Belial: Two-Headed Monster

Oh how she had hated the chains, the humiliation, of being captured, bound, and eventually altered by creatures who were by birthright hers to play with as she liked.

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Better Than Shiny Objects

Not birthrights. but blessings. and i humbly give my gratitude. lest i be made arrogant. lest i get greedy or selfish. thank you for mortimer. i care about him deeply. he shares more than my bed and body. but my heart and soul.

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Zendao Bios (unfinished novel idea)

Naturally sneered at his suggestion, believing him to be stupid enough not to be listened to, but they humored him and, with the shogunate's approval, agreed to the terms of the challenge; they were all soundly trounced by him, and were forced to acknowledge his birthright

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Big, Bad, and Oh-So-Wolfie, Chapter 1

With a derisive snort, wolfie turned to face the human, unashamed of his nudity, his erection already hardening once more with the bestial stamina that was his birthright.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirty-two

Despite all his loud complaints that the rest of us were trying to deprive him of his fleshy birthright, the livid red marks on his belly were testament to a healthily growing frame. i looked sidelong at pink nose though.

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Legacy Chapter Twenty Seven

Seeing anew the child who had been robbed of his birthright, midnight felt a need to reach out to kato, to help him understand who and what he was supposed to be.

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Starting a Game of Hyde and Seek

Heretofore nonexistent or simply unmodified bones stretched out to grant her her birthright. the wind tore at them and she was suddenly watching the two men disappearing into the darkness. she wasn't flying, but her increased rag was slowing her down.

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I believe that the importance of the role of superiority, whether given through birthright or achieved through some strange depths, is to put aside the arrogant mindset that either makes them better than the other.

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Keema's Adventure: New Beginnings

Everyone bowed down, paying respects to her birthright as dragonborn, including the guards. keema didn't want to be revered though, she just wanted to live a normal life like she used to with the companions.

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A Soft, Soft Night

It was simply my birthright. it was there. you know?" a pause. "i never understood what it was like to live without it ... to be separate from it." a breath. "now, i do," he whispered, and he looked to her. his mate. his love.

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This was my heritage, my birthright, my place. i was finally learning exactly what being alive meant. i could feel fire in my blood, and a light in my soul. and then... then came the kill.

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