The Dragon and the Princess
The dragon was casing out various kingdoms as he flew over, looking for a lovely princess to kidnap and take back to his lair.
Dragon Essence
With carefully wrapped and padded sandals, the young apprentice stole into the lair, approaching the sleeping dragon upon its hoard. the gold gleamed with an inner brilliance, amply illuminating the lair and the dragon that possessed both.
Tales of a changed earth chapter 7
The young dragon chuckled to herself flying to the lair. minutes later, the good dragons' lair. syrena walked to oblivions' area.
The Dark Lord of the Plushie Kingdom
Meanwhile... in the lair of the dark lord frinkel frinkel sat upon his throne in his secret lair. the throne looked suspiciously like a bean bag chair and the lair looked suspiciously like a normal jungle gym.
Chromatic Problems: Part 1
After collapsing from exhaustion, he'd been dragged off to the red's lair. his former lair, of course. though had been too oblivious from his exertion to even look around.
Master and Pet Reunited Long Version
They all rush to form a circle around the lair and there was about twenty dragons left that were outside and are going to invade the lair. ----------------------------------------- michael's story ----------------------------------------- as the master
Snowpearl and Tiamatus: Mateship flight
After a kiss, aurthur took off out of the lair and icer led him further back into the lair, and spaced along the walls were luminescent globes to light the way. the main chamber was nothing compared to the rest of the orphanage.
Dogesh Centum Doomday 3
Professor, i can get to the lizard lair from-" "-if any scale remains in the lizard lair, it will not tolerate your intrusion and you'll never make it to minor."
Forest Keep 36
But had apparently had set up their own lair in the midst of the stone keep of the humans as well! it was preposterous!
With a grunt, the dragon slowly lowered himself down to the ground at the mouth of his lair. "what happened, my friend?" the maiden asked. "just wiping the corrupted from the slate. " the dragon responded.
Vengeance of Sweet Blood- The Scheme
Her form barely visible with each flash as she sits scheming in her nest deep within her lair. memories of betrayal sting her psyche, tearing at the fabric that was her reality.
Fairin, the Dracat, Part1 Hatching.
Her mind trailed off thinking of finding his lair again and taking advantage of him.