Data Log 01
And as cornerian military code dictates i will be maintaining regular data log entries throughout my service onboard the galactica as we continue on our main mission and explore the vast space beyond the lylat system.
Gro++ - Part Two
And yet... as she lay there, her body still swollen, her pussy still vast and obscenely large, the bulbous orb of her clit resting exposed upon the carpet like a beach-ball, she still wanted more. not right now. not in that moment.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 4
Surrounded from the fierce denizens of the forest by vast white city walls that reached high into the sky, ataria was decorated in a style that reminded the cleric of mediaeval europe.
The whirring and hissing of motors suckling and drawing forth milk in vast quantities. the rustling of bodies in comfortable chairs.
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - V is for Virtual Reality
He had tried magic, he had tried calling down divine fire, he had tried every trick in the book from posing riddles to attempting to lure the vast, horned behemoth off the edge of the floating island.
Chapter 21 - Sacking of the Castle
Naar exclaimed as his eyes expanded at the vast store of information contained within those tomes. thanan smiled, "most of them are written in hylian script, so they will need to be translated.
Preserving the Balance
Just up the coast, directly bordering the tall, shining towers of the city, a vast stretch of land lay coated in blocks upon blocks of containers.
Scales and Honor- Swirling Storm: Chapter 8
The boy had explained to him, that in theory the spell would allow them to communicate over vast distances.
A Hard Day's Relief
Now that oni had turned, able to see the length of his boss, his friend and his lover's erection for what was far from the first time, he was able to revel in just how vast it was. so vast that mere imagination wasn't enough.
The ancient egypt (Story Commission)
Their real pain would be to make the over eight hundred meters journey through the vast tongue of a god.
Innocence of Youth
Must he journey to stars end and battle vast spiraling entities to secure his place. or must the child accept his own truth and be the man he wishes to be. we all must fight our own inner demons and conqueror the id.
Creation Story from The Song of Hannari
And the great truth grew vast and fecund, and its fecundity abounded that it would be as good soil. and from the great truth thus sprang the oak of hannari, the tree of ages as a gilt sapling.