The Mouse's Plans 3
Staying within the system and staying without were the same if you were already ignored by it.
Treter: Entitened
He had completely ignored me and was only focusing to the sounds of mixture in his ears. it was as if he was entrance by them. like a spell almost.
Dragon's Pride 14
Though the dragons had known humans tended to be ignorant, this time it was too ignorant.
Ch 1: Not A Half Bad Half Brother
I remember staring at him for awhile, watching a little droplet of red form on some white whiskers underneath his eye where rita's ring had cut him when he was slapped... he ignored it just like he ignored me.
Chapter 8: To honor his life and the Zaga Saga.
He was clearly ignoring the human. "i'm sorry." ian couldn't stand being ignored by his friend. junes finally looked up. "sorry?!" the usually timid fox yelled. "do you think 'sorry' will fix it?!" he slammed his book on the desk and stood up.
Venturing: Gonna Dough
My ears flickered upon the new conversation that loomed the air, however i tried my best to ignore it while darting my eyes upon the surrounding establishment that was around me, doing my best to ignore everything including the talks.
Soaking One's Speedo
The former he ignored, while the latter he made sure to drag against.
Changes - Part 2.6
Ethan ignored charlie for the rest of class and charlie ignored him. when the bell rang to signal the end of 1st period, that was the end of it. now it was off to english, where charlie awaited his first contact with jack since last night.
Soaking One's Speedo
The former he ignored, while the latter he made sure to drag against.
The Last Ridge
ignoring the ache in his bones and the stiffness in his fur, and ignoring the desire to go back, he took another step - because this, he knew, was the last ridge.
What if... Chapter 1- Bad News
Making his way over the rainy roads, ignoring the bright, white flashes of lightning cleaving the dark heaven. his destination: tamra's house.
Writing Exercise 2: Suicide Aftermath
A young male commits suicide because his mother ignores him. who's at fault here but all parties.