Lykanpedia interactive introduction
"ahem as i was trying to say beforehand, this library was both funded and established by our humble patron jacob reaper and the elusive president overseeing the vast companies that contain his name, i believe it was nex."
Prologue: Dark Days
In the distance of space, a silver shooting star flashes across the vast trek of space, and then blacks out...
Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-two
In truth, he was just eating as much as he had been before the fight, but that was a vast improvement over where he had been... if only his feet would heal now...
Together, Soaring - by Jeeves
And still, as steaming, intermingled juices rained down behind them, their inner temperatures skyrocketed, driving the heights of their pleasure to ever more vast, scorching extremes. by jeeves
Story Request #3 - sexywhitetiger
Zareth managed, a tingling sensation sweeping across the vast expanse of his body, "so... _good_!"
[QC-39] Portable Habitation
This place is called the vast emerald woods; vast is key to the title and as far as i'm concerned it's sacred grounds, as it is in the foothills of the cradle of dalon." "what about stuff like rabbits or deer? am i allowed to hunt them of i so desire?"
Centaurus Chapter 21
It was the vast, mind bogglingy huge, gaped pussy of a slime girl, far larger than its previous incarnation, and the two vast tubes to either side? they were the mind breakingly large thighs of said slime girl.
Chapter Five: Look to the Sky
A new, thunderous sound echoed from above the newly isolated tel'nase, the vast fortress-city covered with scorch marks, cracks in walls or towers had one more loss to suffer.
Scales and Honor- Night Rising: Chapter 9
The large doors cracked open to reveal the a vast landscape of trees, grass, and the shining sun. she blinked her eyes, striding carefully into the place.
Fireflies and Moonlight
The train slowed more and more and the vast station was sliding into view. blue light spilled down the vast steps and ramps, the moon coloring everything in its cool hue.
Overcasting Shorts 4 - Greater Yearning
The imperial city drew nearer and nearer to the vast cave of katia's sex and was then overtaken by it.
Burrowing through the endless thick masses of silky feathers, against the vast, powerful chest of his master, held up by absent-mindedly by a large avian claw as he cuddled the living wall of fluff in front of him.