Project Radikal Chp. 5 - The Warning.
"there's a carnival here wednesday that goes until sunday. maybe we can go there" "yeah, sounds fun." tugging on his paw before getting into my car and, revving up my engine.
Polar Fair
As we finish counting a red light flies into the sky, far away from the carnival. the light explodes in the sky, bursting into shining shards. a new flash ignites the sky in blue, then green, creating a smile over the stars.
Polar Fair
As we finish counting a red light flies into the sky, far away from the carnival. the light explodes in the sky, bursting into shining shards. a new flash ignites the sky in blue, then green, creating a smile over the stars.
A Magical Halloween
After that, the carnival finally began to close and people headed home. feral was carrying his little queen in his arms. callista was exhausted and could barely keep her eyes open.
Am I Supposed to Call This Home? Chapter 1
Oh so healthy and not-at-all overpriced carnival food. a giant corn dog for her, a grease-soaked slab of canadian bacon & pineapple pizza, plus huge cups of soda for each.
A carnival was the last place to try and roll somebody and roxy wasn't the violent type to begin with - but fucking someone to get what she wanted? that was most definitely inside the realm of possibility. anything for that fizzy drink.
The Whistler - Preview
If you listened close enough, you could hear the faint sound of carnival music being played. "all you have to do is close your eyes and jump down into the fountain." the whistler picked up the kitten and dropped her into the tunnel.
All-Time High S1E5
What about the carnival? do you like amusement parks?" asked kyle. "what are you up to? this isn't so you can grab my flab in return is it?" questioned kelly.
The Rats Underground
I hope i didn't hurt his feelings or something i thought strolling up to the broken fence leading to the carnival. it was like any other carnival. a real big wheel on the outside with smaller yellow and purple striped huts for vendors and entertainment.
The Long Road Home - Chapter 1
# Chapter 1: . . . And a Criminal "That was At War With the World, an oldie by Foreigner from their self-titled debut album, Foreigner. And, it is that time of the hour again, and we'll head on over to Alicia at the 98.5FM Weather Channel weather...
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Destiny's Way: Chapter 2.5: A Day in the Life of Volcorona:
As the sun reached its highest point over the carnival that was the volcorona guild hall, the flap of the tent that served as volcorona's office opened, with a riolu, zorua, eevee, pupitar, and axew stepping in, nervous. "hello team storm.
Personal Space
Elizabeth hated the carnivals.