seeped out and it looked so beautiful and unnatural on his face. I kissed the tear. It tasted salty.
I dropped my spoon into the empty bowl with a small tanging sound. Fox looked at me and smiled before he kissed me gently on the forehead and took my bowl to the sink. I followed him and watched as he briefly rinsed the bowl. His shirt shifted over his large frame, his body was so strong yet supple, and I hugged him around the waist. He held my hands tight to his stomach for a moment before turning to meet eyes with me and lifting me by my sides. I struggled for a foothold but could not find one, thus I wrapped my legs around his waist for support and he held me up. He used his hands to support me under my bum; I kissed him deeply and ran my hands through his hair as he ran his fingertips into my inner thighs. He pulled his mouth from mine and leaned his head to the side so he could see me better.
"So what do we do first? Cleaning the leaves out of the pool, or doing the laundry? He said with a sexy smile and his pointed tooth.
"Laundry first..." I said hesitantly, not knowing how Laundry is done in his household.
He set me down after another short kiss and guided me like a balloon to the laundry room. He instructed me to sort the laundry by colors and I began pulling out the whites and blacks from the colored fabrics. The small room stank of laundry soap and horse shit. I tossed a load of black clothing into the washer and he twisted the dials to his desire. He pulled he laundry out of the dryer, it seemed to belong to his sister, and scurried off with it down the hall. I followed and paused in the kitchen. He returned a moment or two later and smiled at me.
"That was an easy job, what's next?" I asked wanting to play in his pool.
"Did you bring a swimsuit?" He asked looking me up and down, trying to picture the body he had seen earlier that day.
I nodded shyly and my hair fell in my face gently, he brushed it away with his nose in a kiss and we scurried to his room, eager to redress in more appealing attire.