Eric, Milo, and Anne: Just Between Us Siblings
Milo dared to look back and managed a self-conscious smile.
Matchmaker: Watching Love Grow
As aidan happily took in the view, tiffany self-consciously moved one hand to a stocking.
I Love You Twice: Getting in Touch
Dave shrugged, looking a little self-conscious himself.
A New Look 2
Though this time he was a but... self conscious, not knowing what people would think of his more girlish appearance. he was sure a couple of people looked, maybe a bit confused, but he continued browsing the shops anyway.
A New Life Chapter 3: Surprise!!
For the first time since i had been bitten i was... self-conscious. i darted to the dresser and pulled out some clothing.
SINGULARITY : chapter 3 : what is happening!?
But he slowly put the weapon down, witnessing a feline monster, he was now self-conscious and regretted killing the furry, he looked sadly at the feline.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep09
Hazard asked the vixen, getting self-conscious by her staring at him so intently for so long. "oh! yeah, i'm good!
My Kitty Chapter 12
We both took off our shirts and i got a little self-conscious. "i'm fine, all that got wet was my head." abby shook her head. "abby, why don't you go downstairs and flirt with the big cats so i can ask mike and trevor a few questions?"
Chestnut and The Forest of Secrets Chapter 1
"serves him right," chestnut, chirped self-consciously, pawing his injured eye, "can't even see out of it!"
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wuff
Shuffling their foot on the ground self consciously. "sounds like a lot of fun!" he exclaimed and hugged the feline tightly. "w-what is-!"
You May Now Kick the Groom
She was starting to feel very self-conscious about showcasing their differences in front of this crowd. that was supposed to wait 'til tonight, when it was just them. "i said kiss, not kick!" cried the pastor, totally flabbergasted by the whole ordeal.
Farm Life
He had hesitated but in the end he had joined them nude and, he had been very self conscious at first. it hadn't taken him to long to get over it though. but it had bothered him.