Hypnovember - Day 30: Inmobility
Until he finally gave up his hope of reaching climax and enjoyed in silence being used by his owner. his rough touch became the only comfort he could experience in that hell.
Ritoyami Story 3 - The Slut of the Wilds
Ritoyami was simply a breeding tool to be used to slake the burning need which coursed throughout the round orbs slamming hard into the underside of the younger man's beak.
Ben Blubberball - Expanded edition
If i was fat enough i wouldn't be able to see myself being used anyway.
Six Paths - Prelude Part 2
Just a note - i will be using "" and \<\> for dialog.
"these will be used when speaking in english" or
"luno. suni sua ono" runga that isn't translated.
Retsuko's Valentine's Day
There was something extra arousing about watching haida being used by guys that were smaller than him physically while still having bigger cocks than himself. haida's moans continued to grow louder from being used from both ends.
Altair Ref Sheet 2.0
In "sub mode", the mouth piece becomes a hollow dildo gag/gas mask opening hybrid that silences hir, and can be used for either hose attachments or forced oral. in "dom mode". it simply acts normal.
The primary elements
Can't be used defensively save boosting speed and dodging. **yellow** **primary use:** summons an arc of ligning with which to strike at enemies.
Cream Filled Kitty
This story features psy chuan character, which is being used with permission and is based on an image by agro antirrhopus which again is being used with permission.
slavery plain and simple: captured
"oh no, my kitty bitch i need to teach you what you are going to be used for the rest of your life as." the slaver then picked him up and dragged him to his tent and thru him in and quickly thru off his pants and shredded rexes clothes him second.
The King's Company: Chapter One: Our Journey Begins!
Val sat there for a moment, before shrugging, "thank you, your strength is impressive, and i'm sure it'll be useful in the time ahead, but please, call me val." rengar laughed, flexing his shoulders a bit.
New Recruit
He'd been told the wall could be used as a screen. he still hadn't yet met scrapheap, the dalmatian who refurbished the place. he missed people, despite how his powers made him feel around them.
A Mega-Dragon's Toy
The latch on my cage was designed to let me open it if i wanted to leave, but i actually enjoyed coming over for a weekend now and then to be used as a toy to a dragon of his size; and i was aroused by him as he was by me.