Giving a Hypnotized Wolf a Bone
"but i'll give you one last chance to beg for your master to give you what you need..."
The Outsider | Chapter 4: Giving In
In that moment, albeit clouded by sexual desire, she decided to give herself to me. she reached down and while lifting her ass slightly, slid her panties down off her hips and to her thighs, where her skirt still remained.
Fun at Home: Giving and Taking
#3 of fun at home fun at home: giving and taking by rowyin darkwulf rowyin © me, mousey, makojin, and sandy © their players. standard disclaimer here... if you're under 18, go somewhere else....
The Gift That Just Keeps on Giving
Shaking his head and giving the figurine one last look, he headed back to his office to pick up where he had left off.
Just Give Me A Reason
That would definitely lead him on, and i give him a look, like; that isn't happening. but then he tells me how it helps the sound to be so much clearer. i close my eyes to give a testing listen. he doesn't move, knowing to give me my distance.
So why not give it a Lick?
The glaceon hopped off his lap, enough to give a reveal of his handiwork. a cage of ice had engulfed the humans semi-hard cock. very visible but surprisingly not that cold. smiling at his handwork, a cold paw pressed against it.
Mr. Giving’s Growing Problems
giving's growing problems by danath \* \* \* gerald giving tried to keep his head down and his tail tucked at work. he dressed modestly, usually wearing a neutral button-up shirt and black slacks.
Give a Man a Fish Sandwich
give a man a fish sandwich written by leo_todrius and trickster_d supported by my patrons"give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. but if you give a man a fish sandwich, you might get a wereotter boyfriend."
Sometimes we give up
I didn't want to give up, i had come so far, i had tried everything that i could...yet just hearing his voice again, made everything crumble, it made my 'rose' die.
To Give Chase Part 2
His phone gives him directions as chase pets over his exposed stomach. inside, dean holds his legs and presses his head against chase's pets.
Slave to a Sadist: Taking and Giving
Southstar's toes grazed the sandstone floor, barely able to gain purchase. He dangled, arms raised, from a heavy hook in the center of his Master's chamber. Rope intricately wove around and between his arms, binding them together tightly enough to make...
The Comfort A Friend Can Give
"give it to me," he quickly said, wanting to feel his lover inside him. he was more than willing to take whatever jacob could give him. "you are so fucking beautiful," he whispered to him.