Only In Florida...

"let's see, salamander, frog, gator, and komodo dragon. anthros. ok, that last one maybe isn't quite fit for the swamp, but you get the idea!"

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Iam a loner

A video showed canine, feline and dragon anthros at a room. tom watched his tv with a beer in his hand. "the reason they showed up at earth is because of tv signals from this planet.

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Shifting Consequences--Chapter 1: Magic Happens

For a while he was an anthropomorphic dragon. anthropomorphic animals are from dreams and old folklore. they are not realâ€"has this ever happened to anyone else?

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Deviant Delights #39 - My Mortal Life, Part II

They're just usually ones us dragon anthros use. 'dragon's breath', they call it. but you won't transform completely unless you want to continue. i'm only telling you this because rune will ask if you want to keep taking the medicine.

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Alien's New Toy - By Draconicon

Up close, he would have said that the reptile was a komodo dragon anthro or something, but that goo running out of his head ruled that out. robot? possible, but that was a new kind of fuel or coolant than he was used to seeing.

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Alien's New Toy

Up close, he would have said that the reptile was a komodo dragon anthro or something, but that goo running out of his head ruled that out. robot? possible, but that was a new kind of fuel or coolant than he was used to seeing.

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Chapter 13- Combat Drills . . .

"uh, is it normal for dragon anthros to not have an issue with hot materials?" tyco shrugged, but before he could vocalize an answer, another voice spoke up behind him. "for westerns maybe, but not for eastern dragons.

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A Change of Perspective Part 1

And as the dragon-anthro stood in front of him, rising to a towering 12 feet tall, he noted that the remaining members of the team had entered the warehouse.

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Give and Take

._ _my usual remark about this series: everything is accurate to the best of my knowledge and research, with the obvious exceptions of dragon/anthro anatomy, which is a mix of actual animal attributes and stuff i made up._  

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The Final Days of High School

Some of the avian and dragon anthros started flying, including myself, only i had sylvia hanging by her shoulders from my arms.

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Erotic Furry College Story | Chapter 1: Egg

Visible through the front windows, as well as exiting, were a myriad of dragon anthros.

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Deviant Delights #33 - How to Fly with Dragons

Everywhere he looked, dragon anthros flew back and forth. not a single one was any other species, but he had assumed that would be the case anyway. he knew if he were pride, he'd have everyone in his own image as well.

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