My Breakfast with Androcles - Epilogue
"well, by 'us' i mean anthros, or anthro alley! well, yeah, _us_!" conroy giggled and nudged mustang forward, causing him to fall over onto the reclining lion.
Blur of Humanity: Friend's Night Out Part 1
A pair of rubberclad anthros, they appeared to look very similar to jackals in appearance, walked uniformly down the street until they neared the orgy pile of anthros near a bonfire.
Monster Manifest
**leoman** - anthropomorphic lion people. **liontaur** - proud, anthropomorphic lions, but from the waist down, they have the body of a large, feral lion up to its neck. **minotaur** - anthropomorphic bovines. hooves, horns, usually vegetarian.
Mating Season: Male bonding
The wolf breathed in, sampling the pure scent of the anthro dog's masculinity.
Rescue went wrong!
The lower ending of the black boots that anthropomorphic creature was wearing.
My Breakfast with Androcles - Chapter One: Intros and Interviews
But the aclu quickly jumped all over the constitutionality of that, and the rift between pro-anthro and the anti-anthro groups got bigger.
The Scaled Ponies [CM]
Then, as the old anthro stepped inside the anthros outside slowly shut the doors behind them, a loud wooden scraping coming from the other side.
Team Argos, Meanwhile 2
Later on in the same broadcast "...the rioting anthros were stopped by the megacorp's riot police. several hundred anthros were incarcerated with charges of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and others."
The anthros fell into position instantly. the anthros with spears holding them out waiting for the chance to sink them into the flesh of the enemy. the boy watched as the other two rows of anthro all got onto a knee and had their paws onto the ground.
Horny Centerpiece
anthros... watching!
Origin of the FinalGamer 1 - Collision With Fate
Wars broke out, and anthros became their own society outcast from the others, with the odd romeo and juliet situations here and there between anthros and humans.
Running the Naked Mile
In a very conservative midwestern state, anthros were heavily discriminated against. although anthros were nudists, the anthros that lived here were forced to wear clothes if they wanted service at most places.